Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Apparition and Message of God the Eternal Father and Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on February 7, 2023 - 32nd Anniversary of the Apparitions at Jacareí
Now That This World Has Decided Has Decided on Eternal Death, Has Decided to Die, I Come with Mary to Offer You All Life, Full Life in Abundance

(God the Father): "My beloved children, today, I rejoice as I come with My Most Holy Daughter, the Mother of My son Mary, to pour out My grace of love upon you all.
Today, when not only you on earth, but also My Angels in My Heavenly Court celebrate the descent of Mary, the Mother of My son, the Immaculate Virgin to this Valley of Tears 32 years ago, to save you, to convert you, to bring you out of the path of perdition where you all were and to bring all of you, all of you to Me.
I come with Her to say:
I sent Mary here and I myself came here because I missed you.
Because I missed you I came here with Mary to show all My children, to show that I am a Father of Love, who forgives the repentant child, who extends his hand to the fallen child who wants to get up. And that before applying My Justice I offer My hand a thousand times, to raise My child and to save the child who appeals to Me with confidence saying, 'Abba, Abba!'
Yes, Justice is the last resort that I employ only when there is no more solution to awaken the sinner from his error and make him revive.
It is with reluctance that My hand wields the sword of justice, or whip, to correct My children. And only when they force Me to do so and frustrate all My efforts do I apply Justice.
I am a Father of Love and what I want is for the sinner to be converted and live, for a dead and condemned sinner is of no use to Me.
I want living children, I want living stones in My house, in My work of salvation. And that is why I offer My grace, without imposing conditions, to anyone who opens his heart to Me and comes to Me.
Yes, when I was leading My children through the desert towards the Promised Land, many, many times they turned against Me and paid with ingratitude the immense proofs of love that I gave them by freeing them from the slavery of the cruel tyrant.
How many of My children do the same thing today, after I have delivered them from the bondage of the most cruel tyrant, which is My enemy Satan. They often return to evil, come back and give themselves freely into Satan's hands by turning away from Me and repaying My love with ingratitude.
Oh, My children! Do not be like that, but give yourselves to Me with confidence because I have longed for you.
I have longed for you, for you, and that is why I have come here to show all My children My love, so that they will not be afraid to approach Me, because for all of you I am the loving Father who brought you all out of nothingness, where you were nothing and where no one knew you.
Yes, I brought you into existence, I gave you everything you have: your soul, your body, your mind, your life, your breath, your world, your air, your food, and everything I gave you out of love.
You cannot see Me bringing forth from the earth the food you eat every day. But, every day even while you sleep I am there, blessing the earth and commanding all things to grow to feed you.
Yes, I am the father who loves you, and the human being is nothing more than the consequence of My love in action. Yes, the human being is the fruit of My love, which continuously wants to communicate itself and wants to make everyone a participant in My joy, My happiness and My glory.
That is why I came here to tell all of you, My children: the purpose of your life is not this world, not the earth. You were created for Heaven, for Me, to love Me. I am the purpose, I am the reason for your existence. And until you turn to Me with love and in love, your hearts will never have peace.
Satan now crazed in his hatred wants to seduce everyone, the whole world, and take all souls with him to torment, to eternal death.
To stop him I sent My most holy daughter Mary here 32 years ago to save you all and to take you all off the path of eternal death where you were.
Now that this world has decided has decided on eternal death, has decided to die, I come with Mary to offer you all life, full life in abundance.
Accept My offer, and I will completely transform your existence into a sea of so many graces that you will exclaim: "Never since the Word became flesh have so many graces been seen in the world!
The reason that miracles are rare today is that human beings have moved away from Me, have closed their hearts to Me, have taken Me out of their minds, have taken faith out of their hearts, and have harbored My enemy there with their vices, with their sins, with human things.
This has turned the souls of men today into deserts, where no light shines, none, not even a spark, not even a glimmer of faith, which is the condition for Me to release My graces and My miracles.
But if everyone returns to Me with hearts full of faith and love, I will again work so many wonders on humanity, that human beings will exclaim in the future that you are and were the most blessed generation of all, since the Word became flesh.
So, My children, welcome My love, accept My love into your hearts while it is still time, because you are at the end of time. I have sent Mary here to announce that the end of times has come. And anyone who is not converted urgently may be left out when the door of My Mercy closes and the door of Justice opens.
Therefore, little children, I truly ask you: Turn your hearts to Me, turn to Me, calling continually: 'Abba Father! Abba Father!'
And I will truly come, I will gather your supplications, your lips, I will gather your tears, and I will transform your penitent weeping into a canticle of graces and blessings.
Continue to pray the Rosary of My Princess Mary every day. When you say; 'Hail Mary full of Grace'. You repeat the words that I commanded Gabriel to repeat to Mary on My behalf.
The Hail Mary was created by Me, I taught it to Gabriel, I composed it, I commanded Gabriel to greet Mary with My words. And when He greeted Her with My words I truly exulted with joy and poured out upon the whole world an unparalleled flood of grace.
And every time you greet Mary, saying My words: 'Hail Mary full of Grace', I will shower upon all of you the rays of My love and grace. As I showed you, I even made this ray of light appear descending on the head of My beloved son Marcos Thaddeus here, a sign that you all know very well.
Greet Mary with My own words 150 times a day, and I will shower you all with My love, My graces while you are praying the Rosary. The devil will not be able to approach the soul that greets Mary with the same words with which I greet her 150 times a day.
Hail Mary is the terror of hell, is the joy of the Angels in Heaven, and is the exultation of My Fatherly Love.
So, pray the Rosary every day, greeting Mary with the prayer I composed for Her. And you will see how the rivers of My graces will fall upon you all, wherever you are.
The household that prays the Rosary greeting Mary 150 times a day, in My own words, that household will not perish. And this family will be saved by the graces I will pour on them for honoring Mary as I have honored her. For everyone who honors Mary by greeting her with the Hail Mary, the greeting I composed for her, honors Me who has thus greeted and honored Her.
So My children, pray, pray and pray, for this year painful events will come foretold by My Princess to our beloved Marcos. But those who are with Me and with Mary have nothing to fear because I protect all those who consecrate themselves to her and come to Me through her.
I love you with all My heart. I came here and brought you here, I attracted you with My graces because I missed you!
Yes, My children, every day I shed divine tears, thinking of My children who were far from Me. And then Mary stood before Me, telling Me to let Her come, because with Her sweetness, with Her love she would bring all My children to Me again, She would bring all of you to Me.
And finally, no more would I long for My children and miss them. And since then, since I sent Mary here truly several, many of you have come back to Me, but many have not,
I miss these children, I want to save them too. So My children pray for all those who still remain in spiritual blindness and cannot see the truth, the truth of My Love manifested here through Mary.
And fight for the salvation of these souls, showing them all My Love and My Goodness.
I bless you all on this blessed day, especially you My beloved Marcos, for the 32 years of your yes to Mary and through her to Me, I bless you today and I bless the whole earth.
I bless this land of Santa Cruz, I bless Portugal, I bless Mexico, Canada, I bless Africa, all the countries on Earth.
On the crops copious graces will descend.
Upon the families will come down showers of graces of My love.
Many sick people today will be healed and all dying people today will not be condemned, in attention: to your merits, to your yes, to your love, to your obedience to Mary and to Me as well.
Today, also, all the souls that are in Purgatory will be liberated and will fly to Heaven, thanks to the merits of your love, your obedience, your servitude to Me and Mary for all these years.
And now also, I will bless a certain region of the Earth, which should be devastated by a very grave chastisement. I will cancel the chastisement of this region, and I will bless this land thanks to your merits, in attention to your merits of love, of obedience and servitude to Me and to Mary.
I also bless you My beloved son Carlos Tadeu, because of you, now 500 souls will be saved.
I bless you all and pour My grace from Jerusalem, Nazareth and Jacareí over all."
(Blessed Mary): "I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace!
My children, today, as you celebrate here the Anniversary of My first Appearance to My little son Marcos, I come again from Heaven to say to all of you:
Peace! Peace! Peace! Nothing but Peace! Let Peace reign!
Let Peace reign in your hearts, in your families, in your Nations, and in the whole world.
Peace! Only Peace! For Peace to reign, you must reconcile with God, reconcile with My son Jesus, and promote, spread Peace among yourselves.
Be kind, be loving, be charitable, be sweet to each other so that peace can reign. Always be gentle with each other, for it is with love that hearts are won, as My little son Marcos always says, and not with aggressiveness.
Open your hearts to Peace and give Peace to all those around you.
For 32 years My love has been here continually seeking each one of you and doing everything for the salvation of all of you. It's 32 years, it's 32 years of love!
It's 32 years of grace, where I have offered My peace, My love, My motherly grace to all My children all over the world every day.
They are 32 years of love, where I have left no one abandoned, no one forgotten. To all I have extended My maternal hands, to all I have been Mother, to all I have been refuge, to all I have been love.
They are 32 years of love, where My Immaculate Heart has continually watched over all My children, protected them from all evils and dangers, delivered them all from the snares of Satan.
And to those who did not resist My flame of love and did not spoil My plans of love with their disobedience and bad will, with their self-love and giving more attention to their corrupted self than to My love, My will. To all I have been Mother, and to all I have kept in grace, to all I have poured grace upon grace.
It has been 32 years of love, where I have given My messages of love without ceasing, to keep My children on the path of holiness, to show them the true path they must follow. And to continually lead them along the path of true love for the Lord and My Son Jesus.
These are 32 years of grace, 32 years of struggle too, a fierce and decisive struggle between Me, the Woman clothed with the Sun, and the infernal dragon. This struggle now as I have told you many times is going to the last minutes that will culminate with the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Soon, certain events that I predicted in secret to My little son Marcos will come true. And then, My children, there will be no more time for conversion.
Convert, therefore, because conversion requires effort, requires time, requires much, much struggle, much spiritual exercise to progress in virtue.
And in the midst of certain events to come, you will have neither the time, the peace, nor the quiet to do so. So, now that you can dedicate yourselves to your souls with peace and quiet, dedicate yourselves to your souls, dedicate yourselves to conversion before the favorable time is up.
I, with My Immaculate Heart am close to you and I want to lead you ever closer to Heaven.
I have come here to guide you and to teach you all the true way. Take My hand, let yourself be guided by Me as My little son Jesus was guided by Me through the streets of Nazareth. And I will guide you safely home... to the Father's house, to My house where you will be happy like Me in Heaven forever!
My little son Marcos, today all of heaven, the whole universe celebrates our first meeting 32 years ago. Don't you remember? Don't you remember what made you look at the door of that church? Don't you remember what made you look in the direction of that Church where I appeared to you for the first time?
Well, I will show you, it was the wind, the wind made you look in the direction of that Church. The wind made you go into that Church. Because there, My son, I would transform you into My wind, the wind of the Immaculate, the wind of Peace that would blow in the lives of all My children, bringing them My love, My grace, My peace, My maternal tenderness.
You followed the wind without even knowing why, without understanding, guided by a supernatural force that impelled you. You entered and there we met for the first time.
Yes, I wanted to show you My whole body already the first time, but you, My dear son, were in so much pain, you were so weak from so much pain, that you were not yet ready to see My whole body that day. So you heard only My sweet voice. And that was enough for Me to kidnap your heart and bind your heart eternally to My heart.
And then yes, in the second apparition, although you were still afraid of Me, you were already more prepared by the many rosaries you prayed from the first day to be able to see Me, to be able to contemplate Me.
I remember how you looked into My blue eyes and how beautiful you thought they were.
I remember how you looked at My face with a mixture of fright and, at the same time, enchantment and wonder.
I remember, when I hugged you, the tears you cried. I still remember the warmth of your body pressed to My heart.
Yes, on that day, though you couldn't understand it all, there truly, your heart merged with mine, and in one flame of love it has beaten ever since. And never, never have our hearts parted... And so we will remain until the end, My son, you and I, your heart and Mine beating in the same tune, rhythm and tremor of love for the Lord and for the souls of the whole world.
That is why you have merged into My flame of love, melted like metal in fire, taking the shape of My spirit, that is, of My flame of love, of My very being of love.
And that is why, everyone who approaches you with the true desire to also merge in this love, will merge and become like us into one flame of love for the glory of the Holy Trinity.
So go ahead, keep doing the holy works of love for Me, because with each work of love you do this flame of love grows larger. And even more I unite with you by transmitting to you My feelings, My love, My joys, My sorrows, My very spirit.
Yes, today what you have done has simply captured My heart and made Me exult with joy.
I welcome with love this offer that you have given Me of this new means of communication, through which all My children will finally be able to know My Apparitions, to know My Messages in all the languages of the world.
Now, finally, My children will understand Me, they will understand My pain, they will understand My affliction, My concern for the world, they will understand the urgency of prayer, of sacrifice and penance, of conversion. And many of them will still turn to Me before time runs out.
That is why, My son, that is why I love you so much, because you surprise Me again and again with your works of love. When I think you have given Me everything, you come and offer Me more and more!
And that is why My heart will also give you more, always more of My grace and My flame of love.
Forward now My children! Convert yourselves!
Go forward now, My little son Marcos, take all My apparitions and messages to all My children through this new means of communication, so that at last I can take them in My arms, and Satan can see himself as if by magic, suddenly with nothing.
And from the King and Lord of all souls as he thinks he is now, he will find himself annihilated, defeated, and crushed by his foot on top of My foot.
Forward My beloved son, forward! And take My Messages with courage to all My children. Every soul that is converted will be one more crown of glory that I will place on your head in Heaven.
You are My pride, you are My hope! And I know that I will never be disappointed by you, as I have never been in these 32 years.
Continue with your works of love My son, you that alone work of My love for all mankind.
(Blessed Mary): "My son Carlos Tadeu, I bless you once again today.
Thank you for coming to My Feast. You have removed 110,000 thorns from My Heart, which were driven into them by men in these last days.
Upon you I pour the copious graces of My Heart. Rejoice once again for the son I gave you, see that he has done for Me a work that no one has done, no one wanted to do.
While everyone was seeking only the satisfaction of his personal desires, of his personal plans, he worked during this last year intensely, to give Me today this new means of communication. Through which My Apparitions, My Messages will reach all the ends of the earth, all souls, all My children.
In Heaven today there is no other talk, no other thing is talked about among the Saints, the Martyrs and the Angels.
The joy is general, the Saints exult with joy in Heaven for what their son has done. A work that no one, not even the best of men, wanted to do to remove swords from My heart and to make Me known and loved with My messages.
Yes, what your son has done is unique, no one has ever done it, it is unparalleled. See and rejoice for the son I gave you because I gave you the son who loves Me the most, the one who fights for Me the most, works for Me the hardest, and never tires of surprising Me with the works of love he creates and does for My love, for Me.
I have therefore given you the best of My servants, the best of My children to be your child, so that you may understand how much you are to Me, for to you I have given a gift of great value in My eyes and in the eyes of the Lord.
And a day of great value in the eyes of all mankind, who will contemplate these works and together with the Saints and the Angels in Heaven will also speak of nothing else. And they will glorify the Lord, who through this soul, the soul of the son I gave you has made My motherly love, My messages, the lives of the Saints, the Catholic Faith known throughout the earth.
Thanks to your son the Catholic Faith will triumph! It will triumph over communism, it will triumph over heresies, it will triumph over wars, it will triumph over the antichrist, it will triumph over the whole Hell.
So, I have given you something of great value, a jewel of great value, value it, love it. And more than that, unite with it, let yourself be guided by it, do what it asks of you, unite with it more and more, so that you then assimilate this flame of love, which will fuse you with it and also with Me, then we will be one. And the three of us together, together, not even all of hell will be able to overcome.
And you will be transformed into something new, never thought or imagined by you, and what will appear in place of what has always been there now, will be beautiful, will be a work of great perfection and beauty before the Lord.
So, My son, go forward! Pray, pray the prayers that My Son has also given to St. Bridget, twice a week. Through these prayers My son will give you a great flame of love for him and for My pains.
Also, I wish you to pray even more intensely the Rosary of the Consecrated, because through it I will also pour over you, over everything that is yours, grandly My grace and I will put My seal over all of this, no longer allowing Satan to come near.
Also, I desire that you pray for all that the son I have given you has revealed to you in secret to come to pass. And that you pray also for one more thing that he will tell you at My command.
I trust in your prayers and through them I will make great graces happen for all mankind.
Continue with My Cenacles, these Cenacles have held back the divine Wrath that was about to unleash its wrath upon this nation for the evil choices it has made.
These Cenacles are lightning rods that stop the rays of divine Wrath and attract the graces of the Lord. With them, with these Cenacles I will cause more and more of My children to enter the safe haven of My Immaculate Heart.
Then, one day by the power of all these prayers I will make the demons fall to the ground like dead flies, annihilated, and they will rise no more.
Yes, through these movies and the Hours of Prayer and Rosaries that the son I gave you made, the demons will be precipitated by Me like flies killed on the earth by insecticide.
And then, My Immaculate Heart will triumph and I will finally bring My kingdom of Love into the world. This place will be the one from which I will bring out now through this new means of communication, which the son I gave you made for Me.
I will bring out the dove of peace, I will bring out My grace, I will bring out My mystical light that will illuminate the whole earth and banish once and for all the darkness of the infernal empire.
I bless you and all My beloved children with love now.
To all I ask: Continue to pray My Rosary every day, especially pray My meditated Rosary No. 164 for four days in a row and the Rosary of Mercy meditated No. 108 for three days in a row. So that in this way My Heart can accomplish My plans of love upon all of you.
I bless you all now: from Lourdes, from Pontmain and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, there I will be alive carrying the great graces of the Lord.
To all again I bless you so that you may be happy. And again to you My little son Marcos, thank you, for this new means of communication through which you will take all My apparitions despised, persecuted, denied, buried in the oblivion of men known to all My children on their tongues.
And with this, swords of pain that have been carved into My Heart for centuries will be taken away in great numbers. And therefore, My Immaculate Heart will now manifest itself with new power for the salvation of My children.
Thank you son of My Heart, you have filled My Immaculate Heart with joy today and all of Heaven!
Lucia, Aghata, Bernadette, Gerard and all the Saints speak of nothing else but this new gift of love, a powerful weapon that I will use to save all My children. A weapon given to Me, as no one has ever given, a weapon that will save many souls and fill Paradise for so many of My children whose eternal destiny would otherwise only be Hell.
That is why, My son, you have filled Paradise with joy and jubilation today. So on this day when Heaven and Earth rejoice again I bless you and all and leave you My Peace!"
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
See also...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes