Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 24, 2020
When the Great Warning Comes, the Great Illumination of Consciences, Many Will See the

Updated:June 1, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, I am the Lady of Caravaggio! Today, when you are already celebrating here the anniversary of my Apparition to my little daughter Gianetta, I come from Heaven to say: I am the Consoler of the Afflicted, I see all your sufferings. And just as I came from Heaven to console and comfort my little daughter Gianetta, I also come to comfort and console all of you, my beloved children. Give me your crosses, sufferings and pains and I will give you the strength, courage, love and faith to go forward carrying the cross every day, uniting your sufferings with those of my son Jesus for the salvation of all humanity, of so many and so many souls!
I am the Comforter of the Afflicted and I am close to the sick, to those who suffer, to those who mourn, to those persecuted for the sake of my son Jesus, to those persecuted for the sake of faith, justice, love of God. And for all I am the Mother who watches over all, who comforts all, who helps, loves and gives peace. Do not be afraid! At the end of this great battle between me and the forces of evil, only I will be the winner. My Heart will triumph and I will bring peace to the world.
I will bless the world, the Consoler of the Afflicted will bless the world with peace. And then, you will never suffer again and you will have forever: peace, love, joy in your lives!
Yes, my children, new Heavens and new Earth will come and those who are now obedient to my messages and suffer for my love and for the love of my child will live, triumph, and reign.
Keep praying my Rosary every day, through it I will comfort you all and give peace of heart to you all.
I want to transform you into witnesses of my messages just as I transformed Gianetta, so that you can go everywhere taking my love, taking my word and thus transforming the whole land of a frozen and loveless desert into a green garden of grace, holiness and love for God.Hurry up the conversion, because when the great warning comes, the great illumination of consciences, many will see the truth, they will see that God exists, they will see their whole past life without God.
Many will desire conversion, but they will no longer have the strength to carry it out, because the strength to convert comes from love and whoever does not have love will not be able to convert, will not be able to get their hands on the work to convert their soul and save it.
Therefore, pray asking for God's love, so that your hearts may be filled with divine love and you may then have the strength to fight your defects, to improve, to correct and to convert.
Pray, because only through prayer can man connect with God, unite with God and receive divine love from Him. Spread my messages from Caravaggio! My message given in Caravaggio, although it has been communicated for so many centuries, is not obeyed until today. Fasting on Fridays is not done, Saturday afternoon is not consecrated to me, men do not repent of their sins and I can no longer hold my son's arm asking for mercy for the world.
Tell the people to obey my message from Caravaggio, so that truly my son can be touched by the prayers, fasting, sacrifices and efforts of each one. And so, give place again to your mercy as you did at the time of my Apparition in Caravaggio.
Yes, I pray, I intercede continually for the world, but I need souls to help me with the mystical power of their love, their prayers, their sacrifices. Also, free suffering, spontaneously accepted and offered to God, in order to obtain mercy from him. Once again the Father seeks a court of generous souls who accept with patience and meekness the crosses and sufferings that he allows them. And so, offer along with my pains and tears every day to reach from the Father the great miracle of the renewal of humanity.
Give me that 'yes' and then you will truly help me effectively in the salvation of humanity. I want apostles who go everywhere announcing the messages I gave at Caravaggio.
So give my children six of these wonderful films that my little son Marcos made of my Appearance in Caravaggio and five of the life of my daughter Rita, because I want other Rites, other Daisies like her of love, to rise up from the earth to spread everywhere the beauty, the charm and the soft perfume of their pure love for the Lord.
To all I now lovingly bless Caravaggio, Lourdes and Jacareí".
"As I have already said, wherever one of these thirds arrives, there I will be alive taking with me the copious graces of the Lord.
I bless you all again with love and especially you, my little son Marcos.
Thank you for the sacrifice of your headache offered to me every day this week. With this you have saved 658,124 souls among agonizing, converted sinners and souls in Purgatory. And you also achieved for your father Carlos Thaddeus 601 thanks to my Heart.
I bless you and him, your favorite, chosen, and also mine. And to all I give my peace now".
Apparition Video:
Watch an excerpt from the film of Caravaggio's Apparitions made by the psychic Marcos Tadeu Teixeira: