Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Thanks to my Apparitions in so many nations and countries, I keep the flame of faith alive!

(Marcos): Yes, I will.
(Marcos):(Yes, I will.) "Yes, I will.
(Marcos): "Yes, I will too.
(Marcos) "Yes, I will do my Queen.
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, for so many years I have been giving my messages to the world to call it to conversion and yet I am not heard.
Imagine then, if I did not come to speak to you, no one else today would pray the Rosary, nor would God's name be remembered on earth.
Thanks to my apparitions in so many nations and countries I keep the flame of faith alive. Without my Apparitions this flame would have been extinguished long ago and people would have become cold and indifferent to the love of the Lord.
Now what I ask is that everyone put my messages into practice as soon as possible, because time is running out.
Yes, the great punishment is coming and before it the great warning that will shake all consciences on earth. Then the Holy Spirit will come at the Second World Pentecost, the Miracle with the great illumination.
Everyone will know the truth and those who love the truth will be saved by the truth. Those who do not believe the truth and reject the truth will be condemned and the great punishment will come.
Hurry up the conversion, because time will now run even faster so that the great deliverance of the universe from Satan's dominion can happen, and finally I can come with definitive peace to bless the world.
Satan is furious against you and now he will redouble his efforts to drive you away from me and make you fall into his clutches.
Pray, watch, fast! Take care and protect your soul so that now you will not lose the crown of salvation.
Spread my messages to all, spread my Appearances to all!
Give the meditated Rosary No. 242 to 6 of my children who do not have it and do not know it so that they may know and meditate on the messages recorded in it.
Give also 8 of these wonderful new Lourdes movies that my son Marcos made No. 5, 6 and 7, to my children who do not know my Apparition in Lourdes. So that they can know my love, my goodness, my mercy and thus have a true encounter with me. And then, I can transform the lives of these my children with the power of my flame of love.
I want now more than ever to act in them, to work in them as I work in Lourdes in silence and hiding, far from the tumult of the world, to make my dwelling in them and with me also to make my son Jesus dwell and then reign in souls without any obstacle or rival.
And so, in the silence of deep prayer I want to do the wonders of my love in the hearts of my children, as I do in Lourdes. Therefore, make this my Apparition known to all my children, so that I too may reach them with my grace and thus open them with my flame of love.
Yes, the films that my little son Marcos (made) have almost the same grace as the prayer made before my grotto in Lourdes. I gave to these films that he made so burning with love for me, suffering so much, sick, tired, spiritually exhausted, psychologically exhausted too, but made with so much love for me. I gave to these films the power to touch the hearts of my children and repeat a little the enlightening and transforming grace I give to my children who pray before me in my cave in Lourdes where I appeared to my little daughter Bernadette.
So give these films to all my children so that my enlightening grace can reach them and then, be enlightened and know my love, my glory, my power, see all my beauty, fall in love with my beauty, feel all my love.
And so, like my children who give me the 'yes' in Lourdes, they also give me the 'yes' that will give me the power to act and completely transform their life, their soul and their heart into my second heaven, my garden of delights here on earth.
Go! This is your mission until the end of your life: to make known the films that my son Marcos makes to all my children, so that they may receive enlightening grace, and thus be transformed into my new apostles and incessant flames of love.
Pray my Rosary every day, keep doing all the Hours of Prayer that I gave you. Hurry up the conversion and now keep even greater vigilance.
I bless you all with love, especially you, my little son Marcos. Thank you for these wonderful movies you made that touch not only the hearts of men, but also the Angels, my Heart and the Heart of my son Jesus.
Oh yes! You pulled out so many thorns from my son Jesus' Heart while you were making them. And each time you repeat them here more and more thorns come out of the Heart of Jesus and my Heart, because I can then spread my flame of love on earth. Cold hearts buckle, hard hearts break and open, hearts immersed in darkness are illuminated.
Then my heart rejoices, exults with joy and also the Heart of my son Jesus.
Forward, my son! Keep doing all this, for in doing this you give me joy, as much joy as I have never received from any mortal being.
To you whom I love so much, whom I have chosen, whom I have given all my love, in whom I trust and who is my only hope, I now bless you generously and all my beloved children here present. Also, especially to you my dear son André. Thank you for coming, for consoling me and for all that you have done here in my Shrine for me these days.
I have seen everything, every prayer, every work, every act of your love and now I pour out on you all the blessings of my Immaculate Heart and I say to you: Do not be afraid, I will always be with you, I will never leave you and forever be your Mother. You are mine and I keep you engraved in my Heart.
I bless you all with love: from Lourdes, from Pellevoisin and from Jacareí".
"As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives, I will be alive carrying with me the great graces of the Lord.
Go ahead! Give 3 Hours of Peace # 37 to my children who do not know, so that they may know my glory, my beauty and give their hearts to me.
Peace, my little son Marcos, I have come from Heaven to love you and tomorrow I will return to you. I bless you once again abundantly for this Hour of the Holy Spirit that you have done for the spouse of your soul and also to console me.
I give you 27 special graces today and for the father I gave you, who you love more than anything, your chosen one, your favorite, the one you chose, I give him 35,508 blessings today.
To all again I leave peace and give my blessing so that you may be happy.
See you soon, peace!"
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