Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Only with prayer can the Heart of my Son be touched and miracles be obtained from Him

Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, today I invite you all again to live the messages I gave in Pontmain. Pray! Pray! And pray! Unceasingly! That my Son Jesus may be touched by your prayers and perform the miracles of your love in the world as soon as possible.
Only with prayer can the Heart of my Son be touched and the miracles of his love and grace be achieved. Therefore, pray without ceasing! Pray my Rosary and all the rosaries that I have asked of you, so that my Son Jesus may be moved and be touched by your prayers, convert sinners and renew the whole face of the earth in his love.
I also invite you to live the messages I gave to my little daughter Amalia Aguirre. Pray the Rosary of Tears and also, live the true devotion to my tears which is a devotion of love: drying my tears with prayers of love, sacrifices of love, works of love every day of your life, so that then, truly, my tears of pain become tears of joy and joy for the conversion of all my children.
Yes, many souls have been attributed to my little daughter Amalia Aguirre and also to my children's response to the messages I gave her.
Since my messages given to her in Campinas were not made known to the world as I wanted and until today are forgotten and despised by many, the souls who were to be saved through my apparition, many of them were not saved and others will not be saved if you do not take these messages to them. So start, my children, give five, five records of my messages to my little daughter Amalia Aguirre #1, which my son Marcos made for you. Give them to my children who do not know him so that, knowing my messages of love and also knowing the power of the Rosary of my Tears, I may save them and may place them all in the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart.
Oh, as well as the film of my son Geraldo's life that my little son Marcos made pleased me! How many swords of pain he took from my Heart, how many souls he saved, how many punishments he took away not only from here, but from many countries of the world and even from Italy, and how much he also made my little son Geraldo smile with joy in Heaven, because through this work of my little son Marcos, this wonderful work of his, so many souls, so many children have come not only to know, but to love and imitate the love of my Geraldo, the life of my Geraldo, the virtues of my Geraldo. And so, like him, they became mystical roses of love for me. How much joy my heart felt!
And that is why, my son, because of this St. Gerard movie you made, I give you 54 special graces today and for your father Carlos Thaddeus, your favorite, the one you love most in the world, I now give 84,202 thanks. Thus, I generously pay not only to you, but also to the one who is your favorite and you love most.
And also, I will give to those of my children who love my son Geraldo, who publicize the film of his life, who take it to my children with fidelity, I will give to all the publicizers of his life, of his film, I will now give 11 blessings, 11 special graces that they will receive over six months.
Pray my Rosary. Pray with all your hearts! Pray the Meditated Rosary 33 for four days in a row so that I may have more mystical power of prayer to stop the punishments and to convert my little children on earth.
To all I bless with love now: from Montichiari, Lourdes and Jacareí".
Mary Most Holy after touching the holy objects:
"As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives, there I will be alive carrying with me the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all with love again, that you may be happy, and I leave my peace.
I imitate my Geraldo who was love. Be love, live of love".
(03.15.2020 | Video - Apparition and Message of Our Lady | Marcos Tadeu Teixeira)