Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Apparition and Message of Our Lady on February 12, 2023 - Morning and Evening - Anniversary of the Seer Marcos Tadeu and Saint Jude Tadeu
The World Has No Peace, Because Your Hearts Have No Peace. Without Prayer, Peace Is Impossible

(Blessed Mary): "My children, today again I come to call you to prayer. Pray My children, pray for the peace of the world.
The world has no peace, because your hearts have no peace. Without prayer, peace is impossible.
So, seek the peace of prayer, pray, open your hearts, and then I will give My peace to all of you. And then, every disturbance that comes from the enemy, that comes from evil, will leave your hearts, and you will feel the true joy that I have been coming here to offer you every day for so long.
Only by prayer, you can obtain the graces you desire.
Only through prayer, can you possess the virtues you desire.
Only by prayer, can you drive out all evil from yourselves and from the world. When you pray, your souls are filled with peace. And then, you can think with more clarity and light, and thus have more wisdom. And then you can solve all your problems according to God's will, and the work will go better, the problems will be solved in a better way.
I came here in Lourdes to call all My children to prayer, which is what is lacking in the world. That is why today there are so many wars, so many conflicts, so much violence, there is so much suffering in the world.
With prayer you will diminish suffering.
With prayer you will make peace reign in the world.
You can transform the world into a wonderful Paradise, it all depends on you, on whether you pray or not.
If you pray, from your heart My peace will radiate to the whole world. And then, the hearts full of hatred, of disturbances, of worries, of bitterness, of despair and suffering will be filled with peace.
And so, joy, peace, harmony will reign among men. Take the Rosary, pray it, pray the Rosary, with it you will be able to solve all your personal, family and world problems.
When in Brazil there are at least 30 million families praying My Rosary every day, the Rosary, Brazil will finally have peace. So, pray and spread this message of peace.
My dear son Marcos, congratulations on your birthday!
Today, once again I thank you for your yes, for all your life given and dedicated to Me. Thanks to you My name is now known all over the earth, in all nations practically. And so many of My children who didn't know Me, now feel My love, feel My peace.
You cannot even imagine the number of souls, of people all over the world who, thanks to your yes, who thanks to everything you did and do for Me, were in the power of My enemy, and have been set free.
How many of them had no peace and now have it, how many of them were carrying heavy crosses and great suffering. And they were helped, they were relieved, and today they live in peace, in the peace of My Immaculate Heart, and all this thanks to you.
My enemy has lost a lot of ground thanks to your yes, thanks to your life completely dedicated to Me. And he will lose even more ground, because I know that you will continue.
Onward My son, onward helping the suffering souls to find My peace. Go forward, freeing all of them from the evil that torments them so that they can be truly free and happy in My love, in My heart.
All Heaven rejoices today for the feast of your birth. And I too rejoice, because you have always been yes to My Heart, yes to all the plans of love that My son Jesus and I have made for you, and you have corresponded and I know that you will correspond much more. That is why My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Thanks to your yes, regardless of whether men listen to Me or not, My Heart will triumph. It will triumph because you will persevere, it will triumph because you will be faithful until the end, it will triumph because of your yes which is guaranteed to be an eternal yes to My Heart.
Therefore, Satan is already defeated, evil is already defeated, because by your faithful, eternal yes, My victory is and has already been assured.
So now I bless you with love, and all My children present here: from Lourdes, from Fatima, and from Jacareí. Peace!"
(Blessed Mary): "Dear children, today as you continue to celebrate My Apparitions in Lourdes, I come again from Heaven to tell you:
I am a deiform creature, as My son Marcos always says, that is, God-like, deiform, deified, similar to the Lord in His perfection, in His holiness, in His beauty and in His glory different from Him only in nature, but deiform.
Yes, I am the perfect humanity realized in God, I am the new creation recreated by the Lord. In Me the Lord has recreated everything, all things, recreated the whole creation, as My little son Marcos says. So, truly, I am called the new Eve, the new creation, the Lord's new world, his second and new Paradise.
And united with My son I collaborate in the work of the Redemption of humanity by helping My son Jesus to renew and recreate all things. Therefore, with My yes I helped in the re-creation of the whole Universe destroyed by sin.
Through that yes came salvation, through salvation, through redemption all things were recreated in Christ. Therefore, here where I appear and also in Lourdes I came to recreate all humanity destroyed and devastated by sins and vices.
That is why, both here and in Lourdes, the bodies of the sick healed by Me have their organs recreated, their vital functions recreated and restored perfectly. By this I demonstrate what I have come to do in souls when they give Me their yes. I recreate the souls deadened by sin, I revive those who have already died to eternal life by their sins, bringing them back to eternal life through conversion, through prayer, through love for God.
If you, My children, give Me your yes today, I will recreate in you all the beauty destroyed by the enemy, all the grace lost by sin, all that beauty that you had when you came out of the waters of baptism. And that was destroyed and devastated by your sins, by your miseries, by the evil experiences you had in this world.
Then, I will make you beautiful, perfect like Me, and then, you will be pleasing to the Lord again, and he will come to dwell in you as he dwelled in My soul.
Look at My image as I appeared in Lourdes, how beautiful I am, how perfect I am, how beautiful I am. I am the new humanity recreated by the Lord. I am the Immaculate Conception!
Look at My image as I appeared here in Jacareí, how beautiful I am, how perfect I am, how proportionally perfect I am, and how there is nothing wrong with Me.
I am the new humanity recreated by the Lord in My Immaculate Conception. And everyone who comes to Me will be spiritually recreated by My maternal grace, which will lead the soul to perfect conversion and by her to have recreated in herself all the beauty, all the perfection, all the purity, all the beauty she had when she was washed in the waters of baptism.
I am the new humanity recreated in God, and just as by My yes the Savior came and all things were recreated, so too, everyone who gives his yes to Me will be recreated by My flame of love to become a new creature, a new work of great beauty for the Lord.
I came in Lourdes and also here to recreate all things destroyed by My enemy and sin. If you give Me your hands I will recreate in you My beauty, My own motherly beauty. And then, you too will be deiform, as much as possible to you similar to the Lord: in holiness, in perfection, in spiritual beauty.
This is My mission, My little son Marcos spoke beautifully, exposing to the whole world the greatness of My glory and of this truth that I revealed in Lourdes.
But unfortunately, for lack of meditation, for lack of study and love, human beings don't take the time to know Me, to love Me. And for this reason, they look at My beauty, but do not see it. They look at My holiness, but do not understand it. They look at My perfection, but do not know who I am.
They do not get to know My glory, so I stood up and raised up My little son Mark, to help My children understand My messages. And to understand My glory, to understand My Dogmas, My truths to understand who the Heavenly Mother is and to reveal My glory to the whole world.
So he is a precious gift from My Immaculate Heart for this time. And happy, blessed will be the man who understands the value of this gift, who loves this gift, and who unites himself to this gift, to assimilate and resemble this gift. So that he will then have the divine wisdom that opens the door to the knowledge of the Lord and to the eternal truths that save and free every soul.
I appeared in Lourdes, I appeared here to recreate this poor humanity devastated by sin and lead it back to divine grace. I appeared to recreate this poor humanity that, like a leper, agonizes in its mistakes, in its wars, in its vices, in its evils and in its sins. And to give it back again the beauty, the beauty that it had at the beginning of creation.
Pray My Rosary every day, because whoever prays My Rosary washes in the source of grace as I told My little son Marcos and My daughter Bernadette to do.
The Rosary is the source of My grace that pours out for you every day and whoever washes in its waters will become whiter than snow and will then become like Me. And then you will become pleasing and beautiful to the Lord and the Lord will come and dwell in this soul as in His temple, as in His tabernacle of love.
Do penance, pray for sinners as I asked in Lourdes and here and hasten your conversion for My apparition in Lourdes was to prepare the world for the Second Coming of My son Jesus.
Yes, My son Luiz Grignion de Montfort prophesied that near the end of time I would perform the greatest resounding miracles to prepare humanity for the coming of Christ's Kingdom.
The miracles of Lourdes, the miracles that I perform here, the incorrupt body of My daughter Bernadette, the miracle of the candle that made sure that My little daughter Bernadette and My little son Marcos did not burn their hands, are the resounding miracles prophesied by My servant Louis, that warn you that the return of My Son Jesus is near and his kingdom will be established on earth.
I, have come to prepare the way, give Me your hearts, open the door of your hearts, and I will pour into all of you My great grace that will make you beautiful, holy, and perfect in a short time. So that then, you can rise in the air to meet the Spouse of your souls who returns to you at last in love, for love.
I bless you all generously, and especially you My little son Marcos. The Holy Trinity rejoices, the Angels sing, the Saints give glory to the Lord and jubilantly comment among themselves on the joy, on the great work that you gave Me on the Anniversary of My Apparitions here, which is this new means of communication. It will make My children all over the world understand not only the glory of My apparitions in Lourdes and elsewhere, but My own glory.
And it will make sure that the good news will finally reach all peoples and languages, to finally fulfill all the prophecies of My son, and finally, he can return to you on the clouds of Heaven in the glory and splendor of his majesty.
Thanks to you this will be done, and the Catholic Faith will triumph, My Heart will triumph, and finally, My Maternal Kingdom will descend to the whole world.
To you son, who have done such a work of love and will still much more surprise Me with other works of great love and perfection, I now bless you generously.
You offered Me the merits again of the films Lourdes 1 and Lourdes 6 and you offered them to your father, you offered them to My son André Paiola and to those who are here especially.
Well, I convert the merits of these good holy works that you did into graces and I now pour on your father Carlos Tadeu 9 million blessings, for My son André I now give 1,788 blessings.
And for My children who are here I also give 2,000 blessings, which they will receive again on February 18th, the Feast of My little daughter Bernadette, Saint Bernadette.
All of you I bless now with love with My children Bernadette and Judas Thaddeus: from Lourdes, from Pellevoisin and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives there I will be alive, with My little daughter Bernadette, My son St. Jude Thaddeus and also St. Charles Borromeo carrying the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all again so that you may be happy.
I thank you My dear son Carlos Thaddeus for coming with My beloved children. I now pour great graces on you and on everyone who came with you.
Also, I now pour out copious graces upon My Portuguese children and upon My daughters Denise and Simone, My son Victor and all who came from so far away for Me. Upon you now descend the abundance of heavenly graces from My heart.
And upon you, My dear little son André, descend now also My grace and My peace. Attend always more to what My son Marcos asks of you. By being docile to him, you will grow more and more in the flame of My love, and little by little you will stop being the creature you have been until today and become another new creature in the Lord. And so, I will be able to work My wonders on you.
The more you are united with My little son Marcos, the more graces will descend upon you and the more you will be immersed in the sea of My graces and My love.
I also have great plans for you. For now only, unite yourself to My little son Marcos, listen to him, pay attention to what he tells you, follow him, and not just walk with him. Follow him, try to become like him, and then you will begin to feel within you a great, great closeness to My Mother Heart.
What you have felt these days here, sensing My coming at exactly the same instant that My little son Marcos told you I was approaching, is already the first sign, the beginning that the more you unite with him the more My presence you will feel, the more My love you will feel, the more you will recognize My presence, and the more you will unite with Me.
I bless you with love and I also bless all My children.
I bless you, dear son André, the presence that you have felt coming closer to Me is the first effect of your union with My little son Marcos, who will grow the more you assimilate yourself to him.
I bless you all now and leave you My peace.
I wish you to return on the second Sunday in March, for I have great graces to give to all My beloved children."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
See also...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes
The Apparition of Our Lady at Fatima