Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 26, 2020
You Must Pray a Lot, You Must Let Go of Earthly Things

Dear children, today I call you all again to prayer. Pray! Pray! Pray! Until prayer becomes joy and life for you.
Do not allow prayer to cool in your hearts, but keep the flame of prayer always alive and burning, praying more and more with the heart and meditating from the heart on my messages.
Then truly the Holy Spirit will cover you with his light and your souls will be filled with his grace.
Understand that my apparitions in all parts of the earth must lead all of you to live a life of total and complete union with God. So that then you can be prepared for all the plans that my Immaculate Heart will accomplish, contained in the secrets that I have entrusted to some of my most beloved children on the face of the earth.
You must pray a lot, you must let go of earthly things and live a life of intense holiness, of intense union with God in prayer, so that you do not get lost in the whirlpool that will come.
You must truly understand that in every place I have appeared, I have unfolded a part of my maternal plans that will now have their full realization.
Therefore, be aware of the importance and seriousness of this hour and also of the responsibility of each one of you, because without your 'yes' many souls who could be saved by prayers, sacrifices and also your testimony will be lost and my son will ask you to account for all those souls who are lost.
Be aware that through your 'yes' my plan of love and grace is realized and Satan is crushed, while with your 'no' Satan triumphs.
Pray! Pray! Pray! That you may be able to give the 'yes' and in generosity live this 'yes' each day by giving yourselves more and more to my Immaculate Heart.
My little son Marcos, thanks to these new Lourdes movies you made, my Immaculate Heart is doing great things not only in the world, but also in Brazil.
Thanks to these films I will be able to save a great amount of souls, that without these merits that you offered me would be lost forever. You must do more, more of them, my son, because their merits are very great and give me a great mystical power, which I can convert into many and many graces to pour on my children.
Also with these merits of love that I present to the Father, I can attain from him for humanity, for so many souls, graces of forgiveness, mercy and peace.
Thanks to these films I can stop and overthrow many plans of Satan. Continue, my son, to make them, because they give a great joy to my Heart and a great mystical power to his Mother in Heaven, so that then she can realize her plans of love and in the world, finally make the Sacred Heart of Jesus triumph and the good triumph over all evil, crushing the darkness of Satan.
Forward, my son! Concentrate on these movies, concentrate on your mission and your duty and don't look at anyone, neither on the right nor on the left, who doesn't collaborate, who doesn't understand, who doesn't want to fly along with you.
Fly higher and faster! Those who are eagles will accompany you, those who are not will stay down.
Forward! Do not stop for anything and for anyone. Don't worry, because I am here beside you. Concentrate on your mission, on the mission that I have entrusted to you, and don't allow anyone to distract you from it or divert your gaze from it.
Go ahead, my only hope! Forward, my love eagle! Fly high performing great works of love for me, so that everyone knows me, sees my great power, my great love and goodness and so believe in me and finally, everyone put the Rosary in their hands and pray, pray, pray to help me overcome Satan.
Go ahead, my eagle, focus on your mission, your duty. Concentrate more and more on what I have entrusted to you, what I have asked you to do. And don't let anything or anyone weaken you, mine your strength and also deviate, obscure your gaze or cloud your gaze by taking it from the goal, the goal I gave you.
Forward! And may all my children: Pray, pray, pray, to know your mission, to understand what I have entrusted to you, what I have given you so that they can help you.
For lack of prayer they don't understand, they don't help you and so many of my seers who are faithful. Pray! Pray for this grace.
Pray my Rosary every day!
Make my Meditated Rosary 238 known to my children by giving it to 6 children who do not know me. And also, give the film of my Apparitions in Lourdes nº 6 to 8 children who do not know me. So that, seeing my love and great goodness manifested in Lourdes, my children may run into my arms so that I can save them and, finally, I can transform them into the instruments of love of my Heart.
Forward, soldiers! Go! Work for me and I will work for you.
I bless you all with love now: from Lourdes, from Pellevoisin and from Jacareí".
(Marcos): "Yes, I will.
(Marcos): Yes, I will.
(Marcos): "Yes, I will.