Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
Only Prayer Can Keep World War III Away from the World. Only Prayer Can Make This War End

JACAREÍ, JUNE 19, 2022
(Blessed Mary): "Dear children, today I call all of you again to prayer, to prayer for peace.
Only prayer can keep World War III away from the world.
Only prayer can make this war end.
Only prayer can guarantee you a peaceful future.
Without peace everything you have worked your whole life to build, everything will be lost, everything will be destroyed. For Satan is hatred itself, and He wishes to destroy not only your souls by leading them first into sin and then to perdition. But He also wants to destroy the world in which you live, because without this world, which is the way to Heaven, you cannot reach God.
So, little children, pray for peace, because only prayer has power against Satan, who has come out of the abyss determined once again to bring the whole world to destruction.
Only through prayer can you have peace of heart and be able to find and feel God. In a troubled heart God cannot enter, God cannot communicate with you, communicate His love, His will and His grace. So renounce all disturbance, because it comes from Satan.
Have a heart that is poor in earthly desires, and your heart will have peace. It is because you desire earthly things so much, that your hearts are troubled and you have no peace.
Desire the heavenly things, the goods of Heaven, and My son Jesus will give you all of them, and with them peace. Then your hearts will no longer be unhappy, nor bitter and sad, but will overflow: joy, peace and love over the whole world.
Only through prayer can you understand My messages, My pain, My affliction and My maternal worries. Open your hearts to My Flame of Love, as My little son Marcos did. And then, I will give you My Flame, and it will do wonders in you, as it has done in the life of My little son Marcos.
Then you will understand not only Me, but you will also understand My little son Marcos.You will understand all this fervor in My service, all this dedication, all this generosity in sickness, in suffering, and on the cross. All this courage to face the whole world for Me.
You will understand all this resilience that made Him overcome so many contrary and adverse situations.
You will understand why his heart was and is always more in love with Me. And why when he thinks of Me, when he thinks of My appearances, tears come to his eyes.
You will understand the fire that burns in his heart, and you will see the beauty of it all, and also, you will wish to have the same feelings and the same love.
Then everything for you, everything will become nothing! The world, the goods of the world, the glories of the world, the love of creatures. And then you will be like My little son Marcos: you will think only of Me, love only Me, breathe only for Me, live only for Me, desire to suffer everything for Me, endure everything for Me, do everything for Me. You will undertake even the most difficult and arduous things for Me, and in a word, you will exist only for Me and for My son Jesus, like My little son Marcos.
Then, you will truly be like him: unceasing Flames of Love!
Only by prayer can you understand him.
Only by opening your heart and seeking wisdom, understanding, can you understand him and understand Me. And you will then see all that is lacking in you, and all that you must be and do.
Then, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in your lives as it has already triumphed in the life of My little son Marcos. Yes, in him I am the total winner and Absolute Mistress. And everyone who resembles him, who unites with him and assimilates his feelings and love for Me, in him I will also triumph and Satan will be defeated.
Pray My Rosary every day. Through the Rosary with your heart, My Flame of Love shall manifest itself powerfully to conquer all nations for My son Jesus and prepare them for His Second Coming that is already at the door.
There is no more time to get stuck in earthly things. Rise up! Lift up your hearts to heavenly things: through prayer, through meditation, through flight from the world, through renouncing the temptations of the world and of My enemy.
Then, truly, you will grow and fly swiftly to holiness and to the greatest heights of grace. And My son Jesus will find you with your hands full of fruit, the fruit of holiness. Then He will give you a reward in proportion to the fruits of love that you have given to Him.
My little son Marcos, thank you so much again for this beautiful film of My Apparitions in Medjugorje that you made.
How many swords of pain you have removed from My heart. Not only when you made it, but also every time you showed it here to My children, and especially today.
Thank you, because you have made My messages from Medjugorje come to the attention of so many people, of so many of My children. And now these children feel the need to love Me, to comfort Me, to obey Me, to follow Me by renouncing the world, their own will, and Satan. And in these My children My Heart has produced victories for the Lord.
Yes, how many souls of My children who were in the darkness of ignorance, who were in the darkness of evil, of sin, who with these films have been reached and attained, conquered by the Flame of Love of My Heart. And all this thanks to you.
Thank you! A thousand times thank you! Grazie, My son, for this work of such great love for Me.
Continue, continue to make My children all know My messages ofMedjugorje and all My Apparitions, because for every soul that knows these messages and is converted, Satan will lose a little more of His power, My son Jesus will extend even more His Kingdom of Love in the world. My Flame of Love will then be able to act with greater power, with greater potency.
And as many of those people who will be converted by knowing My messages through these films will be another many crowns of glory that I will give you in Heaven.
Yes, you have overcome My enemy, you have overcome Hell and the world with the merits of your good works, done full of love for Me, which with the passing of time do not become devalued, nor are lost like the goods of the earth, but multiply more and more in value.
You offered the merits of this film for your father Carlos Tadeu, who is the one you love most in this world. You also offered it for My son Andrew and My children here, along with the merits of the Meditated Rosary #285, the Hour Peace #60, My husband St. Joseph's Hour #22, and the Hour of the Saints #18.
Well then, My son, upon your father Carlos Thaddeus, I now pour 4,529,000 (Four million five hundred and twenty-nine thousand) blessings. On My son André, I now pour 330,000 blessings, and on My sons who are here now, I pour 8,000 blessings that they will receive again on August 14th and October 14th of this year.
Thus, I satisfy your heart's desire by pouring over My children so many, many graces!
Upon the 6 persons for whom you have also today specially asked Me, I pour upon them now 650 blessings that they will receive again on November 18th of this year.
Thus, My flame of love can pour streams of graces over My children, and I can finally make all the strength of My maternal and merciful love reach them.
Continue, My little child, continue to do these holy works, because they will double, triple in value. And as many souls will be touched by them, as many will be the crowns of glory, and also the gold coins that will make you worthy of a beautiful dwelling, of a beautiful reward, as you already have, and even greater will be your reward.
To all My children I say: Spread these films that My son Marcos made of My apparitions, especially in Medjugorje. There are still so many children who pass Me by and make Me suffer, because they do not know and do not obey these messages of Mine. And that is why My Heart bleeds and Satan still triumphs in so many families and in so many hearts today.
Through you, the smallest of My children, I will show the world all the power of My Flame of Love. Then the nations will rise up and sing a vibrant hymn of glory to the Most High.
And then, His decree will be fulfilled, the trumpets will sound, and My son will appear with great power on the clouds of heaven to suddenly make the examination and give His reward to the righteous and His just punishment to the sinners, the obstinate ones.
So, little children, help Me with your prayers and with your work. Everything will be paid back handsomely by My son. And for every tear you shed for My love, as My little son Marcos did so many times, you will be given many crowns of glory and gold coins in heaven, with which you will acquire the right, the possibility of entering heaven.
Convert yourselves! Convert! It will happen soon!
I bless you all with love: from Medjugorje, from Heroldsbach and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, there I will be alive with My son Vincent de Paul and My daughter Luiza Marrilac, taking the great graces of the Lord.
Spread to 6 of My children the disk of My video messages #11. I want those messages to be spread to all My children urgently. I bless you all again to be happy and leave peace.
I bless especially you, My little son André. Thank you for coming again to console My Immaculate Heart and also to give My son Marcos, His humanity: the friendship, the support, the love, the affection, the understanding, the understanding that He needs.
Thank you for coming to be for Him a consoling angel, a balsam, a remedy for so many wounds, so many spiritual wounds that the world has inflicted on His soul.
Thank you for coming to be love. When you are love, you are everything! And you give to the Lord and to Me the greatest act of love that you could ever give.
Thank you, because everything you did to My little son Marcos, you did in fact to My son Jesus. All the love given to Him has received My son Jesus, and so have I.
Remain one in our love, being one heart.And so, My Flame of Love will also accomplish My motherly plans with power in your life and new torrent of graces will be poured over you, your soul and your life.
Be one! I have chosen you to walk together, hand in hand towards the Triumph of My Heart. Follow this way, and then, both you and My little son Marcos will succeed, you will receive great graces from My Heart, and wonders will be done in you by the Heart of My son Jesus.
To all of you I leave My peace. Thank you for coming. I bless you."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
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