Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 8, 2021
Message from the Divine Eternal Father
The World will be saved by the Beauty of My Love

Message from the Divine Eternal Father
(Eternal Father): "Beloved children of Mine, I, your Father, come today at My feast to tell you: I have waited for you since all eternity!
I waited for you here, I waited for you with love, I created you! You were in My thoughts at the creation of the world, and I wanted to create you out of love, so that then you could know and love Me, and I could give each of you My love, My graces, My blessing, and make you partakers of My eternal glory in Heaven.
I have waited for you from the beginning of the world, I have waited with love for each one of you, I have thought of you with love, I have wanted to create you with great love, so that you could be My children and know all the riches and greatness of My love.
I only want love! I come for love! I want you to come to Me just as you are, and I will forgive you, I will welcome you, I will accept you as you are, I will help you to become holy.
I desire from you only love and trust in My love. Yes, be like My daughter Mary Most Holy who loved Me, who trusted in My love with all her strength, and always gave Me the purest, most living and faithful love.
Have this living, faithful, total love for Me, and then I will come to each one of you, each one of you, and fill your souls with love, with peace, with My gifts, and truly I will transform each one of you into My temple, into My dwelling place of love, I will transform each one of you into a living reflection of My own beauty, of My own perfection.
Then the world will see how beautiful the love of the Eternal Father is, how beautiful the loving heart of the Eternal Father is, and all men, all My children will come to Me.
The world will be saved by the beauty of My love, and the more you live united to Me in love and for love, the more the world will see My beauty and allow itself to be saved and conquered by My beauty.
Yes, I have loved you from the beginning of the world and have waited for you from the beginning of the world for this hour. And why have I sent each one of you to this world now in these times? Because I have waited for this hour, because I Myself have longed for this hour!
Yes, now the world must know all My glory, all My love, the world must know Mary, My most holy daughter, the Lady of all Peoples, the Mediatrix, the Co-redemptrix, the Advocate! And through her I must establish My kingdom that is made all of love in the whole world. That is why I chose this hour, and that is why I chose you for this hour.
Therefore, you must be the living reflections of My love for this world that has completely lost its way from Me, because it has lost love. And only humanity can be saved if it returns to the road of love, only then will it find Me, only then will it find its salvation which is Myself the Eternal Love.
So go, My children! Take My love to every soul, to every creature. Pass on My love and the love of My Princess Mary, so that then, truly, all mankind may know My love and may in the experience of My living and eternal love be saved in love, by love.
Yes, I have waited for each one of you since the beginning of the world. I have waited with an eager and longing love to see you here in this place chosen and chosen by Me, and then to pour out upon all of you the ocean of My graces.
I have not changed, I remain the Lord, the only One! I AM the same One Who opened the sea before Moses and the people, My chosen people. And I continue to open all the seas before those who truly want to love Me, to serve Me, and they go through every difficulty, every depression, every tribulation trusting in My power.
Yes, I continue to be the same God who opens the sea, who takes the children safely to the Promised Land. And in this hour when you are going through the last desert of human history, I must lead you through My Princess Mary to the Promised Land of the Triumph of Our Love in the world that is already approaching you: the New Heaven and the New Earth, renewed and transformed for the greatest joy, happiness and good of you all.
So, trust me! Trust in My heart full of love for all of you. I will not abandon you, and just as I did not let My people perish in the desert, I will not let you perish in the desert of this world.
That is why I will remain here with My Princess Mary until our final Triumph, so that you, My children, will never feel alone and will never be discouraged in the middle of the road.
My son Marcos, I have waited for you since the beginning of the world, so that you would make Me known and loved, so that you would take away the devotion to Me that in these last times of apostasy would almost fall into oblivion, so that then, My children could know the true love for Me, could truly lose the fear of approaching Me. And they can truly come into My arms, into My bosom, to lay their heads upon My heart where I can comfort all of you and give My peace and My love to all of you.
I am the most loving Father who suffers for the distance and absence of His children... I want My children to come to Me, I want them to recline on My divine breast and there rest in Me and give Me all their labors, struggles and sufferings.
There too, besides healing them, I want to fill them with love! I want to communicate to them all My beauty, the beauty of My love, all My graces. And even if they are like the prodigal son who has fallen into the greatest misery of the soul, if they come to Me, I will wash them, I will purify them, I will give them clothes, ring, new shoes, and I will make them heirs again of all that is Mine, heirs of My Kingdom and of My Glory in Heaven.
So, My son, never tire of announcing My love to the world. Continue doing My Hours of Prayer, so that My children may know and love Me.
Continue teaching by word, by prayer, by your life how beautiful My love is, how sweet it is to love Me, how much I am the most loving, most faithful and most loyal Father, who never abandons His children, as I never, never abandoned you.
Yes, holiness is the height of love for Me. He who lives in My love, he who loves Me totally lives at the apogee of holiness, attains holiness, the apogee of love! And that is what I desire: love, only love!
Your defects, your miseries and weaknesses are like straws thrown into the fire of My love, and in an instant they are consumed and become ashes. So come to Me as you are, and I will make you into a new and beautiful work according to My heart. And I will give you beauty, My own beauty, with which you will shine and glow and give the world the most beautiful and vibrant, shining testimony of My love.
Son, My ray of light, My daughter Mary's ray of light, keep giving the world to know My love, My goodness.
Yes, thank you also for having taken the Apparitions of My Princess Mary in Marienfried, out of the oblivion and contempt of humanity.
Yes, now My children know about these apparitions, know about these messages, and trust in the power of My Princess Mary. Soon, I can perform in your lives more numerous and copious graces and the true miracles of My grace, which will become more abundant where there is more confidence in the power of My Princess Mary as Queen of the Universe, as Lady and Mediatrix of all graces.
Yes, those who trust in Mary's power, who entrust themselves to Her, upon them the star of the abyss will have no power, because I Myself imprint My divine sign, the sign of salvation, upon them, and these the star of the abyss cannot snatch away from Me.
Therefore, My son Marcos, continue... continue to make known to the world the messages of My Princess Mary in Marienfried, so that there may be so much more confidence in Her, and so many more miracles of My grace and mercy I may work through Her where there is pure faith and total love in Us.
My son Carlos Thaddeus, I have also thought of you and loved you, I have waited for you since the beginning of the world.
As soon as Adam and Eve sinned I did not destroy the world totally at once, not only for the sake of My Princess Mary, who would give Me the yes that would repair Eve's no. But I also did not destroy the world because of your yes and the yes of the son I gave you, Our Ray of Light.
Yes, thanks to his yes first, which generated your yes later, I did not destroy the world. And because of the yes of both of you, given each day, maintained, renewed each day, I preserve the world, I bless the world, the crops, the plantations, the nations, the peoples, and I pour out so many and so many graces. I cancel so many punishments that the world forces Me to apply to punish its sins and its crimes, and I pour upon all mankind an abundant shower of graces and blessings every day.
So, My son, continue faithfully in the mission that We have entrusted to you, because every day your yes with the yes of the son I gave you, My ray of light, rises to My presence as the most beautiful and perfect act of love, an echo of the yes of the act of eternal love of My Princess Mary. And this act of love moves My heart to forgive humanity, disarms My justice, and opens the floodgates of My grace and mercy upon all humanity.
I bless you now and give you now 248,000 blessings, fruit of the merits of the recording of the son I gave you, of the recording of Marienfried's Messages, and also fruit of the merits of the Hours of Prayer in My honor that the son I gave you did.
You will receive these blessings every first Sunday of every month for four years with the exception of November this year. In this way I will reward you and also My Ray of Light for all the services you have rendered to Me with so much love.
And so, also, I show you how much I have loved you and how much I will always continue to love you.
And on everyone here I now pour 22 blessings, also fruit of the merits of My Hours of Prayer that My Ray of Light made for Me.
I bless everyone with love: from Nazareth, from Jerusalem and from Jacareí.
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, I am the Door of Heaven! Today, I come full of love with the Eternal Father to tell you all:
At the Annunciation I thought of all of you with love and already there I loved all of you as the true Mother of all, all of you.
There, at the moment of the Annunciation, I saw all the peoples, all the nations, all the races that depended on my yes to be saved and redeemed by the Redeemer, by the Savior. And I saw each one of you, my children, and there I loved you, already there at that moment I loved you with all the strength of my heart.
And then, ablaze with flames of love for you, I gave the yes that would cost me many sufferings and sacrifices, it is true, many pains, but I gave my yes generously for the salvation of all of you.
I have thought and waited for you all these centuries, so that now in my hour, in Mary's Hour, you could be here and I could fill you all with all my graces and blessings and through you show the whole world my maternal face of love and my heart full of love.
Yes, I have loved and waited for you now, even now in my hour, so that in this very moment, the most difficult of all humanity, when apostasy and Satan do so much damage, I could fill your souls here with my love, with my peace, with my motherly grace, and through you I could make my motherly grace and my love reach all my children as through a channel.
Yes, I have waited for you and have ardently desired to have you with me here in my work of salvation, the last of the world, in my hour, my last hour that will close my millennia-long struggle against the infernal serpent and that will culminate in my certain victory already prophesied at the beginning of the creation of the world in Genesis.
Yes, and through you, my children, who are my heel, the most fragile and weakest part of your Heavenly Mother, I will triumph in the whole world and show to all peoples my strength and power.
From you I desire only: love, pure love, trust, and total docility to my voice. Why do I ask for docility? Because many even have love for me, but no docility. When it is to renounce their own will and do mine, they rebel against me, and through these instruments I can do nothing, in these instruments I can accomplish nothing.
This is why your docility is vital, so that my plan can be realized, and in your lives, in your families, in Brazil and in the world, Satan will be ever more defeated and annihilated. Therefore, docility and love! And then, my Heart will surely triumph in you!
My ray of light, my son Marcos, at the moment of the Annunciation I saw you, I saw your yes, I saw the burning love that you would have for me in the future and also for the souls of my children, suffering and sacrificing yourself for all of them.
Your love comforted my heart in that hour, filled me with supreme joy and encouraged me to give my yes generously for the salvation of mankind, embracing the cross and all the sufferings that would come my way in the future.
Yes, on Calvary, in those three hours that I stood before My Son on the Cross, continually the Eternal Father gave me a vision of His future love and obedience to Me. And His love was the drop of honey in the bitterest cup that at that moment I was drinking in union with my Son.
So, my son, continue steadfast on the path of this true love. You cannot imagine how many thorns and swords of pain you draw from my heart with your father every hour, every day: serving me, loving me continually.
Yes, you took many swords of pain out of my heart when you made for my children the record of my Messages in Amsterdam.
Yes, by making my children aware of my messages as Lady of All Peoples, by making them aware of my desire to be recognized and proclaimed as Advocate, Mediatrix and Co-redemptrix of all mankind, you have made my children trust more in my power, that my children turn to me with greater trust and love.
And as a consequence, I can accomplish in their lives greater and resounding graces from my Heart. Not to mention that with this you have also vaccinated my children against the deadly virus of diminishing my person, my glory, my power as Queen, Advocate and Mediatrix.
And now these my children will not be contaminated by the deadly virus of enmity, of contempt, of vilification of my person. Yes, they firmly believe in my power, and therefore the star of the abyss has no more power over them. And all this is to your credit.
Thank you, my ray of light! Continue to make all these messages known to my children. Because of the merits of this good and holy work that you have done, I give you 38 special blessings today.
And to your father Carlos Thaddeus I now give 451,000 blessings that he will receive on the anniversary of my Apparitions in Marienfried and also in Amsterdam, and also on the day of my Feast of Mary Queen of the Universe, August 22 for 5 years in a row.
I now bless you, and also you my son Carlos Tadeu, the more you unite yourself to my ray of light: by intimacy, by friendship, by complicity, the more similar to him you will become and you will assimilate this agape, divine, celestial love of which his soul, his heart is filled, is full, and overflows. And the more like him you will be and become an unceasing flame of love for me, for the Lord, and for souls.
Yes, I will make you a giant in love, not only in prayer, like my ray of light, and the more you are united to him the more you will assimilate this love that will rise like a burning flame of love to Heaven. And when it touches Heaven it will cause the abundant rain of the Holy Spirit's fire of love in the Second World Pentecost to fall on the whole earth.
Yes, when this flame of love, this flame of love of my son Marcos touches Heaven, then the rain of fire of the Holy Spirit will fall to sanctify, renew and transform the whole earth into my Kingdom of Love, into the Kingdom of Love of the Lord.
And you too the more you grow in this love, the more this flame will rise from your soul to Heaven hastening the Second World Pentecost and the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart. So do not be afraid to love my ray of light, the son I have given you, because you can never surpass Me in loving him.
And if I have so loved him and love him and trusted him and given him very important missions that he has always fulfilled and has never let me down, you too can and must trust this ray of light. Thus, my son, I will enrich you more and more through him, and I will make you more and more also: flame and living reflection of love from my heart.
Your merits have grown much in the last days before the Lord and before me, and soon, we will give you new and copious graces. Go ahead taking my love to all souls, to all people.
Pray 3 Tuesdays in a row the Rosary of the Flame of Love #6 so that then through it I will fill your soul with my love and through you I will fill my children with the power of my flame of love.
To all of you especially, my children, to whom I also give today 12 special blessings, fruit of the merits of the holy work that my ray of light has done by spreading my messages from Amsterdam.
I bless you all with love now: from Lourdes, from Pontmain, from Amsterdam, and from Jacareí."