Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, April 24, 2023
Morning Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on April 9, 2023 - Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ
And It Will Be by the Splendorous Power of My Flame of Love That Then This Great Victory Will Finally Take Place and Satan Will Be Crushed

(Blessed Mary): "My children, today, as you contemplate the definitive victory of My son Jesus over sin, Hell and death, I come to you again as the joyful Mother of Redemption and Resurrection.
Yes, My son Jesus, at dawn this day entered the place where I was praying and watching waiting for His Resurrection. He embraced Me, Our two Hearts merged into one mystical Flame of Love. And then, completely immersed and inserted in Him, all covered, all enveloped by His glory, I had in My Immaculate Heart such an accidental and mystical joy that from one moment to the next all My bitterness caused by the Passion was transformed into the radiant and luminous joy of the Resurrection.
Then, all of Hell trembled and shaken could contemplate My greatest maternal victory with My risen son Jesus. Since then, I am the joyful Mother of Redemption, who has crushed with My Divine Son Jesus Christ all the power of Hell, and evil no longer has the last word on the life of any man unless he himself gives Hell and evil such power, such lordship.
And for everyone who truly believes in My risen son Jesus, for everyone who also loves Me as His Mother, the victory will always be of Our love, of Our grace and of good.
Therefore, I invite you all today to turn your gaze to My risen son Jesus and also to Me who with My pains has conquered evil and hell.
I am the victorious Queen of the world! I am the Victorious Queen of Love!
I am the victorious Queen of Love, for it was through the love of My son Jesus that He conquered the world. Love one another as I have loved you. And having been in the world I have loved you to the end.
Yes, the victory of My son Jesus this day is the victory of Love. There is no greater love than the one who gives his life for his friends. With this love My son Jesus has loved you all, with this Love He has conquered Hell and it will be by the power of Love that He will triumph again in this world completely destroying the action of Satan. Who now works tirelessly to lead the whole world into rebellion against the Lord and His Law of Love and it will be by the way of Love that he will be definitively crushed.
Love one another as I have loved you. Yes, He loved everyone to the end and it was His love that brought down to the ground the Infernal Empire, a kingdom of hatred, of discord, of evil, of enmity, of war, of malice.
It is by the power of love that this world will finally be liberated from all satanic power, and then all war, all discord, all enmity, all malice will finally be destroyed and disappear from the bosom of humanity.
And it will be by the splendorous power of My flame of love that then this great victory will finally take place and Satan will be crushed. So, trust and hope, let discouragement never take hold of your hearts.
Persevere for yet a time, two times, three times, and seven times more. And then, My children, My Immaculate Heart will reward with victory all your obedience to My messages. And then, My Immaculate Heart will show to the whole world the strength of the merciful love of My son Jesus and of My Heart.
Continue praying the Rosary every day, because through this prayer Satan will again be crushed. Just as by the Cross that was despised, that was considered vile at that time, Hell was destroyed and crushed. So also by the prayer of My Rosary that Satan and the wicked men of this time consider contemptible and a worthless prayer, My Immaculate Heart will triumph and the world will be transformed.
My little son Marcos, today is also a very important day for you, because just like My son Jesus being obedient and docile to the Father and always saying yes to his will. Just as I, by My yes and by My obedience to the Father, Jesus and I saved the world. So too, by your yes given, renewed, reiterated, confirmed and reconfirmed for 32 years already, the grace of spiritual resurrection has happened in the lives of so many of My children and will happen again soon prodigiously in the whole world.
Thanks to your faithfulness, your obedience and perseverance the whole world will resurrect to love and for love. Therefore, you must continue forward on the path I have indicated to you together with the Father I have given you.
Yes, you and he should be the great force that will lead the whole world to conversion and to total consecration to My Immaculate Heart and to the Heart of My son Jesus, which means: total life in God.
For this, together you must beat your two hearts, together you must think, you must feel, you must speak, you must love each other and love all mankind. And with Me you must intercede, struggle, work, suffer, offer for the salvation of mankind, so that then together we can trump.
There should be neither difference, nor dissonance, nor discrepancies. Between the two of you there should not even be fear, shame. There should be nothing, no feeling that disunites or separates them, only trust, love, and total, total similarity between the two, total unity.
In this way, My flame of love can then act and manifest itself for the salvation of so many of My children. You must continue forward on the road I have pointed out to you for the fulfillment of all that I began at La Salette and must bring to full completion here. And just as My son Maximino and his father were very united, united to the end, so too, you two must be for the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Therefore, you must tell your father Carlos Thaddeus how Maximino and his father were, as was also My well-loved son Carlo Acquaviva. So that then, living this way, father and son can be one in love. Then truly My flame of love will burst forth mightily and from this place will emanate grace to the whole world.
Thanks to your yes your father Carlos Tadeu had a spiritual rebirth and even more will have and in it will grow walking with you and becoming one merging in My flame of love.
So also by your yes these children whom I have called to dedicate and consecrate their lives completely to Me could be reborn and become new persons, new creatures for the glory of God. And the more they unite themselves to you the more this flame of love of Mine they will know, feel and grow in.
Everything will depend, of course, on each one's desire and will. And the more they desire, want and unite themselves to you, the more they will grow in this flame of love.
In the same way, the more My children throughout the world want to, the more docile they are, the more they allow themselves to be guided by you, by you, the more they will grow in My flame of love, and in them I will live with My son Jesus.
To you, My son, who with your yes has produced the spiritual resurrection in so many of My children, just as I and My son Jesus with our yes have produced the Redemption, I bless you generously today.
And I also bless you, My beloved son Carlos Tadeu, when you gave your "yes" exactly on an Easter Sunday like today, here on this altar, accepting to be the father of My son Marcos. In that yes your great resurrection began, your great rebirth, and in it the resurrection and rebirth of so many of My children.
Now, you must truly grow in this mystical union with the son I have given you, you must grow in human union, you must grow in psychological union, not only in prayer. So that then, truly the two minds think the same thing, the two hearts feel the same thing, the two bodies feel and do the same thing, the two mouths speak the same thing on the same level.
And so, the two of them, can truly be one as we were one, My son Jesus and I, as My son Jesus was one with Me and I was one with Him.
Then, our flame of love will triumph and no one will have power against us. Then the whole world will know the new age of grace and love, holiness and love for God that I eagerly prepare with My own motherly hands.
To you My beloved children and to all who are here I bless generously now: from Nazareth, from Lourdes and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives there I will be alive carrying the great graces of the Lord.
I will return with My son Jesus, I will also return with My daughter Leah at the end of the day to again bless My children.
I bless you all again so that you may be happy, especially you My little son Marcos, in whose heart spiritually I always live.
I return now to the interior of your heart where I dwell with love."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
See also...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí