Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 7, 2022
Apparition and Message of Our Lady and the Sacred Heart of Jesus - Monthly Anniversary of the Jacareí Apparitions

(Marcos): "Yes, I will.
I will follow Your advice completely.
Yes, my Queen."
(Blessed Mary): "Dear children, today I come with My son Jesus to tell you all: I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace!
From Heaven I have come with great love to give My peace, the peace of Jesus to the hearts of all of you.
Come to Me, all you who are weary and crushed under the heavy burdens of this world, and I will give you relief.
Come to Me, all of you who are crushed by the weight, by the burden of so many evils together now happening and I will relieve you.
Come to Me, all who are weary and downcast in the fight against the forces of evil and I will relieve you.
Come to Me, all who are weary and bowed down over the burdens of their own shortcomings, and I will relieve you.
Come to Me through the Rosary and I will relieve you.
Come to Me through the Rosary, and I will give you My peace.
Yes, here is My new Marienfried, here is the peace of Mary, this is My peace that I give to all who seek Me in this place with love.
It has been said of Me in Holy Scripture: 'Whoever seeks Me for certain will find Me, I live close to the one who blesses Me.
Yes, I am here near My little son Marcos for all these 31 years. And everyone who looks for Me here near him will find Me, will feel My peace, will know all the sweetness of My motherly love. And then, I will show him the safe path that will lead him to Heaven.
Everyone who comes to Me here will find Me, as long as he opens his heart with faith and love, he will feel Me and receive My peace from Me.
Give Me your yes, so that I can give you My peace. If you do not give Me your yes, I cannot give you My peace; I cannot pacify your hearts.
Without your yes, My flame of love cannot act, cannot fulfill My maternal plan in your lives. So give Me the yes I so long for, and My flame of love will work wonders.
My little son Marcos, today is the Anniversary of the miraculous sign of the oil that I made come out of the walls of your old house, where this miraculous and sacred image of Mine was.
Yes, I made that sign to tell all My children, not only that you were My true messenger, seer and chosen servant. And that I had truly been here in this city for more than 3 years communicating My messages.
But also to tell the whole world that I am Celestial Olive Tree, who offers everyone the oil of grace from the Lord. That I am the Celestial Olive Tree, who comes from Heaven to offer everyone the balm, the oil of mercy, the oil of peace that heals all sicknesses and wounds of the soul.
I am the Lord's Celestial Olive Tree that came from Heaven to offer to all My children the balm, the oil to heal so many wounds opened by evil, by sin, by violence, by injustice, by evil, by the falseness of men.
I am the Lord's Celestial Olive Tree, who offers everyone the oil, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, who communicates his Seven Holy Gifts and their fruits, so that then you may have life and everyone may have eternal life, divine life, life of grace in abundance.
I am the Lord's Celestial Olive Tree who offers everyone the oil of grace, the oil of divine love that raises, that heals, that heals, that restores, that renews, that perfumes, that beautifies, that elevates man. And whoever comes to Me, to him I will pour this oil, I will offer this oil.
With it, with this mystical and spiritual oil I will anoint the souls of all the children who say yes to Me, I will heal their wounds, I will make their souls renewed, perfumed and beautified by My motherly oil. And then, these souls will shine, they will shine before the face of the Heavenly Father like the stars of Heaven, and so great will be the beauty of these souls that they will attract the benevolence of the Lord and he will perform wonders.
Yes, with that miraculous sign I confirmed to all My children that I truly appear to you, I appear to you. And here I am as the Lord's Celestial Olive Tree to offer everyone the oil of grace, of peace, of joy that leads to salvation.
My son, at that time you were already very worthy of this miracle, which I repeated two more times to confirm to all My children that I had truly chosen you, you were My chosen one, you were My messenger, and everyone should listen and follow My voice, which was transmitted to the world through you.
Blessed is everyone who believes in this with all his heart, because he will see the wonders that My Flame of Love will do in his life.
Blessed is he who never betrays this grace, for he will truly be called My son. But woe to those who deny this grace, who betray this grace, who exchange this grace for worldly things and pleasures, or turn their backs on this grace. For upon such children, one day, unfortunately, the Justice of the Father, the Justice of God, will fall.
The Lord will render to each one according to his deeds, according to his conduct. And woe to those who behave badly, who conduct themselves badly by denying the truth known as such, by denying the great graces and signs that I have accomplished and am accomplishing here for the good of the world and of souls.
Yes, woe to those who discourage you with their betrayals, ingratitude and wickedness, for upon them the Justice of My God will fall.
Yes, woe to those who discourage you with their treachery, ingratitude and wickedness, for upon them will fall the Justice of My Son.
Blessed is everyone who with great love serves Me here by spreading My messages to the world and helping in My work of salvation, because their names will not only be written in the Book of Life, but also in the Maternal Book of My Immaculate Heart.
My son, today, all day long, you have offered Me the merits of the film Lourdes 6 and also Lourdes 3, the merits of the meditated Rosary 57, the Hour of Peace 28, the Hour of the Saints 17, and also of the Rosary No. 8. You have offered for your father Carlos Tadeu, you have offered for My children on pilgrimage who are here. And you also offered in a special way for 5 people, among them My well-loved and beloved children: Celso, Edna and Barbara.
Very well, I now give your father 6,781,000 (six million, seven hundred and eighty-one thousand) blessings. To those of you who are here I now give 3,287,000 (three million, two hundred and eighty-seven thousand) blessings. And for the 5 people for whom you asked Me I now give 500 special blessings, which they will receive again on September 7th of this year, and also on February 7th of next year.
I thus pour upon My children the streams of My graces, and quench the unquenchable thirst of your flame of charity, flame of love, which never tires of seeking the good, the happiness, the joy, and to benefit those you love.
In this way, love is paid for with My flame of love, which is poured out in copious graces upon My children, which they will receive and increase the more they correspond to these graces worthily.
Continue, continue offering the merits of these immense treasures not only for My children, but also for sinners so that they may be converted, for this has great mystical power to snatch from the clutches of My enemy so many, many souls. Who alone can never be set free again because they have lost God's grace, they have become unworthy of it by their sins and only you Marcos can set them free. Set them free with the powerful merits that you have gathered over the years by working so fervently, so ardently for Me.
In this way you will wrest from My enemy and achieve for them grace, the restoring grace, the renewing grace, the transforming grace that they alone have no more merits to achieve.
Yes, you have worked intensely and even frantically for Me, all these years. And this has gathered for you such great, such immense merits that applied to the souls of sinners can achieve for them the decisive miracle of the salvation of their souls, of conversion.
So little son, apply to them the great riches that you possess to enrich so many poor miserable sinners who have nothing, only sins that make them unworthy of Heaven, and worthy of eternal punishment.
Thus, My Immaculate Heart will triumph and shine through your charity, through your merits, and I will proclaim My greatest victory by snatching from My enemy the souls of so many of My little children.
And in this way, you will fulfill the mission I gave you in the second Apparition when I told you to bring all My children to Me.
Thus you will bring them.
Thus you will give them to Me.
Thus I won't suffer anymore.
Thus I won't cry anymore.
Thus at last My joy will be complete.
Then, My child, work even harder to gather even more merit with which you can help My righteous children as well as sinners. And then, My Heart will be able to pour out My flame of love with great power upon all the nations of the earth.
You, too, during all these years, have served Me by greatly exercising the virtue of perseverance. Yes, you have persevered in prayer, you have persevered in sacrifice, you have persevered in working tirelessly to make Me known and loved through the movies, the meditated Rosaries, and to make My children know My messages.
Yes, you were also strong in hope, you hoped in Me, in My promises, in My love even despite appearances to the contrary. And you overcame the trial of contrary appearances so many times. You overcame the ingratitude, you overcame the misunderstandings, the persecutions, and even when everything was leading you to be discouraged you hoped in Me, you trusted in My love.
Because of this, because of your hope, which was so great, many other merits you have gathered in Heaven, and because of this I now give your father another 9 million blessings, which he will receive again next year on February 7th. And for My children who are here I give 6 thousand additional blessings.
To all I ask: Continue to pray My Rosary every day, because he who prays the Rosary is saved, and he who does not pray will be condemned.
I bless you all with love: from Lourdes, from Pontmain and from Jacareí."
(Sacred Heart): "My chosen souls, I, the Lord, come with My Mother today to bless you, to bless you and to say to all of you.
Come to love and love will love you. I am love, eternal love. Come to love and love will love you. Come to Me and I will love you with all the strength of My Divine Heart.
Come to love and love will love you. I will love you and restore in you the initial beauty that you had when you came out of the waters of baptism and that was so often stained with the sins and evils of this world and I will restore the beauty of your souls.
Come to Me and I will love you, love will love you! And with My love I will heal the wounds of all of you. I will make your souls leprous for so many sins, beautiful, beautiful as the most lush roses of the fields and gardens.
And the beauty and fragrance of your souls will please... will please the Father, will please My heart, will please the Holy Spirit, and together We will come and make Our abode in your souls.
Come to Me, and I will love you, love will love you, and with love, with the fire of My love I will burn into your souls all that is not Me, all that does not come from Me, does not proceed from Me. Everything that takes you away from Me, everything that weakens and diminishes in you the strength of My love. Everything that snatches you and drags you away from Me. And by burning all these things, your souls will be Mine, entirely Mine.
What do you want? I am love itself, the love that gave itself entirely on the cross for all, that shed its blood to the last drop for all. And therefore, just as I have given myself entirely to you, I cannot accept that a soul comes to Me and does not give itself entirely and totally to Me.
The souls that give themselves entirely to Me I love, I treasure with jealousy in My heart. The souls that exchange Me for worldly things, for creatures, these souls I leave them and I go looking for other souls that want My love, that accept My love, that do My will.
So open your hearts to My love, come to love, and love: it will heal you, regenerate you, sanctify you, elevate you, and make you beautiful. You will then be recognized as a child of the King of Heaven and My true brothers and sisters.
Come to Me, and My love will reduce to ashes, to nothing, everything in you that is against My love and My will. My son Marcos, tell everyone that they must give Me their 'yes'. Your duty is not to convince anyone of the truth, but only to speak it.
Whoever has ears to hear hear, I told you that with My Mother so many, many years ago. Follow that and don't look back at those who didn't want to move forward, to rise, to climb the levels, the rungs of the ladder that leads to Heaven with you.
They will regret it one day, but it will already be too late for them. You follow Me. And don't look back, but only to My Heart, only to My Mother, only to Our love. Our crazy love for you that was able to do the greatest crazy things of love, the greatest and most miraculous signs. Not only to show the whole world Our presence and Our love here, but to show how immense was Our love for you who are Our chosen one, Our chosen one, Our ray of light.
Yes, you always say to your father Carlos Tadeu that he is your chosen one, the same I say about you, about you, My son: you are My chosen one, out of billions I have chosen you, loved you, called you and reserved you for Me and for My Mother, and nothing, nothing will ever separate us.
So look only at My love, at My Mother's love, and this will give you strength, strength to go forward. May the joy of being Our chosen, Our beloved, Our favorite, invade your heart and make it overflow with joy always, always. Especially in the moments of loneliness and misunderstanding that you go through and will always go through, because the cold, indifferent, selfish souls cannot understand, cannot understand this flame of love that you have, cannot understand your feelings because they do not have these feelings.
So, seek refuge in Me, seek refuge in My Blessed Mother and you will find peace in us, because We understand your feelings, because your feelings are the same as Our Hearts.
And never worry that you are perhaps hurting Our hearts, loving your Father, loving the people for whom in your heart you feel love. Because I love all that you love and all that you love is Mine and has been given by My Heart to you.
So, My son, go forward! Work hard for Me and My Mother, so that even more souls will be saved.
There are still not even 1/3 (one third) of souls converted. That is why... that is why the miracle is taking so long... This is why Our triumph is taking so long, and why Satan continues to devastate and destroy nations, families, and Christianity.
Only you... only you can liberate the souls of My children and can bind the enemy, neutralize him until he is powerless, with the brightness, with the power of the flame of love that exists and resides in your soul. And which increases, the more the merits of the good works and virtues you practice for love of Me and My Mother, of everything you do for us, increase.
Then, increase the brightness of this flame of love and when it reaches its apogee, finally My enemy will be thrown into the depths of the infernal fire annihilated forever and will no longer be able to come out, because My flame of love with My Mother united to yours will accomplish this great and prodigious act.
Finally the annihilation of the Infernal Empire with all its works and its evil deeds and finally the world will have peace.
Onward My son fly high, always seeking more and more My will, the will of My Mother, to accomplish Our plans of love. Because in this way, by doing so, you will bring many souls to Our Hearts and hasten the establishment of Our Kingdom of love on the whole earth.
The peace of the world depends on the conversion of sinners, and only you can set them free with your prayers and the power of the merits of your good works. Free them and bring them to Me and My Mother. Then Our Hearts will triumph and peace will be given to the earth.
Continue seeking conversion every day and praying My Mother's Rosary, for the souls who pray My Mother's Rosary contemplating My life in the Mysteries so united to her these souls live in My Heart and have their names inscribed in the deepest fiber of My Sacred Heart.
You during all these years have practiced the virtue of hope, in such a high and heroic way. When you had nothing you kept hoping in My providence and My Mother's that one day you would have everything necessary, not only to carry Our messages to the world, but also to realize here, to build here a home for My Mother and for Me.
You waited in the love of Our Hearts and to this day you wait for Our triumph without getting discouraged when so many have grown weary.
You have waited in Our hearts always, day after day, month after month in Our providence and this hope has earned you so many, many times Our help and even miracles to continue keeping alive and advancing the work that We started together with you here.
You have hoped and have always hoped in Our Hearts for the fulfillment of all the promises We made to you in Our secrets. And this great hope has become so many and so many golden coins before My Sacred Heart, which one day will give you a beautiful home in Heaven. And applied and offered for your father and for the souls for whom you offer and whom you love will give these souls also the possibility to one day enter Paradise. And if they do not become unworthy by their sins and ingratitude this will certainly happen.
Thus, through you My Heart and My Mother's Heart will triumph in the lives of so many children who deserved only punishment, but through you they will receive mercy, grace, salvation.
Onward My son, I pour upon you and upon all Our children here My blessing that will remain forever: from Dozulê, from Plock, from Paray and from Jacareí."
The seer Marcos Tadeu prayed together with Our Lady the Our Father and the Gloria
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives there I will be alive realizing the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you again so that you may be happy and I leave you My peace."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to Radio Mensageira da Paz
Watch this complete Cenacle on the official video platform of the Jacareí Apparitions
Further reading...
The Apparation of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Apparation of Our Lady at Lourdes