Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, April 2, 2021
Good Friday - Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Remove the swords of pain from my heart!

Dear children, today, when you contemplate the sacrifice of Jesus' death on the cross and the Friday of my greatest pains, I come again to tell you:
Even today I am pierced!
I am pierced for this humanity that continues to walk the road of perdition, of sin, of rebellion to God and his law.
I am pierced for the youth who are sunk deeper every day into addictions, drugs, prostitution, sin, and all the things that lead souls to perdition.
I am pierced by families completely destroyed spiritually, without prayer, without love for God, living only for worldly and earthly things.
I continue to be pierced for consecrated souls who have betrayed their vows to God, and who live in mortal sin, walking each day toward their perdition.
I continue to be pierced by mankind, who is continually turning away from the Lord, away from the truth, and each day walking further and further down the road to self-destruction and eternal damnation.
Get up, humble souls, good and holy souls, souls who still have the true love for God and for me, and dry my tears, remove the swords of pain from my heart! So that then, truly, instead of tears of pain, tears of joy may descend from my eyes.
Do everywhere the prayer cenacles that I have asked for by taking my messages to all my children, because it is the only way to remove the swords of pain from my heart and the heart of my son Jesus.
Pray the Rosary as much as you can, pray the Thousand Hail Marys as much as you can, because only a great chain of prayers can save humanity from the great abyss of perdition into which it is rolling at full speed.
Pray! Make, my children, that the whole earth listens to my sorrowful and maternal voice, and that all my children come to the road of conversion, of prayer, sacrifice and penance, which is the only sure way by which they can reach God, salvation and peace.
I bless you all with love: from Jerusalem, from Nazareth, from Umbe and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives, there I will be alive, taking with me the great graces of the Lord.
To all I bless again and leave my peace."
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