Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, November 8, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
My Medal of Peace is the great gift of My Heart for all humanity!

"Dear children, I am the Virgin of the Medal of Peace!
Today, as you celebrate here the Anniversary of My revelation, of the revelation of My Medal of Peace, I come from Heaven to tell you:
My Medal of Peace is the great gift of My Heart to all mankind! Yes, I gave this medal to My little son Marcos, who was already then very worthy to receive this sacred treasure from Heaven.
I gave it so that all My children could have in these times of so much danger, tribulation and suffering, the powerful shield with which they could resist all the attacks of the enemy and the forces of evil. And also, they could draw upon themselves the great graces that the Holy Spirit wants to accomplish now in the world, to prepare it for His Second Pentecost and the complete establishment of His holy kingdom of love.
This Medal has been given to you as the greatest gift of My Immaculate Heart.
How many lives I have saved through it, how many diseases I have cured, how many sinners I have touched and converted, how many souls that were in the power of the devil have been freed by me through it.
How many houses, how many homes have been blessed by Me, by the Lord, and have been protected from the attacks and evil deeds of the demons.
How many of My children have I saved from imminent dangers, that would take their lives in a violent, abrupt and fatal way, and I have preserved them, kept their lives, their health and their peace.
Through this Medal how many graces from Heaven I have caused to rain down upon the Earth like an abundant dew.
All those who wear it with love and trust every day, will receive great graces from me, and at the hour of death they will be welcomed by Me into My arms, and I will present them before the throne of My son's court with My sign, with the sign of My Medal on their souls.
And My son seeing that these souls have belonged to Me, have loved Me all their lives, will receive them, forgive them, love them, and give them a crown of immortal glory.
I promise to give all my children who wear My Medal of Peace on the 7th, 8th, 15th and 23rd of each month, the forgiveness of all their faults. And also on November 19th of each year, I promise to give them also 73 special blessings.
I have given My Medal of Peace to this generation, because I love it deeply, I love it with a burning love, and I want to realize in it all the great graces of My Heart that have been withheld until now because souls do not ask Me for these graces.
Whatever you ask for through this Medal that is for your good and for the glory of God, will be given.
Through this Medal I will finally be recognized as Mediatrix of all graces, Advocate and Lady of the whole Universe. There will be so many, so many graces that I will do through this Medal, that the whole world will recognize the truth of My Apparitions here through it.
This I said to My son, My son Marcos, when I gave him this Medal, and I repeat it again: There will be so many graces that I will give through this Medal, that the whole world will recognize the truth of My Apparitions here, and then I will triumph over all My enemies and I will finally reign.
I bless you all with love, and especially you, My little son Marcos, son most worthy of the great Medal that I have given you, the Medal of the Last Times, which will close the cycle of all My Apparitions. And through which I will establish My Kingdom of Love over all the Earth.
And I also bless you, My son Carlos Tadeu. Notice that I gave you as a son, the very worthy soul, to whom I gave the very precious treasure of My Sacred Medal of Peace. This sacred treasure that I gave to the chosen and sacred soul of My Heart, to My Ray of Light, I gave because he was very worthy, very worthy to receive it.
And to you I gave it for a son, so that you can understand how much I love you too and how much I cherished you by giving you soul of great value. Soul worthy of all My trust and to receive the great tasks, missions and treasures of My Immaculate Heart, so that you can understand that I gave you the best because I love you so much.
Rejoice and unite yourself more and more to the son I have given you, and more and more worthy also you will be of the great graces of My Heart and you will resemble him in the love, in the ardor, in the fervor with which he loves Me in everything. And also, you will draw from My Heart the great graces and heavenly treasures.
I bless you with love, and all My children who wear My Medal.
To all who wear it I now give 26 blessings.
I bless you all: from Lourdes, from Pontmain and from Jacareí."