Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace and Saint Rita of Cascia communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Only men and women of great and strong faith will remain faithful to God

(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today I invite you once again to conversion. Convert yourselves! Change your lives!
The sins of the world cry out to Heaven for vengeance! You must pray for the conversion of sinners and for your own, for time is running out.
Soon all that I have told you in the past will be fulfilled. Only men and women of great and strong faith will remain faithful to God and not lose the crown of eternal life.
Pray, that you may be strong in the trials to come, for the worst things have not yet come.
Pray, that you may abide in the light when darkness envelops all things. Those who are guided by me and my messages of love will remain in the light and will not fall, will not succumb.
Therefore, my children, have a steadfast obedience to all my messages, and you will triumph over all the tribulations to come, and you will enter Heaven crowned as victors.
Thank the Lord because thanks to my little son Marcos, his yes and the merits of all the holy works he has done for the Lord and for me, the meditated rosaries(1), the rosaries(2), the films of the lives of the saints and my apparitions and all his life consecrated to me, this plague that is now passing through the world has not been worse, no worse than it should be.
Give thanks, because it is thanks to him that many of you have either been preserved from this disease, or if you have had it, you have been cured without so much difficulty. In this way, I prove to the whole world the value of a single soul who is truly consecrated to the Lord and to me and who has dedicated her whole life to serving me and to making me known and loved by all my children.
In this way, I want to show the whole world, but especially the youth, the immense value before the Lord of the life of someone who says yes, who gives herself totally to the service of the Lord and to my service, and dedicates her whole life to saving souls for the Lord, to bringing my children back to me.
May the whole of humanity heed this lesson and imitate my son Marcos in giving himself totally to the Lord and to me for the salvation of souls, especially to achieve for future generations a lasting time of peace, holiness, love for God, and abundant blessings upon the whole earth.
Now, I want you to attack my enemy with the meditated Rosary No. 28. Give it to 4 of my children who don't have one, also give the film of the life of my son Gabriel das Dores.
Attack my enemy, especially the youth with this film, so that my children, when they see the life of my son Gabriel, can imitate him in his love for God and for me, and like him, they can also leave the blindness of worldly amusements and pleasures, and fall in love with the Lord, with me, and with prayer.
And so, from the swamp of sin and perdition in which this world now lies, may I make the luxuriant roses of sanctity and love for God bloom, that following the examples of my son Gabriel and also of my son Marcos, may follow me on the road of sanctity, of prayer and of true love for God.
Keep praying my rosary every day! You have to keep going from house to house as much as you can, praying at least one rosary of my meditated rosary, the rosary of my tears, of peace, or of my flame of love.
You can't leave people empty-handed in their homes, because they don't pray. Go to them, take the prayer that can save them. Bring them the treasures of this shrine: the meditated rosaries, the films of my apparitions, of the lives of the saints, to pull people out of ignorance.
What my son Marcos has done is a work of incalculable value: to pull people out of ignorance, to give them the truth about my apparitions, about the lives of the saints, about the Lord, about my life.
It was the best thing he did, it was the greatest work anyone could have ever done for me, and this son of mine did it, and by leaving everything recorded, you have no difficulty or work to explain it to people, it is all there. Just give them these treasures, give them this light, these stars of light that are these rosaries, films and meditated rosaries made by my son Marcos, and the rest is up to me.
These things have the power to convert and save souls by themselves. Your work has been made 90% easier by my little son Marcos, you just have to bring the light and let the light do its work.
So my children, go! Bring the light now that it is getting dark and darkness is beginning to take over.
Let my light shine through the stars of light, the stones of light that are the works of my little son Marcos.
And as for you, my beloved son, I thank you once again for all that you have done for me. While humanity continued to follow its path of sin, of perdition, surrendering to the works of darkness and putting itself in the hands of Satan, you worked tirelessly to produce works of light, stars of light that in the hands of my children will illuminate the whole world and pull so many souls out of darkness and bring them into the light.
So I bless you once more, and I tell you, Marcos, I confirm you: Yes, you are my great Chosen One!
When you were born, not only I, but the Saints and the Angels came down from Heaven with me to form a great crown of love, of light, of blessing and of grace around you.
The devil noticed this movement coming from Heaven towards this city and began to suspect that something new might be happening to threaten his reign.
He watched you for many, many years, without being sure whether you were a chosen one or not. When he was sure, he tried to end your life by using your biological father, but I, I intervened! And also with the help of your courage the enemy's plan was brought down to earth.
Yes, you are the eldest of a group of 12 children who around my head will form a great constellation of saints in Heaven. So, my witness, my shining star, never tire of producing new stars of light, new rosaries and movies to put into the hands of my children so that together we can crush the darkness with the power of my light.
Satan and his servants in this world work night and day to produce works of darkness, to produce works of death that lead souls to perdition.
I have only you, so do not forsake me, never cease to produce the stars of light from my heart to enlighten and guide my children in the midst of so much darkness, confusion and perdition that now exist.
Yes, go, my little Moses, leading my children through the midst of this barren desert that this world and this generation has become.
Go leading them to the promised land of my Immaculate Heart that will be the triumph of my Heart.
Go forth and do not be afraid, for I will speak for you and I will act ever more through you.
I give you 52 thanks today because of the merits of my daughter Rita's film.
And to your father Carlos Tadeu, for whom you have offered this film all along, I give 93,000 graces today that he will receive every 22nd of every month for 1 year.
Your prayer has pleased the Lord! Your prayer came to the Lord through my daughter Rita's stigma wound.
I bless you with all my love now: from Fatima, from Pontmain and from Jacareí."
(St. Rita): "Beloved brother Marcos, I, Rita, come today with our Most Holy Queen to bless you, all of you who are here and to say: Peace!
Peace in the hearts of all of you! Open your hearts, receive peace in your hearts, let peace enter your hearts, and be the roses of peace and love for this world without peace and without love.
Be the roses of peace and love, praying the rosary every day and bringing the light and the grace of the holy rosary to all those who don't know this light, so that they too can receive this light and be saved and enlightened by this light.
Be the roses of love and peace living in union and intimacy with the Lord, meditating, praying, and trying every day to be as united as possible to the Lord in the sweet intimacy of prayer with the heart. So that truly, your life may be light to bring the world out of darkness and into the light.
Be the roses of love and peace by renouncing all sin, living in the Lord's grace, in his friendship, seeking heavenly things. So that then, truly, your life will be a reflection of mine: Heaven on Earth.
And even in the crosses of each day you can radiate the light and splendor of God's love to this world without peace and without love.
Finally, be the roses of peace and love by bringing peace and treating all your fellows with respect and love, so that truly, through your love everyone can feel the love of God and of the Mother of God.
Dear Marcos, the enemy has not only tried to annihilate you through your biological father, but has also tried to discourage you by hurting you psychologically, morally, through so many slanders, injustices, and above all, betrayals.
He has placed the right people close to you so that through their mistakes and their downfalls, their betrayals, you would become discouraged and tired in your mission to bring the whole world to the heart of Jesus and Mary, and to bring the light of our Blessed Mother to all men.
He seeks to reach you mainly by this way. Capice?
Yes, he makes all this happen to tire you out. He tries to tire you by adversities, he tries to tire you especially by people who do not understand, do not comprehend, do not collaborate, do not obey, because they live in the flesh and you live in the spirit.
Therefore, they are not able to understand you. They could understand you if they renounced the flesh and the world, and if they tried to live in the spirit like you. But since they don't want to, they are unable to understand you and fail at it.
In this way the devil tries to tire you out. Capice?
Don't allow him to tire you, so I ask you: Keep the flame of love burning in your heart, keep this flame burning and as much as possible protect yourself, stay away from all those whom Satan uses as instruments to tire and discourage you.
Fix your gaze now on the Blessed Mother and especially on the guardian angel she sent for you who is your spiritual father.
Fix your gaze on him, unite yourself more and more with him so that in intimacy, so that in love, so that in complicity, in holy friendship, the two of you may firmly lead all the children of the Mother of God into her arms, into her Immaculate Heart and in this way make her triumph in the souls of the whole world.
May your hearts beat together and may the minds of the two of you always be steadfast in the Lord, in the design, in the sacred plan that surrounds you and has chosen you and that can only little by little be shown to you.
Yes, your mission now is also with your spiritual father. Help him! Train him more and more so that he can become like you and live more and more in the spirit, not in the flesh. And so he can not only understand you, but also act, work and do, be like you.
Then, truly, nothing can separate you, nothing can destroy the plan that the Mother of God has to accomplish through you, and in this way, finally, the hearts of Jesus and Mary will triumph.
To you, my very beloved Marcos, who made me known and loved by so many of my brothers, and who opened the door so that I could enter their lives and accomplish blessings in their lives, I pour my special blessing today.
And to your father Carlos Tadeu, for whom you have asked me all day today, I give 22 thousand blessings that he will receive each year on my day.
And so I will pour upon him all the abundance of love and blessings that the Lord has given me to pour upon him.
And on everyone who is here, because of the merits of the movie of my life that you made and my rosary that I love so much and want everyone to pray, I give today 5 special blessings that will remain with everyone here for a lifetime.
And I bless everyone: from Cascia, from Rome and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mother): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives there I will be alive with my daughter Rita, bringing great graces from the Lord.
Dear son Marcos, this rosary that you touched on my dress and on my daughter Rita's dress is for my son Carlos Tadeu, give it to him! This rosary will be strength and consolation for him at all times and through it he will also receive great protection and blessing from my Heart and my daughter Rita at all times. And also, other people who touch it will be blessed by us."
(Marcos): "Thank you for everything dear Mother.
I would like to ask the Lady:
Does the Lady remember Zeitoun? Of the apparitions of the Lady in Zeitoun?
What did you feel when you saw all those people who saw Our Lady in the dome of the Church and applauded, cried and sang?
I have always believed in Zeitoun, but do you have people who don't believe in the apparitions of Zeitoun? The Lady truly appeared there?
Would you be happy if I made a movie of this apparition, as I have wanted to do for so long?
Yes, I will, Mama, I will explain it. They will understand.
See you soon."
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