Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace to the Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Satan is strong, but my Peace Medal is stronger than him!

(Marcos Thaddeus): May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever!
Yes. Yes, I will.
I promise I will do it this week.
"Yes, my Queen."
"Dear children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! Today you celebrate here the anniversary of the Revelation of my Medal of Peace.
My Medal of Peace, as I have said so many times, is the greatest gift, the greatest gift of my Immaculate Heart to you.
To all those who wear my medal all their lives and die with it, I promise salvation and attain all the graces necessary for the salvation of the soul who wears my medal at the hour of death.
At that hour I will not be a judge for them, but a friend, mother and intercessor, a merciful lawyer.
I promise to all those who wear my medal with love and are apostles of my Heart, by spreading this my medal to the world, I promise copious graces from my heart, I will write the names of these souls, these children in my Immaculate Heart and they will have the primacy in my heart in regard to the graces that I want to give to the world.
Yes, they will have the preference of my heart, because it is my beloved apostles who give my children this great treasure of my heart: my Medal of Peace, shield of peace, of love, of protection that I give to every man to defend him from the attacks of the infernal enemy.
Satan is strong, but my Medal of Peace is stronger than him! And where it is, where it is worn with love and devotion, there my enemy will not stay long if he is there, he will not be able to enter if my Peace Medal is there and he will not be able to drag into the darkness of evil the children who wear my Peace Medal with love and pray my Rosary every day.
My Medal of Peace is the most powerful shield that I give to my children in these times of great tribulation and apostasy to defend them so much in the difficult moments of suffering and pain that you will have to go through, that everyone will have to go through, but also to protect them from the darkness of apostasy that now drag so many souls into incredulity, atheism and the loss of true faith.
Yes, to all those who wear my Medal of Peace, I promise my protection and these souls will be loved and cherished by God, like flowers that will be placed to adorn his throne and my throne in Heaven.
Pray, my children, because with the Rosary you can reverse all the victories of Satan in the battles that you fight with him, you can reverse in victory for the Lord.
And even when Satan wins some battle, persevering in the prayer of the Rosary, in the future you will be able to revert his victories to the victories of the Lord.
So pray, pray, pray without rest!
With my Rosary you will recover peace of heart, you will recover God's grace if you have lost it, you will increase grace if you already have it. And those of my children who are far from the grace of the Lord and his love will recover this grace in a short time and will have increased it every day by the power of my Rosary.
Yes, with the Rosary you will recover inner balance, serenity, peace of soul. With my Rosary you will recover even many graces that you have lost. With my Rosary you will grow each day more in holiness and you will fly higher and higher in the love of God.
With the Rosary you will receive my inspirations about how to solve your problems, solve your indecisions and make the right decisions that will lead you to the fulfillment of God's will, and also, lead you to the most perfect holiness as the Lord wishes and wants.
With my Rosary, you will be able to change all your sadness into radiant joy. So pray, pray, pray without ceasing at every moment and wherever you are.
The souls who receive the most graces are the ones who pray my Rosary, so: Pray! Pray! Pray!
Pray also the Rosary of my Tears and the Rosary of Peace meditated every day. In this way I will give you abundant graces from my Heart, with which you will become more beautiful each day for the Lord and for me.
And pray for the conversion of sinners, because the time of the Lord's mercy is running out and if humanity is not converted a great punishment will fall, but with the Rosary the punishments can be eased and diminished.
With the Rosary sinners can be converted and with the disappearance of sins, the punishments will also disappear.
Pray, pray and pray without ceasing!
I chose my little daughter Catarine Labouré, Catherine, to give her my Miraculous Medal at the beginning of the cycle of my last and great Apparitions to the world. I chose my little son Marcos to receive the last medal, which closes the cycle of my great manifestations, to lead all humanity to the triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
I looked for a child worthy of receiving such a great treasure and gift from my Heart and I chose my little son Marcos, whose pure and crystalline heart pleased me and also captivated my love, captivated my heart.
That is why I gave him this priceless treasure so that through his innocent, pure and loving hands my children could receive this great gift from my heart that will bring so many graces and so much light, so much peace for all my children.
Therefore, there is no place on the face of the earth that has received such a great treasure as this from my Medal of Peace. Cherish it and you will receive from my heart and from the heart of my son great graces of love.
To everyone and especially to you, my little son Marcos, to whom I have given the great treasure of my Medal of Peace, of my face of love, of the thirds of power and so many other signs. To whom I gave my Gray Scapular and my husband Joseph's Medal, because you were very worthy of all those great graces and treasures of Heaven, and much more will be, and to all my children I now bless: from Lourdes, from Pontmain and from Jacareí.
I bless you too, my beloved son Carlos Thaddeus. I now give you my special and private message:
"My son, on the day of the revelation, at the moment of the revelation of my Peace Medal to my little son Marcos, to the son I gave you, I looked at you with love and poured out on you wherever you were at that moment copious graces of love from my Heart.
Yes, while my little son Marcos contemplated me with the Holy Spirit at the revelation of the medal, you received great outpourings of graces from my heart and the Holy Spirit, God-Love.
Yes, and this medal has always been and always will be a channel of great graces to you. So keep wearing it always, ask me for the graces and protection through it and I will give you copious graces and gifts from my heart.
I will pour over many souls also around you graces through the Medal of Peace that you carry over your heart.
This medal will relieve you in pain and suffering.
Through it I will give you relief in suffering, in pain.
Through it, I will flood your heart and soul with light.
Through it, I will give you great and good inspirations about what to say, about what to pray in the cenacles that you do for me.
Through her, I will enlighten you more each day and make you rich in the graces of the Lord.
And rejoice in your heart because I have given you as a spiritual son, as a son, the chosen and privileged soul to whom I have given my Medal of Peace, to whom I have given my Holy Face with my living son radiating graces, light and love to all.
To him I have given my Gray Scapular of Peace and the one with whom everyone who dies with him will not perish, will not be condemned.
To this son I also gave my spouse Joseph's medal and I gave him the rosary of power, so many prayers, so many graces and in which I manifested a sign that I have not manifested even in the most holy children of mine who have already stepped on the face of the earth: that of the ray of light that I made descend from heaven on him indicating him as my favorite and well loved son.
Yes, I gave you a son who asked me in 1994 to show a great sign in Heaven for everyone to believe. And the Lord, the Father, my son, the Holy Spirit and myself did not deny him this sign because he was very worthy of him and of many more!
And on the day announced and promised by me the sign came true! Thus I showed to the whole world, not only the truth of my apparitions here, but also how much this son is loved, dear, beloved of the heart of the Father, of my son, of the Holy Spirit and of my heart.
Such a son whom not even God himself resisted, such a son whom not even I myself resisted and for whom we performed the greatest miraculous signs, it was precisely this son that I gave you to show you how much I love you, how valuable and special you are to me. And how much through this son I want to favor you more and more, to enrich you with the graces from on high and to make you a wonderful work of beauty, of holiness, for the greater glory and exaltation of the Lord.
Therefore, son, rejoice in your heart, exult in joy and persevere on the road to which I have chosen you and called you who will lead you to Heaven, to eternal happiness.
During this month speak of my Medal of Peace, speak also of the signs that I gave on November 7, 1994 here, that show all the greatness of my Apparitions and also the greatness of the love that the Holy Trinity and I have for the son that I gave you and how much he is loved by us. And whoever listens to him will listen to me, whoever despises him, disputes him and contradicts him, will dispute him and will stand against myself and against the Lord.
Thus my children will learn the true obedience that pleases and pleases me so much to the Lord and attracts to my soul copious graces and blessings, attracting the favorable eyes of the Lord and also the favor of my heart.
To you I bless with love now and ask: in every cenacle pray with my children the Rosary of Peace meditated #8 and the Rosary of the Flame of Love #4. So that my children learn, know, feel how great my love is for all of them and how much I want to love and save them all.
I now bless you abundantly with all the graces of my love".
As I said before, wherever one of these thirds arrives there I will be alive taking with me the abundant graces and blessings of the Lord.
To all again I bless you to be happy and I ask you to read chapter 16 of my Alphonsus' book 'A Way of Salvation' and to my little son Carlos Thaddeus I ask you to read chapter 22.
To all I leave my peace.
Stay in the peace of the Lord".