Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace to the Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
More about my messages from Montichiari

(Marcos): May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever!
(Marcos): (Mary and Joseph): (Yes, Mama, I will...)
Yes, I will, Mommy, I will..."
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, I am the Mystical Rose! From Heaven I came and in Montichiari I called all humanity back to true love for God, to prayer, to sacrifice, to penance.
"Spread my messages of Montichiari more, because my Immaculate Heart still bleeds from pain today, because these messages of mine have not been made known to the world as I wished.
And because of this so many souls who could be saved have been lost! And so many others that could still be saved, will not be if you, my children, do not bring them my messages from Montichiari.
I wish you to give to each of my children on the face of the earth, my image of the Mystical Rose and the film of my apparitions in Montichiari, which my little son Marcos made for me and which so many swords of pain, so many painful thorns he took from my heart.
Yes! He repaired my heart for so many ingratitude, for so much dislove, so many disobediences made against me, especially for consecrated souls, that should have made my messages known to the whole world. But not only did they not do this, but they denied them and persecuted me and my little daughter Pierina.
And my little son Marcos, with the film he made and also my images he makes here, took all those swords of pain from my heart, all those thorns.
I also wish, that together with my image of Mystical Rose and the film of my Apparitions Voices from Heaven #8, I also want you to give my Trezena to each of my children, so that they may pray it and thus save themselves and be happy in Heaven with me forever.
Only when the world comes back to me praying the Rosary of my Tears, praying my Trezena and truly living my message, the message of the three roses that I carry in my heart: Prayer - Sacrifice - Penance, the world will have peace and be saved!
Go, my apostles of love, take my messages! And do not be afraid of anything, because I will always be with you!
Souls of goodwill will welcome the spreading that you will do with love and will bear the fruits of this.
And don't waste time trying to convince anyone, because words are only for those who don't obey.
Do as the good farmer, the good sower, the good farmer always does: throw the seeds! The land that is good will bear fruit, the land that is bad will bear no fruit.
The seed will not germinate, but the fault will be neither of the seed nor of the farmer, but of the bad land.
Abandon this land and continue looking for good land to throw the seed until it bears fruit and fruit in abundance.
I will be with you to help you sow the land. With your prayers you can make it rain on many dry lands and make them fertile so that when you arrive sowing the seeds of my messages, they will receive this seed and produce much fruit of love for the Lord, for me, for humanity, fruit of holiness that will remain forever!
Pray the Rosary of my Tears every day and give 2 Rosaries of Tears meditated #33 for my children who do not yet have it.
So that my children may pray these beautiful meditative rosaries that my son Marcos makes and thus feel and know all my immense love for them.
To all I bless with love now: from Lourdes, Montichiari, Fatima and Jacareí.
Today I especially bless my little children who have left home, their parents, and also not only what they had, but everything they wanted and could have in the future, to consecrate themselves totally here in my Religious Order.
Those who said 'yes' to me and gave their lives to me through my little son Marcos, to them today I give two special and abundant blessings from my Heart!