Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Pray! And then through prayer you will receive the peace of heart that only God can give

(Marcos Tadeu): Forever be praised!
Yes. Yes, Mama, I made it. Yes, I made her. I hope you enjoyed it.
Yes, I will."
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, today I invite you again to fight with the weapons of prayer.
Satan is strong and wants to spoil my plans of salvation, my maternal plans in every way. Now if you use one person, now if you use another to spoil my plans.
He makes use primarily of those who are attached to their own will, to their own way of thinking, to worldly things, to their own will, and especially through them, those who are rebellious and do not have the virtue of docility, it is precisely through them that he seeks to spoil my plans of salvation. Fight it with the prayer of the Rosary!
With the Rosary, with prayer, you can limit Satan's action, you can surround him and make him totally inoperative. If you pray, you will not allow Satan to destroy anything, because with the barrier of prayer you will prevent and frustrate all his efforts.
So little children, take the rosary and pray, pray, pray more than ever! You want peace of heart, but do not pray. Pray! And then through prayer you will receive peace of heart that only God can give, that only I can give you!
Satan is hate, he is war! Satan is agitation, disturbance, and total absence of peace and he wants to destroy your peace, the peace of the world, the peace of your families by beginning to destroy the peace of your hearts. Fight against him with prayer, because with it you can guarantee the triumph of peace in your hearts, in your families and in the world.
Satan is strong and seeks through people full of evil to make the good suffer. And even bring them down to the grave because of so much suffering and the overwhelming weight of the cross that in those times, for some, it has truly become an almost unbearable burden. But if you pray, even this can be changed and Satan will not be able to use the evil people to make my good children who love me suffer and who live and fight for me.
Yes, with prayer you can relieve the cross of righteous souls and you can make even these efforts of Satan completely neutralized, without effect.
So pray, pray, pray!
Pray that you yourselves do not become instruments of Satan to spoil my motherly plans and to make my servants who live and work for me suffer, because I tell you: you will have to give an account of every pain you have caused them, every suffering and every tear you have shed. So pray and pray! That you may always be instruments only of God's grace and never of the infernal enemy.
Fasting on bread and water on Wednesdays and Fridays for world peace.
Satan now wants to move forward in his evil plans and destroy the peace of mankind. With fasting and prayer you can stop wars, you can change even wars in victory for the Lord and the righteous.
Pray my Rosary because it is the most powerful weapon against Hell. Hell will never prevail against a soul who prays my Rosary and Satan will never triumph over a soul who has prayed my Rosary and will never triumph over it!
Pray, my children, it is time to fight Satan more powerfully and also to hinder his plans starting with the part of youth that he has mastered. That's why I wish you to give four movies of my Apparitions in Lourdes that my little son Marcos made for all my children, especially for the youth. Through these movies, I will make my light shine in the hearts of many of them and, thus, I will spoil Satan's plans.
I also want you to pray five thirds of my Immaculate Conception, to spoil Satan's plans and to free the souls he conquered and took away from me and my son Jesus. In this way we will be able to crush him, annihilate him completely and bring the grace of salvation to many of my little children who are waiting to see my light.
Forward, my children! Continue spreading my messages that are the last hope of humanity. Go! And continue giving the rosaries touched by me and the meditated Rosaries to all my children, because through these Rosaries I will bring the transforming grace of my son's heart and of my heart, of the Holy Spirit, to many of my children.
Forward! Pray for Italy, pray also for Poland. I love them so much and I want to pour more and more graces on these nations. I want to do even more marvels than I have done in these two lands so loved by me. Pray the Rosary for them, and then I will make my flame of love descend upon them realizing graces, blessings and endless wonders from my heart, turning them into even more beautiful jewels than they are of my motherly and royal crown.
I bless you all with love now: from Lourdes, Pontmain, Craveggia and Jacareí".
Mary Most Holy after touching the religious objects presented to her by the seer Marcos Tadeu:
"As I said before, wherever one of those rosaries touched by me arrives, there I will be alive with Saint Manuel and Saint Lumiel carrying the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all again to be happy and especially you, my little son Marcos. Thank you for the sacrifice of that night's headache you offered me. It was more intense and strong than the other days, to the point of getting blood out of your face, because I needed to save a particular soul, very hard, obstinate and cold. Your pain served to soften her heart a little, but it will still be necessary more.
So continue offering your pain for that particular soul that only in Heaven will you know who you are and continue offering for all souls. Thanks to your sacrifice, we saved 86,128 souls last night. And you offering for your father Carlos Thaddeus, reached for him 928 new blessings that he will receive next October.
Thus, I pour on the whole earth and on souls a copious shower of grace.
Sacrifice is love that rises to Heaven and returns from Heaven as an abundant shower of mercy, light and love.
To all again I bless and leave peace".
Video of the Apparition and Message: