Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace to the Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
It is a Great Love That Holds Me and Keeps Me Here with You!

Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, today again I invite you all to put the rosary in your hands and pray, pray, pray! Only with prayer can you change all the things in the world that are evil and transform them into a great and beautiful victory for the Lord and for yourselves.
So return to the source of prayer and pray, pray, pray without ceasing! Without prayer the spiritual life has no support. Without prayer the building of spiritual life cannot be erected. Prayer is necessary so that you can feel God's love, know God's love, understand God's love and put God's love first in your lives.
So pray, pray, pray! Until God's love takes first place in your lives and all other things fall apart. Only then will you truly fulfill the first commandment and love God above all things with all your heart, with all your understanding and being.
Then God will truly receive from you the true love in pure transformation that He desires and He will triumph in your lives doing wonders.
I have appeared in Medjugorje to show all my children how great my love is for them all. Yes, it was a great love that brought me to Medjugorje, it was a great love that brought me here! It is a great love that holds me and keeps me here with you and it is this great love that will take all of you along the road of holiness to heaven.
Pray my Rosary every day so that this great love of mine can truly realize this plan of love, this plan of love in each of you for your eternal good.
I bless you all with love and especially you, my little son Marcos.
Thank you so much for this movie of my apparitions in Medjugorje that you made so many years ago, but that even today draws swords of pain from my heart, painful thorns from my heart and so dry my tears.
Yes, the merits of this film were decisive in deciding various events of humanity at the time you made it and still are today! So, my son, keep doing it, because you can't imagine how many bad events in the world are cancelled and neutralized by me with the merits of these films you make out of love for me and how many good events I make every day appear on Earth for the salvation of my children thanks to the merits of your work of love, your effort and your sacrifices of love.
Because of this film, his merits, I give you 79 graces today and for your father Carlos Thaddeus, your chosen one, I give 29,312 graces today that he will receive over 3 years and 8 months. And also, I give these my children here 4 special blessings from my heart.
I bless you and everyone here: from Fatima, Medjugorje and Jacareí.
Spread this film Voices from Heaven 14 to 4 of my children who do not know me and also give the film Lourdes 4 to 2 of my children who do not know me. Make me triumph and reign in the hearts of my children and thus the infernal empire will fall!"
Audio of Our Lady's message: