Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Morning and Evening Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on March 5, 2023
My Flame of Love Seeks Collaborators, Souls Who Can Take It to the Cold and Lukewarm Souls to Warm Them and Set Them Ablaze in the Fire of My Maternal Love

(Blessed Mary): "My children, again I call everyone to conversion!
Modify your lives, each one leave your evil ways and turn your heart to the Lord.
In this holy time you must leave behind everything that until today keeps you from My son and prevents you from being completely his.
My flame of love seeks My children, calls out to all of them, calls out their names incessantly.
My flame of love seeks out My children, calls out to all of them, calls out their names incessantly.
My flame of love wishes to manifest itself with all its power now in the whole world. And that is why I seek new apostles, souls full of love and forgetful of themselves, dead to the world and who have despised everything that this world offers as a good and as glory, souls who think only of God, of His glory, of the triumph of My heart, of the glory of My heart.
Souls that consume themselves night and day for the salvation of souls, helping Me in prayer, helping Me in sacrifice, and also making My messages known to all My children. Only through such souls can My flame of love triumph.
Thus, My flame of love will bring down to the ground the flame of the enemy, which is that of hatred, of war, of passions, and of sin. And then this world can be renewed by the new miracle of the Holy Spirit's love.
Give Me your complete yes, that is, obey docilely My voice, My messages. Let yourself be formed, guided, and led by Me, so that then My flame of love will transform you into the mighty apostles of My Heart.
Only when you make the journey into yourselves and seek Me, seek My flame of love within your hearts through deep prayer with your heart, will you be able to find Me and feel My flame of love. So: Pray, pray, pray!
Continue to pray My Rosary every day!
Pray the Rosary of Tears with fervor so that through the meditation of all that I have suffered for each one, each one will feel the true gratitude and the true flame of love in the heart for Me and for My son Jesus.
To all I bless with love: from Lourdes, from Pontmain and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "My children, again I call you to fight with Me for the triumph of My flame of love in the world.
The battle between Me and My enemy will become even more fierce and arduous. He advances with his army, controlling everything and enveloping everything in his dark smoke of darkness.
He advances destroying families, youth, and even childhood, destroying souls consecrated to God, leading them to relax, to apostasy, and to compromise with worldly things.
In short, Satan's darkness envelops and destroys the entire universe. And meanwhile, you remain trapped in your passions, desires, and personal plans.
Satan advances destroying everything, and you remain indifferent, not understanding that without God there will be no future for you, no future for humanity.
Therefore, you must decide now once and for all for God and for the Lord's plan of salvation, dedicating your lives to help Me save souls and bring them back to God.
You must not lose a single day, so My children: Go and spread My messages to the souls, don't be discouraged now, because many innocent souls can still be saved among the multitude of guilty ones.
Yes, some lambs can be saved in the midst of the packs of so many wolves that exist today. Therefore, My children, do not stop spreading My messages even for an instant, and work tirelessly for the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
My flame of love seeks collaborators, souls who can take it to the cold and lukewarm souls to warm them and set them ablaze in the fire of My maternal love. So, little children, open your hearts, desire My flame of love, ask for it, seek it, and place it within you, making it grow day by day: through more prayers, more sacrifices, and more works of love for My Immaculate Heart.
I will work with you to the extent that you work with Me, and the more you dedicate yourselves to Me, the more I will act through you and act for you and for your salvation.
My flame of love has been hindered in many nations and in many hearts because souls filled with human, worldly, and earthly passions have not welcomed My flame of love that is incompatible with the flame of human passions.
Only when the flame of human passions leaves the hearts can My flame of love enter. So My children, renounce all that so that My flame of love can truly act powerfully in you and among you.
There is no more time, the peace of the world hangs by a thread, the salvation of many souls hangs by a thread. The punishments pre announced by Me at La Salette, at La Codosera, at El Escorial, at Ezquioga and in so many places until I arrived here, these punishments are also hanging by a thread from falling on humanity.
Therefore, My children, heed the call of My Immaculate Heart. Pray, pray as much as possible now.
Pray the Hour of Peace #38 for 3 days in a row, and the meditated Rosary of Mercy #64 for 4 days in a row, to help Me ward off certain punishments, and to bring about the conversion of sinners.
I bless you all now with love, especially you My little son Marcos. You have offered for Me all day today the merits of the meditated Rosary Nº 225. You offered it for your father Carlos Thaddeus, for those who are here, and for two people in particular.
Very well, I now pour over your father Carlos Tadeu 3,128,000 (Three million, one hundred and twenty-eight thousand) blessings. On My children who are here I now pour 348 blessings, and on the two people you asked Me for, the same amount.
In this way, I transform the merits of your works of love into streams of blessings and graces to pour on My children.
Be grateful, correspond to such a grace of love by giving Me works of love and a yes of love.
I bless you all now from Lourdes, from Pellevoisim and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives there I will be alive carrying the great graces of the Lord.
Wherever one of these Medals of Peace and the Heart of St. Joseph, wherever one of these Scapulars of mine arrive, there I will be pouring out My grace and the Angel Leniel will be pouring out graces of healing and protection upon My children.
Now that hearts have finished hardening and cooling off by losing their love for God, My Immaculate Heart is calling all My children to accept My Flame of love which is the only hope of mankind.
And what is My Flame of Love now? How will it communicate itself to My children?
Through the new means of communication that My little son Marcos has made for Me, where not only the films of My Apparitions, the Life of the Saints and the Hours of Prayer will be gathered, but mainly the film of My Tears, which have the power to overthrow the Infernal Empire and transform the greatest sinner into a Saint.
Let My children make all this known to the whole world, especially My Tears and the Tears of My son. So that then, hearts of stone can be touched and finally be able to accept My flame of love.
To all again I bless you to be happy and I leave My peace!"
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Video of the Morning Apparition
Video of the Evening Apparition
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
See also...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes
The Apparition of Our Lady at Pellevoisin
The Apparition of Our Lady at Pontmain