Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 14, 2023
Apparition and Message of the Sacred Heart and Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on January 8, 2023
My Heart Misses You All!

(Sacred Heart): "My chosen souls, My Sacred Heart rejoices today to come together with My Blessed Mother to give you all My message through the mouth of My servant.
My Heart longs for all of you!
My Heart is waiting, longing for you to come to this place always. And My Heart, like the parched lips of a beggar, awaits the love of your hearts.
Yes, My Heart longs for you. And it was with this longing, it was because of this longing that I came here with My Blessed Mother and for so many years I have been calling each of you close to My Sacred Heart.
Just as a father who misses his son and without his son's embrace cannot feel fully happy. In the same way, I have come down from Heaven, full of longing for you, with My Blessed Mother, to call you, to come and seek your hearts. And My Heart will not rest until it has each one of you close to Me, close to My Heart.
My Heart, My Sacred Heart longs for you, because you put material things first and put Me last, leaving Me so often despised and abandoned.
Yes, My Heart has received only contempt and disregard from you, that is why I cry, that is why My Heart bleeds even in many images showing My pain, My longing for My children.
Yes, My Heart, My Sacred Heart misses you, and I look for love in you. But many times I find your hearts full of earthly and mundane things, full of earth and other creatures occupy the place that was Mine in your hearts and have left Me forgotten and abandoned.
That is why I weep, that is why painful thorns are stuck in My Sacred Heart and make it bleed. Yes, your contempt has crushed My Sacred Heart, so I showed My little son Marcos My Heart crowned with thorns, and to so many of My servants I also showed it, I showed My Crushed Heart, to say that your contempt crushes My Heart and makes My Heart bleed.
My Heart longs for you! I search many times during the day for even one soul who thinks of Me with love, who raises a thought of true love to Me, who does an act of true love to Me, but how few souls I find.
I find My little son Marcos, all day long, working for Me and for My Mother, repeating acts of love burning in the silence of the temple of his heart to Me, it is true.
But how I wish there were so many other souls like him, who all day long and all their lives, lift up acts of love for Me, acts of inner love for Me, to give Me love, to console Me and to lessen the immense loneliness and longing and that I feel for the abandonment of so many of My children.
Yes, My Sacred Heart misses you, and just as a father feels that he is missing something, feels that he is missing a part of himself when he does not have his son close to him. In the same way, I also feel an immense loneliness in My Heart, the lack of the souls of you, My children, My brothers redeemed by Me.
And My Sacred Heart cannot, cannot rest until it has you all... all of you close to Me, around Me like a father who is pleased and happy to have close to him the children he loves and to whom he has given his life.
So, come back to My Sacred Heart and don't delay any longer, because My Sacred Heart can no longer bear this loneliness, this longing.
I love you so much, I gave My life on the cross for each one of you, pouring out My blood to the last drop, and you have despised My love and have abandoned Me, you have exchanged Me for the trifles of dust and the ashes of the world.
Oh My children, what more can I do to prove My love? No, My cross is My final and definitive proof. You can doubt no more.
While other people only expect something from you, demand, charge something from you, I want nothing, I only want love. I gave all My life to you for love, I shed all My blood for you for love, and I only want love from you.
The defects, the miseries, the sins, I will burn in the devouring and burning flame of My Sacred Heart. And I will make each one of you day after day more pleasing to Me, more like My Sacred Heart, provided that you love Me, provided that you entrust yourself to Me and place yourself in My arms, allowing yourself to be carried gently by Me and by My Mother.
What I desire is love! Miseries, defects will be erased by the power of love, which is the greatest power in the world. Everything is possible for the one who loves, everything is possible for the one who has love.
Yes, he who has love, even if his sins are as high as a mountain, will say to it, "Get out of here and go there, and it will go.
Yes, his sins will disappear, will leave his soul if there is love, if there is the flame of true love for Me.
What I want is love! Give love to Me, that sums up My whole word. Love Me, love Me!
My little son Marcos, how much it pleased My Sacred Heart the new meditated Rosary that you made for My Blessed Mother. It has not only removed painful thorns from Her Heart, but also from My Sacred Heart.
I bless you now for this and pour over you all the streams of graces from My Sacred Heart on this day.
Continue, continue to spread Our messages in My Mother's meditated Rosary, for these Rosaries will save the earth, save the nations, save many souls. And they will make souls who now flee from My love, abandon Me and only give Me to drink every day the cup of loneliness and longing, these Rosaries will make those souls return to Me.
And then, all My anguish, all My bitterness will be transformed into joy, because I will finally have around My Sacred Heart the souls I loved so much and for whom I gave My life on the cross.
Then, truly, My Sacred Heart will triumph. It will triumph by its voice, which through these meditated Rosaries and the Hours of Prayer, especially the Hour of My Sacred Heart, will cause My kingdom, the Kingdom of My Sacred Heart, to be established in souls, and finally, despite My enemies I will triumph.
I bless you and I bless everyone here and I ask: Pray the Rosary of Mercy meditated No. 45 for three days and give it to three children you don't know. So that they will meditate on My messages and My Mother's messages and bear the fruits of holiness that I desire.
I bless you all again: from Dozulé, from Paray-le-Monial and from Jacareí.
(Mary Most Holy): "My children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! In these two days when you celebrate another month of My presence here, I come again to tell you: Great is the grace of My Apparitions here.
Great is the grace of My Apparitions here, for it is the last call I make to the world for conversion.
Great is the grace of My Apparitions here, and a great love has brought Me here.
A great love brought Me here almost 32 years ago, to call all My children: to conversion, to sanctity, to prayer, which is the only way that can lead man to eternal happiness.
A great love brought Me here, a great longing for My children who were far from Me, who had abandoned My son Jesus to Me and were getting lost in the tortuous ways of this world.
I came to seek them, I came to recover them, I came to raise them from where they were fallen, bruised and wounded by the evil experiences of this world. To carry them in My arms, to lead them back to the Father's House, to heal their wounds, to wash them, to cleanse them, to give them new beautiful and pure clothing, to perfume them and beautify them so that they become pleasing to the Father once again.
Yes, a great love has brought Me and a great love has kept Me here all these 32 years, continually calling My children to conversion, to prayer. And even though I am despised by many of them and disobeyed, My love never tires.
A great love keeps Me here, a great love speaks louder in My heart and makes Me have compassion and pity for My children, who although blind and stubborn in sin are My children, and I want to save them at all costs and take them with Me to Heaven, to eternal happiness.
A great love brought Me here and made Me during all these 32 years come here more than 7,000 times in a row, and give you more than 7,000 messages! To show you My children how great is My love for you.
When you speak to a person and he doesn't listen to you, you immediately abandon that person, turn your back and leave, because you don't know how to love. But not Me, I love My children, and that is why I continue to insist with them.
So you must know how great is My love, which has made Me persevere here in the fight for the salvation of you and all My children all these years.
Yes, great is My love, great is the love that brought Me here, great is the love that keeps Me here. And great is the love that will keep Me here until the triumph of My Immaculate heart and the realization of the secrets that I have entrusted to the heart of My beloved little son Marcos.
Yes, great is the love that brought Me here and great is the love with which I brought all of you here. Many times I have said here in My messages: No one comes here if I do not choose, if I do not call.
I have chosen each one who has come here, and each one who has been chosen by Me I have chosen because I love him and because I want to save him, whatever the cost, and take him with Me to be happy in Heaven.
So feel extremely loved by Me, little children, you are more precious to Me than the most precious and valuable stones in this world.
And I truly say: If My son had not offered himself to die on the cross for you, I myself would have asked the soldiers to nail Me to it, such was My desire that you should be redeemed and saved.
Therefore, little children, never doubt My love. Open your hearts to My flame of love and let that flame enter your hearts.
Live My messages, obey My messages. Because one day everyone who has not obeyed My messages will cry tears of blood, will regret it, but it will be too late.
Yes, in the world there were souls like the King of France who repented for not having obeyed the messages that Heaven sent. They repented, but it was too late to stop the punishment, and they themselves received the punishment for their delay, for their slowness to respond to the messages from Heaven.
Do not do this little children, do not be like that, lest the punishment of Divine Justice fall upon you.
Pray My Rosary every day, because the great Warning is now closer than ever. Human beings have fallen as low as possible, people have become so haughty, so proud, that they no longer hear anything, any voice from Heaven.
People's consciences have become blocks of ice, they have become blocks harder than granite, that no human word can penetrate anymore.
Only a supernatural force from Heaven can then break through such hardness. That is why the great Warning must come, because there is no other way to warn, correct and enlighten consciences.
Therefore, the Holy Spirit will come, and He will then reveal the truth to all men, each one will see his life with the light of the Holy Spirit, will understand all the evil within himself, all the evil in his past life carried on without God.
And then, before the truth many hearts will open, but it is true that many hearts will remain closed. And that is why, My enemy will take his share.
Blessed are those who are not offended in the Lord in that hour, but who, seeing all their past life taken without God and recognizing their mistakes and sins, ask forgiveness in humility. For these, they will truly receive the grace of the Lord's salvation.
My presence here is a great grace, but because they don't know how to love, they don't know how to value this grace, they don't know what to do with Me, or with My messages, or with My ray of light, My little son Marcos.
They do not know how to love, they do not know how to value all of this. And that is why so many graces that could come to you go astray, and you remain poor and miserable.
Meditate, pray and open your hearts, make an effort to love My grace more, the grace of My presence here and all that I give you. So that then, My son will truly not be offended by you, but will pour out even more of His grace and mercy. He is waiting for a decision from you.
I, your Mother, ask you once again: Pray My Rosary every day. Pray the meditated Rosary No. 217 for 3 days in a row, so that then, you can understand My will for you, and you can do My will.
Also, pray the Hour of Peace No. 92 for 6 days in a row, so that you understand My Heart's desire for you.
I bless you all, especially you My little son Marcos, you offered Me the merits of the new meditated Rosary No. 356, you offered it for your father Carlos Tadeu and also for My children present here.
Well, for your father I now give 13 million blessings. For those who are here I now give 9,780 (Nine thousand, seven hundred and eighty) blessings, which they will receive again next month, on February 7th on the Anniversary of My Apparitions here.
In this way, I transform your merits into graces for My children and satisfy the flame of love and charity in your heart, which desire at all costs to save, benefit and enrich them.
I bless you also dearly beloved son Carlos Tadeu, keep doing the cenacles of My Immaculate Heart for two months in a row. Pray with My beloved children the Hour of Peace No. 78 and make them truly understand My maternal wishes.
Keep showing and telling My children of the great miracle of the candle flame* that did not burn the hand of the son I gave you. So that then, the souls understand how at that moment I not only descended with all My power to the son I gave you. But, I clothed his body with a quality, an angelic property that made him immune to pain, immune to the heat of the candle flame, as if he had no mortal body, as if he were a true angel.
So that everyone understands the great power and the great love with which I came down to Jacareí, to speak to the son I gave you. And so that you also understand how great is the love that I have and have had for you, giving you such a seer, such a messenger, such a ray of light from My heart.
I gave you a son who is one of the few on the face of the earth who has been through fire, but has not even been affected by it. Yes, your son is one of the few chosen souls, in whom God has performed this great miracle. And I gave him to you as your son to show you how much I have loved you, how much I love you, and how much I have entrusted to you a treasure, a property of Mine of great value because I trust you so much, cherish you. And so I am sure that you will take good care of what is Mine.
So, like metals that are thrown into the fire, they melt, they fuse and become a new work, a new thing. It melts with the son I have given you into the mystical flames of My love, the love of My Heart. And then you will become a new thing with him and through you I will manifest My great love to all My children.
My very beloved son Geraldo, Fray Geraldo, congratulations on your birthday. Today I give you a birthday present, I give you 5 special blessings from My Heart, and they will remain with you for 3 years.
So, every time you pray, these blessings will be activated by prayer, and they will attract for you many and copious graces, especially from the Sacred Heart of My son Jesus. At this moment I imprint in your soul this blessing, My maternal sign.
And I also pour over you now the graces of the Heart of My Spouse Joseph, who also sends this gift, the gift of the fatherly protection of My Spouse Joseph close to you.
I also give you today an additional blessing, which you will receive again on July 15th of this year.
I thank you for your yes. This yes has already made your father go up to Paradise, and if you persevere in this yes, many others in your household will also go up.
I will do this so that everyone will understand how good it is for parents to have holy children, who dedicate and consecrate their lives to God. For verily I say: The yes of a child who consecrates himself totally to God will not save only him, but many souls. And if even souls that are not of his kinship will be saved, much more will those of his family ascend to Paradise.
So, forward My son, continue to serve Me. Each picture you paint of Me, My Son, and the saints, adds 50 gold coins to the spiritual treasure you are gathering from Heaven.
And one day with these coins you will acquire the right to enter Heaven for yourself and for all those you love from your family as well.
Go ahead, I have chosen you, you are Mine and I will never leave you.
I bless you all: from Lourdes, from Pontmain and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, there I will be alive carrying with Me the great graces of the Lord.
Beloved son Geraldo, go to My Throne, My Fountain, every day at 4:30 in the afternoon and there pray the Rosary of My Flame of Love**, drink the water and I will pour out great graces to you.
One more person from your family has left Purgatory and gone to Heaven, thanks to your yes, thanks to the merits of your yes. And thanks also, to the merits that My son Marcos in secret every day offers for you, for you.
Rejoice, because in this way you will fill Heaven with several people of your lineage, and one day you will meet them there and be happy.
To all who are here, again I bless you to be happy and I leave My peace.
Beloved son Carlos Tadeu, every time you receive a blessing, every time the clock rings, pray one Hail Mary. This will gladden My Heart, the Heart of the Lord, and the graces that have been promised to you will descend with even greater power upon your soul.
Just as that ray of light, which descended upon the son I gave you who prayed the Hail Mary to Me at My Source, the same invisible rays of grace will descend upon your soul every hour of grace.
Peace My children!"
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
See also...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes
The Apparition of Our Lady at Pontmain
The Apparition of Our Lord at Paray-le-Monial