Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, December 25, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
With the Rosary the last word in world events will always be of the Lord

"Dear children, today I come with little Jesus, King of Peace, to give peace to you all and to the whole world!
In this world troubled by sin and Satan's action, so many souls fall into sin by losing the life of sanctifying grace and, through this, Satan destroys not only families, youth and childhood, but even the saving works of God.
Help me to fight him with the prayer of the Rosary. With the Rosary, with the Thousand Hail Marys as you have prayed here, we can defeat Satan and we can even reverse his victories into victories for the Lord, for me and for you.
With the Rosary the last word in the events of the world will always be of the Lord and mine, and it will always be of those who have faith.
With the Rosary we can achieve all miracles! So, little children, pray full of faith in the King of Peace, who rules the whole Universe and who continues as alive as ever and he will save you and give you his peace.
Be witnesses of the love and peace of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, for this world without peace. Be holy, for this summarizes the entire Holy Bible and is the will of the Father.
Keep coming here so that I may continue your conversion.
Today I bless you all with love, but especially you, my little son Marcos, who suffered so much today, so much all day long.
Yes, all your pains, all your infirmities, have not stopped you from praying these Thousand Hail Marys. Truly you are my hope, you are truly my consolation, my joy that always puts me first above yourself.That is why I always chose you! And even if I had to choose again, a thousand times I would choose you again, because you do have the true love for me.I confirm to you once again that you will go to Heaven, as I told you on December 8, directly, and all those who are docile and obedient to you will be to me and will also go with you along the same road of salvation.
I bless you too, my little son Carlos Thaddeus. Thank you so much for joining the son I gave you yesterday in praying the Thousand Hail Marys. Yes, to you I pour out all the grace of my Immaculate Heart.
This is how I want you: united in love, in prayer, in my flame of love, in faith always. And as I have always told you: a Hail Mary of yours for the son I gave you has more power than a hundred than anyone else prays. So pray for him and above all heal him, heal him with your word, because through your love I will heal his soul, and when the soul is healed the body can also be.
It is very true that he must carry the cross of sacrifice until the Lord wants it and needs it. But you, with your love, will support him in this sacrifice and you will also have with him decosacrificing* merits.
So, son, go ahead! Go ahead with the son I gave you and in whom I have manifested miraculous signs that not even in the holiest of my children who have ever set foot in this world have I manifested, to show you, to prove to you that I have always loved you immensely and have given you the best of the best.
Do not dishonor the gift I have never given you! But first, value it, honor it and the more you value and honor this gift, the more I will benefit you for it.
I bless you too, my dear son Leandro, now with my son Jesus I give you a particular blessing.
Continue following the road of prayer, holiness and love with my son Marcos, that you, hand in hand with him, will get there in the glory that I prepare every day for you and where I desire to have you along with me, eagerly.
Yes, I can't wait to embrace you and with me all the Saints in Heaven. Stay at my school here with my little son Marcos, let yourself be guided and you will arrive and have a crown of imperishable glory in Heaven.
I also bless you, my son Eder, persevere on the road of salvation where I placed you.
I chose you from your mother's womb, and if you are docile to me by letting yourself be gently guided by my son Marcos, who is my representative on earth, you, with him, will quickly follow the road of salvation and will arrive at that abode of glory so beautiful that I prepare for you.
Today I give you with the Divine King of Peace, a particular and special blessing.
Now with my son Jesus I bless you all with my motherly blessing, a special blessing that you can pass on to as many as you want. May this blessing remain always in you and with you and may it draw upon you all the great graces of the Lord's love.
"As I said before, wherever one of these rosaries arrives, I and my Divine Child Jesus will be alive bringing to all the graces of the Lord.
My son and I will touch these rosaries, take them to all the sick and the suffering so that our grace can comfort and relieve them.
To all I bless, I bless all who spread my messages, who love me, who obey me, my truly faithful slaves of love, and to all once again I leave peace".
*Cosacrificing: He who sacrifices himself together.
Video of this day:
Watch the complete videos of the Cenacles containing the prayers, films and lectures: