Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 12, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
I call everyone to truly consecrate themselves to my Heart!

Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"My beloved son Marcos, today, I come on the Feast of my Immaculate Heart to repeat again to you:
You are the child that my son Jesus waited for three centuries for you to come into the world, to finally make his messages to St. Margaret Mary known to all men.
And I tell you more: I have waited, I have waited for you, my dear son, for six decades, for you to be born and finally, to take all my Fatima messages out of the oblivion and contempt of mankind and make them known to the whole world.
Yes, when I gave my message at Fatima, asking my daughter Sister Lucy to spread throughout the world the true devotion to my Immaculate Heart as a means of salvation for humanity, the consecration to my heart and the reparation on the first Saturdays, I knew that she would not succeed, she would be forbidden and hindered, paralyzed in every way.
That is why I asked my Son Jesus, to send another ardent soul to the world full of my flame of love, to take these messages to heart and make them known to the whole world with the whole message of Fatima.
My son Jesus answered me by promising to send you to earth, to take not only his messages at Paray-Le-Monial, but also the messages I gave at Fatima out of the oblivion into which they fatally fell throughout the 20th century.
Yes, you are the chosen and favorite child of my Heart whom I have waited for six decades for you to come and take all my Fatima messages out of the contempt and oblivion of the world by spreading devotion to my Immaculate Heart.
This devotion, which is of love, love of works, of a life of sacrifice, a life of total love and dedication to my Immaculate Heart to help me triumph in the world and in souls.
True devotion to my Immaculate Heart, which is not to pierce it with the sword, with the thorns of sins, of ingratitude and blasphemies.
Yes, in you my message of Fatima has truly become known to all my children. Thanks to the meditated Rosaries, the hundreds you have made, the films of my apparitions, and above all, through your preaching.
Yes, through your preaching and your example my children have understood what it is to be truly consecrated to my Heart: it is to live only for me, it is to live only of my love, only to love me, it is to live totally dedicated to me forgetting yourself, dying to yourself to live only for me and for the Lord through me.
Yes, rejoice, my son! Rejoice! Because thanks to the works you have done, the true devotion to my Immaculate Heart is finally made known and perfectly understood to the world.
Rejoice, and never allow anyone to steal your joy, because thanks to the films of Fatima, of Medjugorje, thanks to the films of my apparitions here and in so many places, thanks to the meditated Rosaries that you have made, my children now understand what true and perfect consecration to my Immaculate Heart is.
Then I can act in the lives of my children, I can transform them into brave soldiers of my heart and instruments of my love for the salvation of millions and millions of souls, of all mankind.
Today, on the Feast of my Immaculate Heart, I call everyone to consecrate themselves truly to my Heart. And more than that, to live this consecration and be faithful to this consecration.
Continue praying my Rosary every day, because through it I will triumph.
To you, my chosen child, favorite son of my Heart, Marcos of my Immaculate Heart, today, which is also the anniversary of your vows, I bless you abundantly with all the graces of my Heart.
And also to you, my very beloved son Carlos Tadeu, I pour upon you today a great shower of graces. I pour over you the graces of the merits of the two films that the son I gave you made of my apparition at Fatima, and of the hundreds of meditated rosaries he made, especially the rosaries of my Flame of Love.
I pour over you now 49,000 blessings that you will receive again every year on the feast of my Immaculate Heart and also on the day of my son St. Anthony Mary Claret.
I bless you abundantly and to all again I say: enter the safe haven of my Immaculate Heart and I will protect you from apostasy, loss of faith, and all evils. Whoever prays the Rosary and puts complete trust in it, in me, will be saved.
I bless you all with love: from Fatima, from Pellevoisin and from Jacareí.
Onward, my brave warrior! You have removed many swords of pain from my heart with the films of my apparitions, with the meditated rosaries(1) that you have made by the hundreds, the taught rosaries(2) and the "trezzenas"(3).
Rejoice, because no one has done anything like you. You are my pride, my hope and my joy. So be happy!
Whatever you ask of me, I will always answer you, because while everyone else was looking after their own petty, selfish and comfortable interests, you worked night and day for so many years, for me, just for love of me.
And with this, you did works that no one else ever wanted to do or wants to do. So: I love you, I bless you now, and I leave you my peace!"
Video link:
(2) 7 Rosaries taught by Our Lady of Jacarei
(3) The Trezena to Saint Anthony of Lisbon is a prayer event that takes place thirteen consecutive days. It is a kind of novena, which, unlike the novena prayed in nine days in honor of the saint (since the thirteenth day is his feast day), is prayed in thirteen days. The Trezena started in Portugal and was taken by the Portuguese to other countries and former colonies. In Brazil the Trezena is held in several states, but in the state of Bahia the tradition is maintained to this day.