Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, April 21, 2023
Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on April 7, 2023 - Friday of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
I Am the True Co-Redemptrix of Humanity, with My Sufferings, with My Pain United to That of My Son Jesus I Repaired the Sin of Pride and Disobedience of the First Woman and My Son Repaired the Sin of the First Man

(Blessed Mary): "My children, today, as you contemplate My greatest pain on Calvary's heights, next to My son Jesus who agonizes and dies for the salvation of all of you, I come again from Heaven to tell you:
I am the Sorrowful Virgin, I suffer, I have suffered for the sufferings of My son. I also suffer for the sufferings of all My children.
I am the Sorrowful Mother who suffers because of the great punishments that this humanity has deserved and that are on the way for several nations that will simply disappear from the face of the earth when they happen.
I am your Sorrowful Mother, and just as I stood beside My son Jesus on the way to Calvary and on the Cross I stand beside each of you My children, to help you carry the cross.
I am here as I was beside My son Jesus, to give you the strength to carry the cross each day, to fulfill the mission that the Father has for each one, to help you to suffer with Me, to pray and to offer sacrifices for the salvation of so many souls, who are in danger of eternal damnation.
I have been here for 32 years to be the Mother, the Teacher, the Guide, the Conductor of all My children, to guide them along the right path that leads to Heaven, which is the same path that My son Jesus took, that passes through the cross, yes, but arrives in the resurrection, in glory, in eternal victory.
I am here to be for all of you a comforting Mother, refuge, support, love and peace in the midst of a world where love, peace, concord have simply disappeared and only Satan reigns with wars, violence, discord, and sin everywhere.
I am here to be for all of you the bright star, the shining Sun that leads and guides all of you in the midst of the dense darkness that now descends upon the world, that guides all of you to Heaven, to Paradise, to God.
I contemplated My Son dying on the Cross, I contemplated His blood being shed for the salvation of you, My children. And as Mother and Co-redemptrix I united My Tears of Blood with the blood of My Son, to offer to the father for the Redemption of all humanity.
I am the true Co-redemptrix of humanity, with My sufferings, with My pain united to that of My son Jesus I repaired the sin of pride and disobedience of the first Woman and My son repaired the sin of the first Man.
And together we were able to offer the Father the pleasing sacrifice: of love, of obedience, of praise, of submission that truly obtained from the Father the forgiveness for the entire human race, for all humanity.
That is why I am truly Mother and Co-redemptrix of all humanity, that is why, now in these times, I lean over this poor humanity corroded by the wound of sin spread everywhere.
I look upon this poor humanity bruised and wounded by wars, by discord, by disunity, by lack of love, by violence that explodes from all sides taking so many lives, many innocent, to heal it, to close these wounds. And to give this poor humanity the medicine it needs to find its salvation: the medicine of prayer, of conversion, of penance, of love for God.
That is why I have been here for so many years, to heal this humanity, and I am going to heal it, through My little son Marcos Thaddeus, who united to the father that I have given him, will finally accomplish the greatest triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Yes, My son Marcos, you will accomplish this triumph, so you must work, work, work... to not only make the greatest Shrine for Me, but also to conquer all souls for Me. Therefore, you must speak, speak, speak... work, work, work tirelessly to save the souls of the whole world.
Yes, I made your heart grow and expand to the point where it could fit all the souls in the whole world, fit the whole world. That is why your mission is with all nations, with all humanity, with all peoples.
Yes, you shall speak to all of them to Me, through Me and from Me, and you shall bring all of them to Me, so that through Me I may bring them to Heaven, to God.
Yes, you shall speak to all the nations, spread My messages to all the nations, and work tirelessly to convert them all and bring them all to My Heart.
Yes, the children who do not know Me yet and do not know My son Jesus are billions! And to these billions you will speak, you will take My word, you will bring them all to Me, teach them to pray, to love God, to love Me perfectly and to seek Heaven above all things together with the father I have given you.
For this, you two will speak, you two will work, you two will bring the whole world to My Heart. Thus My Immaculate Heart will triumph, and then all nations will recognize Me as their Queen, their Mother, their Lady, Empress. Then, the Lady of all Nations, who in the beginning was Mary of Nazareth and of Sorrows at the foot of the Cross, will finally be recognized, loved and praised, and will give peace to the world.
Yes, I will then bless the world with peace and reign in all hearts. Then there will never again be fear, nor fear of tomorrow, because in all hearts there will be only the Woman clothed with the Sun. The one at the beginning was Mary, Mary of Nazareth, Mary of Nazareth and of Sorrows, and now She is Queen and Messenger of Peace, Lady of all Peoples living and reigning in them together with My son Jesus.
Therefore, My son, you must work, work and work tirelessly to raise here in this place My Shrine with all the necessary works. So that My children will always remain here in prayer, learning true love for God, true love for Me. And consoling Me with their love, with their prayer, with their docility, with their loving attention as My daughter Saint Magdalene had: remaining always attentive, loving, listening meekly to My word and the word of My son Jesus at our feet.
Yes, you must raise all this, you must do all this, and you must undertake every work, every business and effort, so that this may be realized and come to pass. And along with you the father I have given you who in all these cases will be guardian angel to you, will be light, will be support in your weariness, will be shelter and refuge in your loneliness, will be wisdom and light in moments of decision. And at all times it will be one heart with you, doing great works in My praise and in praise of My son Jesus.
Also, the beloved children whom I have chosen and called to dedicate their lives with you here will also help, each in his or her own measure, to realize all these divine designs, all these divine plans laid out for you.
Through you finally all My Apparitions will be crowned with victory and My Immaculate Heart will triumph. Then at last the fruit of the copious redemption will be seen and will shine on the entire face of the earth transforming all mankind into the garden of holiness, of love, of obedience to the Most Holy Trinity and of beauty perfectly reflecting My own immaculate beauty.
And together with the father I have given you these works will all be fulfilled, and finally, what I said so many years ago will be fulfilled, that this place will be the great spiritual pole that will attract all the souls of the whole earth. And here they will finally know My motherly love, they will know the love of My son Jesus, and they will finally give us their hearts, We will triumph in them, and Satan will finally be defeated and precipitated into the hellish chains from which he can no longer come out.
And that is why, My beloved son, you must continue in the direction I have pointed you in the private messages I have given you, doing tuto, everything I have told you and listening to no voice contrary to Mine, no whisper, no suspicious whisper that tells you to do otherwise.
Listen only to Me, fix your gaze and your heart only on what I tell you here. What I tell you is enough for you, you don't need to hear anything that comes from anywhere else, I am enough Teacher, Mother and Guide for you. And together with Me you are also sufficiently counselor, father, friend and also protector, master the father I have given you.
Thus united the three of us nothing can stop us and together we will lead all My children to salvation and the victory of My Immaculate Heart. Yes, I welcome the meditated Rosary 358 that you recorded and made for Me and offered all day today for your father Carlos Tadeu, who is the one you love most on earth and also these My children who are here.
On your father Carlos Tadeu I now pour 9,728,000 (Nine million, seven hundred and twenty-eight thousand) blessings. And for My children who are here I now give 19,000 special blessings, which they will receive again on September 15th, Feast of My Sorrows.
Thus, I transform their merits that are so great into super abundant graces to pour on My children, in order to realize in them the efficacious graces of My flame of love.
My little son Carlos Tadeu, thank you so much for having come facing so much distance and fatigue to be here. You have already removed 39,000 thorns stuck in My immaculate Heart by mankind. You give Me immense consolation, thank you for having come, upon you today I pour out copious graces of My motherly love.
You were chosen for your justice, for your inner goodness, for your docility to My voice.
You were chosen for your honesty; you were chosen because in you I found solid virtues to be suitable for the great mission I have reserved for you, together with the son I gave you.
Yes, you must, My son, unite yourself more and more with the son I have given you, so that just as happened to Elijah and Elisha, you too can receive the superabundant graces I have given to the son I made to be your son. And through him I can also realize in you, in you the great graces of My maternal love and of the Heart of My son Jesus.
Yes, unite yourself more and more to him, do what he asks you to do, listen to him so that your union will grow more and more. And so, we will accomplish the grand plan of salvation that the Father has to accomplish not only in this great nation, but in all of those on Earth through you, through you especially.
Yes, now is the time to speak, to announce, there is still time to save many souls. As long as a certain number of souls are not saved. As long as certain steps are not taken My Triumph cannot happen. So you and the son I have given you work, work, work to save all souls and bring them to Me, to bring the elect to My Heart.
I am with you My beloved son, My pride for you only grows every day and at this moment I stretch My hands over you to bless you now.
And to all My children I ask: Pray the Rosary every day, pray the Rosary of My Tears, because whoever prays it will truly have My presence with the Angels and the Saints at the moment of death to lead their souls to Heaven. And in all their pains, in all their weeping in this valley of tears I will be the Mother, the Comforter, and the sure refuge.
May you pray the Rosary of Tears #28 for four days in a row.
May you pray the meditated Rosary No. 358 for 4 days in a row and give it to two of My children who do not know Me.
I bless you all with love now: from Nazareth, from Jerusalem, and from Jacareí."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
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