Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Apparition and Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
Only Obedience to the Message That Mine Gave at La Salette Can Save Mankind

(Sacred Heart): "My chosen souls, today, I come with My Blessed Mother, the Lachrymose Virgin of La Salette and Queen and Messenger of Peace to tell you all:
The Tears of My Mother are all powerful before Me. Yes, those Tears have all power over My heart, because they were tears shed out of true and sincere love for Me throughout My life with My Blessed Mother on earth.
Yes, those Tears are all powerful because they were Tears shed of true sorrow for Me in My Passion and in the sufferings I endured throughout My life. Therefore, those Tears have infinite power before Me, because what gives merit to something is the degree of love with which you do that certain thing.
And in weeping for Me My Mother wept with the highest degree of love that a pure creature could have for Me. Therefore, My Mother's Tears have merit, have infinite merit, and whatever is asked for by My Mother's Tears will be granted.
Yes, the Tears of My Mother shed first on Calvary, then on the high mountain of La Salette, on both mountains will be exalted.
Yes, at La Salette, the new Calvary of recent times My Mother appeared weeping to call all mankind to conversion. My Mother was weeping again for Me, in pain for Me, to see Me crucified for the second time, again for ungrateful men who again paid for My love with ingratitude and sins of all kinds.
At Calvary, My Mother cried in pain for Me, to see Me physically crucified by men. At La Salette My Mother cried in pain for Me to see Me crucified mystically by men.
Yes, My Mother's Tears shed for Me have infinite power and I will cause those Tears to triumph and Her glory to be seen throughout the world.
Yes, I will perform so many miracles and wonders to those who ask Me for merits through the Tears of My Mother that from all parts of the earth hymns of praise will rise to the Tears of My Blessed Mother.
Yes, the Tears of My Mother at La Salette will be exalted and glorified. Therefore, I wish that more and more the message that My Mother brought at La Salette be spread, that the films that My most beloved son Marcos made of My Mother's Apparition at La Salette that contain the whole truth of La Salette, the whole Secret in its integrity, be spread.
So that our children can know My Mother's pain, her affliction to see Me again mystically crucified by men. And so, everyone will feel the need to convert, to repair the offenses that every day are done more and more against My Heart and also against the Heart of My Mother. And may the souls feel the need to console My Blessed Mother by a holy life totally dedicated and turned to My Heart and to her Heart.
Yes, the Tears of My Mother at La Salette will be exalted, through the wonderful films that our most beloved Marcos, our ray of light has made of My Mother's Apparition at La Salette. And which leave no shadow of doubt whatsoever about the Apparition of My Mother at La Salette and which leave no shadow of doubt whatsoever about the Apparition of My Mother and the urgent need to convert and obey the message She gave. That it is the only way to be saved from the chastisement that now becomes bigger and closer every day and will suddenly fall upon the whole earth crushing it and reducing it to a shapeless mass completely dead and lifeless.
Only obedience to the message that Mine gave at La Salette can save mankind. Therefore, there is no mission, no task, nothing more important to do now than to make the Apparition and the Message of My Mother at La Salette known to all men, otherwise almost all mankind will perish and even those who call themselves good will perish together with the wicked.
The Apparation and Message of Our Lady at La Salette
For how many there are who call themselves good, but hate the message of La Salette, do not love My beloved Mother of La Salette, or turn their backs on the Tears and the Message of My Mother at La Salette.
Therefore, I will not spare, I will not spare even those who call themselves good, but in truth they are Cains, they are sons of Judas, who betray My Heart and the Heart of My Mother by despising Our messages and Our Apparitions, living as if these did not exist, or else, denying the message known as such.
Yes, I made the great miracle of the candle flame, which did not burn the hand of our beloved Marcos happen on that November 7, 1994. To show to all mankind that I and My Blessed Mother have truly appeared to him and all that he has disclosed to you, has given to you is true, comes from My Heart and comes from the Heart of My Mother.
And woe to those who deny the truth known as such, giving scandal and thus causing the little ones to stop believing in Me and in My Mother. It would be better for them to tie a millstone around their necks and throw themselves into the sea.
Woe to the children of Judas who betray the truth.
Woe also to the Cains who prefer death to life.
Woe to all those who are angry with the truth, offended by Me, by My word, and offended by My Blessed Mother. It would be better if they had not been born, or if they tied a big stone and threw themselves into the sea.
Yes, for these My Justice will be terrible, terrible also for those who are accomplices of all those who deny My Apparitions and the Apparitions of My Blessed Mother by helping them to prevent souls from coming to Our Hearts by driving them away in great numbers and giving scandal to them.
May you now work tirelessly apostles of the last times to make My Mother's message at La Salette known to all men of all souls.
This is My supreme will, this is My supreme desire and those who are obedient to My voice and do this will receive from Me and My Mother in the Kingdom of Heaven an imperishable crown of glory and will sit on the thrones beside Me and My Mother that over the years have been prepared for our apostles and faithful servants.
Continue to pray the Rosary of Mercy meditated every day. Pray the Rosary of Mercy #74 recorded and prayed by Our ray of light Marcos Tadeu. And give it to 6 of My children who do not have it, who do not know it, I will give 3 special graces to those who obey Me and do My will.
I bless you all with love, especially you My most beloved son Marcos, Knight of La Salette. Thanks to you the Apparition of My Mother on the mountain of La Salette is now better known, better loved by so many of My children.
Yes, thanks to you painful swords came out of My Mother's Heart that had been stuck into it for so many years, for so many centuries. Yes, you have given My Mother and Me an unheard of consolation, glory and joy that no one has ever done and I don't know how... how to express so much, so much joy that you have given to My Heart and to My Mother's Heart.
Go ahead, Knight of La Salette, make My Mother's apparition even more known and loved by all.
And know, all that... all that has happened, all the attacks of My enemy against this place, against you, against the work of My Mother and My Heart here are happening because of the hatred he has for you for all that you have done to make all the Apparitions of My Mother known and loved, but especially: Lourdes, La Salette, Caravaggio, Bonate, Castelpetroso and Bonsucesso.
Because, thanks to you, My children know these Apparitions of My Mother and have felt the true desire to convert, to love us more and to follow the road of prayer and holiness.
For this, he takes revenge on you, My son, but do not be afraid, My Sacred Heart is watching over you, it is watching night and day over every beat of your heart. And when it beats faster and faster because of fear, because of nervousness, because of suffering, My Sacred Heart and My Mother's Heart immediately hears your heart and we come down quickly like lightning with our Angels to protect, guard and bless you.
I am with you do not fear, upon you now I pour My grace and upon everyone here too: from Pontmain, from Paray-Le-Monial and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "My children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I am the Lady of La Salette! I am the Tearful Virgin! I am the Sorrowful Mother of all of you! I suffer for what comes to you. That is why I say: Convert yourselves without delay! For the punishment, My children, will come as sure as the air you breathe, and if even the good ones become discouraged and give up prayer for worldly pleasures, not even the good ones will be spared.
Yes, I have asked that all My children come here every year on the Feast of My Apparition at La Salette. Where are My children? What have they found, what have they sought that is more important than I am, that they are not here?
My Heart suffers because more and more I am abandoned, I am left aside and My message from La Salette is not considered.
Yes, My Tears flowed down My eyes in front of My Little Shepherds, they flowed from My eyes down My cheeks. Not only because of the sins with which the world offended My son Jesus and paid with ingratitude for his goodness.
But also because I knew that over so many years so many souls would despise My message of La Salette and would treat it as something of little or no importance.
My Tears were despised, so mankind went down the path of evil, of sin, of denying the Law of the Lord, of rebellion and the stubborn pursuit of pleasure above all things.
Yes, My Tears of La Salette were despised, so mankind went year after year down the path of his rebellion against the Lord. It has turned away from God's Law, it has even set itself against God, so it now reaps the fruits of its sin which are: war, discord, evil, violence, fratricidal fights between peoples, and a total and complete lack of peace.
My Tears of La Salette have been despised by My children even those who call themselves Christians and claim to love Me. For this reason, apostasy, division, the darkness of error has penetrated within the Church, darkened her and now My children are lost like sheep without a shepherd, walking some on the wide path that leads to perdition, others on the path of torpor, of aridity, of lukewarmness which in turn leads to the path of sin and perdition.
Only a great miracle of My Immaculate Heart and of My Rosary will be able to save this poor humanity.
Therefore, My children, I ask you: pray My Rosary more and more, pray with the Heart, dedicate more time to prayer, because only prayer can save humanity and families from this great darkness of perdition that now covers everything.
My Tears of La Salette have been despised even by chosen souls to whom I have addressed myself asking them to speak of La Salette, to defend La Salette, to lift La Salette out of the oblivion and contempt of humanity. But they preferred to despise My message of La Salette, and in disobeying Me, they preferred to obey men rather than Me.
Therefore a painful sword of sorrow has pierced My Heart for the great number of souls, who because of their ignorance of all that happened, which I said at La Salette, have been lost forever.
My Tears of La Salette have been despised by the world that every day more and more raised its banner, not only of rebellion against the Lord, but also of rebellion and denial to Me saying : 'We don't need her! We don't need her Apparitions and messages we have the Gospel, that's enough for us!'
Yes, just as the Pharisees said to Jesus, 'We have Moses and the prophets and we don't need you.' They also say the same thing.
Therefore, a great number of souls have been lost because My extreme maternal effort has been frustrated and My maternal action has been hindered, has been hindered and even blocked by so many of My sons who like Judas betray the truth so that they can hide and live in darkness.
That is why My little son Marcos is so loved, so important and dear to Me, because he cared about La Salette, because he loved La Salette like no one else did.
Yes, so hard working, so dedicated, so passionate and loving of My La Salette Apparition. So zealous, so faithful, always love, always Marcos!
Yes, always Marcos loving La Salette spreading My La Salette Message and doing everything to dry My Tears shed at La Salette.
Always love, always Marcos! Trying by all means to take away the swords of pain that the world has carved into My Heart denying My La Salette Message.
That is why I love him so much and have truly made him My ray of light that dispels all the darkness of this world. And those who keep looking at this ray of light will not get lost in the middle of the road and will reach the homeland of eternal happiness.
Always love, always Marcos! Working so many days, months and years to make My Apparition at La Salette better known and loved, through these films that reveal all My pain, all My love, all My affliction for My children. Also, all the truth of what awaits humanity.
If it is not converted, all the truth of the deceptions and snares of My enemy, and that unmasks the horrifying apostasy that has now taken over the Church, humanity, families, all nations.
Yes, thanks to My little son Marcos, My children now understand what apostasy is, and strive to escape from it by walking with Me: by the road of prayer, sacrifice, penance, despising the world, refusing to do one's own personal will. Also from following the false teachings that exist today, and thus remaining faithfully united to My son Jesus and to Me.
Always love, always Marcos! So dedicated, working so many years to make My La Salette apparition loved by My children and more than that: to be listened to and obeyed by My children with love. Because where My La Salette Message comes is welcomed, obeyed and lived, there Satan is defeated and I proclaim the greatest Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Yes, always love, always Marcos! Walking so many thousands of miles to get to La Salette, and there and record everything and make La Salette known to the whole world.
Yes, always love, always Marcos! All the tiredness, all the fatigue, all the fear of the trip, the uncertainties, all the effort, all of it rose to My Heart like a fragrant incense of love that consoled My Heart, dried My Tears and in My Heart all this effort and work, all this sacrifice was transformed into a diamond of immense meritorious value before My son Jesus and My Heart.
And so too have been so many years that he has spent and has worked spreading My Apparition and Message of La Salette. Yes, all these years are so many other rubies of precious and immense meritorious value that before Me and My son Jesus have so much value, so much worth!
So, My little son, I bless you now because you have taken so many swords of pain from My Heart. And where souls get to know My Apparition of La Salette and obey Me thanks to the movies you made so many thousands more swords of pain will come out of My Heart and so many more crowns of glory I will give you in Heaven.
Go My ray of light, keep showing the whole world My glory that shone at La Salette like never before and also My pain. How I like it when you say that La Salette is the explosion of My pain and it is also My Revelation.
Yes, La Salette is all of that, La Salette is the sealed Book that I have opened to reveal to the whole world all the events that are to happen and that will culminate with the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart here in this Apparition of Mine where I will close the sealed Book with its Secrets.
And then, finally, My enemy will be defeated, all the works of darkness will be annihilated, My son Jesus will come to give a thousand years of peace to the world. It will be the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, God will finally be served and worshipped by all. And all this I began with Maximin and Melanie and I will finish with you My third little Shepherd.
So go forward, do not be afraid I will be with you and always, always help you.
To you who have done for My Immaculate Heart, for Me, the work of greatest value and that has given Me the most joy, consolation and glory which are the films, the videos of La Salette.
And to all My children here I bless and ask: Pray My Rosary every day.
Give the movie La Salette 2 to 5 of My children who do not know it.
I bless you all: from La Salette, from Lourdes and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives there I will be alive with My Little Shepherds of La Salette, St. Hannibal and also St. Leopold bringing the greatest and great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all again so that you may be happy.
And finally I ask: Give 4 pictures of My son Jesus Merciful to My children who do not know him.
Give them the meditated Rosary of Mercy. The soul that prays this rosary before the picture of My son every day will not die eternally, but at the hour of death I will obtain for her all the graces necessary for her salvation and I will take her with Me to the eternal glory.
To all I bless with love and leave My peace."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to Radio Mensageira da Paz
Watch this complete Cenacle on the official video platform of the Jacareí Apparitions
Movies of the Apparition of La Salette
Further reading...
The Apparation of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Apparation of Our Lady at Lourdes