Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, May 7, 2021
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace, communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
I call all humanity back to My Sacred Heart

(Sacred Heart of Jesus): "My very beloved son Marcos, today, on the anniversary of the first message(1) that I gave you in the distant year of 1994, I come again with My Blessed Mother to tell you:
My first message was My call of love to all mankind!
On that day, as today, I called and call all of humanity back to My Sacred Heart. I call all My children to come closer to me and to listen to the call of love from My Heart.
My call of love, the call of love of My Heart vibrated in your home that day and since then it has not ceased to vibrate year after year in the hearts, in these hills, in these blessed hills of Jacareí where I and My Blessed Mother have decided to fix our throne of love, of graces and of mercy for all our children.
The call of love from My Sacred Heart has been repeated ever since, year after year, month after month, day after day. But, unfortunately, it fell on deaf ears that heard everything with dead ears, hearts that heard everything with dead ears, no faith, no real faith in My messages, in My word.
So My call of love produced no fruit of holiness in many souls and many of them became, unfortunately, dead deserts where their souls died to eternal life.
My call of love was repeated year after year and was welcomed by few, but true loving children, who welcomed My call of love like you, My little pigeon, and bore many fruits of love for me. Yes, they prayed a lot, they renounced the sins and pleasures of this world, they dedicated their lives to me and My Mother in prayer, in sacrifice, in penance, in holiness which is the only way to Heaven.
And in these souls, I have truly found love, correspondence, relief from the great pains and wounds caused in My body by the sins of this humanity.
The call of love from My Heart was repeated year after year here, in this blessed place, and all the people who had in themselves a good character, a righteous soul, recognized My voice. The souls that are of light and truth recognized My voice and the voice of My Mother and they rose up in haste, burning with love for me and gave me their yes.
And in these souls I find with My Blessed Mother, all the love, all the correspondence and all the obedience that My Sacred Heart so desired to find in this lost humanity.
The smoke of Satan that in My first message I said had darkened everything, that had taken over everything and disfigured, undone the beauty of your souls, this smoke has now invaded the whole world, obscured everything, corrupted all things, and therefore it is now necessary that all of you, that all the souls of good will, all My children, rise up with a powerful cry of love to My Sacred Heart making My voice vibrate and echo through all the corners of the world, so that then, this humanity can see again the light of My grace, the light of salvation, the light of My peace.
So go, My children, and announce everywhere My first message with all the strength and all that I have given here with My Mother, so that truly the world may know My love and be saved by My love.
As for you, Marcos, My chosen one, what I told you in that first message I repeat again to you:
Don't worry, these apparitions will triumph and one day they will be accepted, welcomed by the Church. Before that, you will still have to suffer a lot, as I told you then, and you have suffered. You still have something to suffer, but I tell you:
Your courage, your perseverance and your burning love for My Mother and for me will end up triumphing and making the truth of our presence here accepted by the Church.
Yes, My Heart will win, it will triumph over all My enemies. And in spite of everything and everyone, the traitors, the infidels, all the unbelieving "tomes", I will triumph!
In spite of all the Judases, all the Pharisees, My enemies, I will triumph!
In spite of all the priests who, like those of My time, persecute me even today, I will triumph, and I will make My mythical light from this place shine over the whole earth.
So, My little child, never worry! Keep doing what My Mother told you to do, keep working tirelessly for My Mother and for me that the truth alone, that your works of holiness and love alone, will make our Hearts triumph over all darkness and all apostasy.
I bless you with love and I tell you, My beloved son, My enemy hated you even before you were born. That is why, when you were still in your mother's womb and I and My Blessed Mother had already chosen you, the enemy, suspecting that you would be a privileged, special soul through whom we might accomplish a great work in the world, made that woman approach your mother and suggest to her that she take your life before you were born.
But My Mother intervened and did not allow her mother to welcome such an evil suggestion. Let this be a sign to you that My enemy already hated you even before you were born. And later, when he was sure that you were our chosen one, he tried to take your life through your biological father. But he didn't count on your courage, he didn't count on your bravery and your valor, and through this our divine plan could be realized and will be realized in you and through you.
So don't be afraid, continue being the boy, the brave child, who fears nothing and who faces everything and everyone for me and for My Mother, as you did to save the life of your earthly mother.
And so, My brave warrior, keep on fighting the good fight every day and working tirelessly to save souls and bring them all to me and to My Mother.
Yes, verily I say to you, My beloved son Marcos, each Mercy Rosary that you have recorded for me is worth more than an entire year of anyone's fasting. So, for this new Mercy Rosary No. 123 that you made for me, I give you today 50 special graces.
And for your father Carlos Tadeu, for whom you offered it the day you made it and especially today, I give at this moment 10,000 special blessings that he will receive every day at 3:00 in the afternoon and especially on Fridays at 3:00, at the time I expired on the cross.
Thus I cumulate grace not only to you, but especially to the one you love most in this world. And so, My Sacred Heart can pour the streams of My grace over this world that can only be saved by a miracle of the Rosary of My Mercy.
I bless you all with love: from Paray-Le-Monial, from Dozulé and from Jacareí.
(Mary Most Holy): "Beloved children of mine, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I come from Heaven today to tell you all:
I am the Messenger of Peace, so you must welcome the message of peace that I bring from the Lord, which is the last chance that God gives to the whole world.
I am the Messenger of Peace, so I have come from Heaven to call all My children to prayer, sacrifice, and penance, which is the only way that leads to God.
You must now hasten your conversion as quickly as possible. The Father waited for this time and chose this time to send me with the last messages to mankind, to call all my children to conversion and salvation.
There is no more time! The seals will be opened soon, and woe to the sinners, woe to the inhabitants of the earth who have not heard my voice! They will be like wood burning in the burning fire forever. Everyone must be urgently converted!
Yes, on the day of warning, the soul that has the most sin will suffer the heaviest burden of God's judgment. Purify your souls through penance and prayer, so that truly on that day, my children, you can exchange a look of love, peace and concord with the Holy Spirit, and not be struck down by the gaze of God's Justice.
Yes, it is necessary for all of you to change your lives! The Earth is saturated with sin. Throughout all these years my messages have been despised, my tears have been denied, my apparitions and my seers unjustly persecuted and silenced.
Humanity has continued walking the road of sin, the road of turning away from God, of rebelling against his law of love, and giving itself over completely to the worship of the new idols that have been built: of power, of money, and of pleasure.
This is why I need the righteous and holy souls of this lost generation to stand up and help me save what can still be saved.
What my son Jesus said to my daughter Margaret of Belgium I repeat now: 'Yes, for every soul that is lost eternally by not taking the messages and warnings of my son and mine to them, you will pay for all eternity for these souls.'
Therefore, my children, do not be omissive, do not sin by omission, by laziness and by cowardice, because my son Jesus deplores and detests cowards and loves brave souls who are not afraid to announce to the world our words, our messages of love.
Yes, it is necessary that the world converts, because one day a thunder will be heard so powerful and the earth will shake with such strength that entire cities will turn to ashes in a few moments, because along with all this a terrible fire will come from Heaven as I announced in Akita.
You must be converted urgently! I am still pierced by a sword of pain because humanity continues to despise my messages.
Even if men were to build the biggest dam in the world, they would not be able to contain the many tears I shed for the loss of so many of my children.
Wear the medal of my husband Joseph with love, and through it, ask that the flame of love from my Heart and that of my husband Joseph, descend upon your souls.
Kiss this medal with love every day and above all, holding it, ask:
'O Heart of St. Joseph burn me with the flame of love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.'
And then, my spouse Joseph will truly scorch your hearts with love for me and my son Jesus, and then you will become like him unceasing flames of love for us!
Joseph and I were one with Jesus, all Joseph's desires were the same as Jesus' and those of my Heart. When you have the same desires as Jesus and mine in your hearts, all the earthly, worldly man will die in you, and the new man reborn will arise, the perfect, fulfilled humanity, transformed and sublimated in God.
Keep praying my Rosary every day, through it I will save this world and your families.
My little son Marcos, today I bless you once again and tell you:
Thank you, thank you for another month of serving me in prayer, in work, in sacrifice, making the meditated Rosaries for me, making the Rosaries for me, making the Mercy Rosaries for my son, caring for the souls of my children through the programs of the Messenger of Peace Radio, through every cenacle.
Even exhausted from the sacrifices of the headaches each night, you forgot yourself, renounced yourself to think only of me and the souls, putting us first. For all this, thank you!
For your continuous giving of yourself by caring and truly guiding the young people I have called to be all mine each day: in prayer, in holiness and in true love for me and my son, thank you!
For being a flame of love that burns continuously, working to build my shrine here and my spiritual shrine in the souls of my children, thank you!
Know, my little son, that so many times the devil intended to take your life, like that time when you were returning from school and an unknown man asked you to get into his vehicle to show him where such and such a place was. And you, inspired by your Guardian Angel, did not accept, and ran away, entering a house and waiting for the man to leave.
Yes, you should have been the victim of something terrible on that occasion, but I saved you, I defended you.
As well as that time when evildoers went to the old hill to do something terrible against your life. I defended you, I protected you, I kept you!
And because of this, my son, you must never fear, because I will always be with you. Continue to do my will, continue to serve me, and I will also continue to serve you with my graces of love.
Keep on doing my will, and I will also fulfill all the holiest desires of your heart.
To you, and also to my little son Carlos Tadeu, I bless you now.
I give your father Carlos Tadeu at this moment 15,708 graces, which he will receive in the months of July, August and September. All of them fruits of the meditated Rosary #336 that you made for me and that you offered especially for your Father Carlos Tadeu.
And to you, my son Carlos Tadeu, I say:
Thank you for coming once again to console me. You have now removed 978 thorns from my Heart and 79 swords of pain that the world has stuck in my Heart today.
Thank you, little son, for your love, Mama loves you so much and never, never takes her eyes off you! You are here in my lap, in my heart day and night, even when you are sleeping I watch over you. And every day I present to the Holy Trinity the merits of my pains and tears for your soul.
And, above all, I also offer the merits of the pain that I felt on Holy Saturday, when I was in complete solitude and without my son, for your intention.
On those days I also offer the pain I felt when my son said goodbye to me to go and die for men. The pain I felt at that moment was such that if the angels didn't support me I would die of pain...
I have been offering to the Father the merits of this pain of mine for you in the last days to obtain new graces of God's love for you and all of them the Holy Trinity has granted me.
Above all, you will receive a special blessing from me because of the merits of this pain every Saturday at 5:00 in the afternoon.
I will give you this grace that I have obtained from the Lord through the merits of my pains and tears.
You see, my child, I have given you as a son the bravest and most courageous child I have found on earth. I went all over the world looking for at least 12 children like him, I found some of some value, but the most valuable was the son I gave you.
I gave you this child as a son to show you how much love I have for you and how much I trust you.
You must be the tutor, you must be the guide, you must be the counselor, the father of this soul that needs you so much to know how to conduct itself, how to protect itself, and how to succeed in this terrible and cruel world, especially with the innocent and good souls like this child.
The world is especially cruel to these pure souls who have no malice, and are therefore continually betrayed, wronged and deceived by the wicked.
It is your mission, my child, to protect this child that I have given you as my son, by helping him to protect himself from all these evil souls. It is your mission to deliver him from these evil souls, so that they don't make him suffer anymore, so that they don't discourage him.
You must protect Marcos, do you understand?
You must be his guide, his counselor, and his teacher, especially at this point. And you must be his guardian angel, especially on this point.
You must counsel him, you must love him as he is, and you must help him to grow humanly, so that spiritually as great as he already is and humanly as great, thanks to you, he can truly reach that summit of perfection that I desire of him in all points, so that my will may be fulfilled.
And, also, I have given you this son in whom I have manifested the most splendid signs, which I have not manifested even in the holiest sons who have ever set foot in this world, so that you may see how valuable and precious you are to me.
With you both I will do great works!
With you two, with your two united hearts, I and Jesus, our two United Hearts, will do great works for the salvation of souls.
The plan that we have for you is still very great and cannot be revealed. From you I ask only trust and total docility to my voice.
Let yourselves be carried in my arms, let yourselves be led by me, and our plans will be realized.
From you I ask only: the pure, firm and complete faith that you have manifested until now and that I know so well.
And yet many more wonders, wonders and graces I will perform in your life and through you in the lives of so many of my children, who not only without the yes of my son Marcos, but without your yes too, cannot be saved, and would be lost, would die, be dead to eternal life forever.
So go forward, my son, with complete trust and abandonment in my hands, in my arms, total and complete trust and docility to my voice. And you will see how many great graces I will accomplish in your life and especially enrich you through the son I have given you and who for you is the greatest sign of the immense love I have for you.
I bless you with great love now and I tell you:
Do not be afraid of anything, I will always be with you and especially I will be beside you when you speak of my messages and my love to my children. I will touch their hearts and make them all feel my presence in their person, work and love.
To all and especially to you I bless with love: from Fatima, from Caravaggio and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mother): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives there I will be alive, taking with me the great graces of the Lord.
To all again I bless that they may be happy and I leave my peace."
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