Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Pray! Pray! Pray! God will hear your prayers soon

Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, today when you celebrate the birthday of my ,Appearance in Pontmain, I come from Heaven again to tell you:
Pray! Pray! Pray! God will hear your prayers soon. My son lets himself be touched!
Touch your prayers made with love, with your heart, and let yourself be touched immediately if your prayers are in accordance with his holy will and if they are presented by my immaculate hands to him.
When you ask for graces through me and with me praying the Rosary, my son Jesus does not resist and always grants everything you ask for through me and in my name. How many graces you do not get because you do not ask in my name. Ask in my name and my son will give you.
I am the Corridor of Humanity! Yes, since my Immaculate Conception I have been truly chosen by God to be the Corridor of all humankind, but it was at the Annunciation and on top of the Calvary that I became truly and effectively the Corridor, mediator and advocate of all humanity.
Yes, my sufferings united to those of my son helped in the salvation of the human race, so ,I appeared in Pontmain showing the cross of my son,to show that I am indissolubly united with him in the mystery of the corridor, of his death, of his Passion, of his redeeming sacrifice.
Ask my son for graces in the name of the runner and you will receive great miracles, because even today, although I am the Queen of Heaven, I remain in Heaven as the Sorrowful Mother, the Corridor Mother of Humanity.
Pray my Rosary every day, with it you will achieve true miracles as my children of Pontmain did on the day of my Apparition: the miracle of being free from war and death. With my Rosary you will turn even many evils into good.
Pray again many rosaries a day like my little son Marcos did all his life and you will see my miracles of love in your lives again.
Convert quickly because the time for conversion is ending and soon there will be two great punishments for humanity.
My little son Marcos, I bless you with all my love. Thank you for having served me all my life praying my Rosary and working so hard for me. Yes, your merits, my son, are much more numerous than the ones you counted with the Rosaries you prayed throughout your life. They are much more golden coins you possess in Heaven, because you served me not only by praying the Rosaries, but by making the sceneries, by making the movies of my Apparitions, suffering so many diseases, crosses, injustices and persecutions for my love. And everything, every minute of your life, every breath and beat of your heart, has always been just for me. Every gesture, every work of hers, was only for me.
That's why his merits are even greater! Ask me for whatever you want and for the merits, for the value of the merits of everything you have done for me and for my son, everything we will give you.
Rejoice, oh most beloved son, most dedicated and richest I have; rich in merits!
Rejoice, because great will be your reward and the multitude of souls that will receive you in celebration in Heaven, the souls that you have saved throughout your life with so many thousands of rosaries, millions of prayers, sacrifices, sceneries, lectures, movies, Rosaries and good works. Yes, great will be the crowd that will receive you in celebration in Heaven and great will be the reward and beautiful crown filled with many stars of merits that I will give you in Heaven.
I bless you too, beloved son Carlos Tadeu. See how I gave you the best of the best, I gave you the son who prayed my Rosary the most on the face of the earth, who served me the most with the Rosary, who worked the most and dedicated himself to me and who has more merits before me and my son, and you became his consort by his request to me and my will. All this is also yours, all these merits are also yours!
And the more your son grows in merits for the prayers and good deeds he does, you too will have a share in those merits and become richer and richer before my son and me, richer in merits, and you will have the blessings in proportion to those merits.
Be happy then! For to you I have given the best of the best and ,the son in whom I have manifested signs that not even in the most holy children of mine who have trodden the earth I have manifested, and I have given to you the son who has loved me most and loved my Rosary all his life, so that his joy may be complete with certainty and in the certainty of my immense love for you!
I bless you too, dear son Andre. ,Thank you for coming, thank you for comforting me.You took 250 thorns from my Immaculate Heart with your prayers here in these days and took 1000 swords of pain from my heart.
Thank you, little son, thank you for so much love for me! Thank you for the sacrifice of coming here for me. I bless you! Thank you for being for my little son Marcos angel friend, angel of love, angel of tenderness.
I will give you four special thanks this week for all the support, help and love you gave to my son Marcos, all the consolation with his friendship, his presence, his support and shoulder friend.
I will also give you in the month of February 22 blessings, 22 special thanks for everything you have done for my son Marcos these days and also for having so promptly answered his call and my call in his call to be here.
I now bless you abundantly with all the graces of my heart and I also bless you, my son Valdecir, my daughter Lourdes, and all your relatives, everyone!
I bless all of you who are here, my children. You are all my beloved children, you are all my very dear children!
On all of you I now pour a shower of blessings from my heart (there was a pause in the message during the blessing)
To all of you I now give my special and maternal blessing which you will be able to pass on to as many as you like: from Lourdes, Pontmain and Jacareí".
Note: Before Our Lady touched the rosaries, Our Lady's seer, Marcos Tadeu, presented to the Blessed Mother a sheet where he had noted down all the Rosaries, Rosaries and a Thousand Hail Marys that he had prayed during these almost 30 years of apparitions. He offered to Our Lady all these prayers for his father Carlos Tadeu, his friend André Paiola, his spiritual children, and for all the people he loves. Marcos asked Our Lady if he could offer all these rosaries for Brother Geraldo, to pay all the rosaries that his brother had not prayed before his conversion. The seer Marcos Tadeu smiled and thanked, but he did not tell those present what Our Lady's answer was.
MESSAGE FROM OUR LADY AFTER TAKING THE RELIGIOUS OBJECTS "As I have already said, wherever these rosaries are there I will be alive carrying with me the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all again to be happy, and I leave my peace".
Video of the Apparition and Message of Our Lady: