Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Penitence! Change your life! Leave the wrong way!

So go! And announce to all my children these two apparitions of mine, so that they may know the loving mother, the merciful mother, the loving mother who came from Heaven in Lourdes, in Pellevoisin and now here in Jacareí, to give everyone the balm of her love, of her affection, to pour over all the honey of her mercy, of her protection and of her heavenly peace. Go! And announce to all my children my apparitions in Lourdes and Pellevoisin, so that my children may then regain confidence in me, especially the most sinful. And may they not be afraid to come to me, because for all of them I will be a merciful mother, and as my son Marcos said well: If a sinner comes to me, if he falls into my predilection and my good graces, I will ask for him from my son Jesus. And truly, my Son who loves me and does not deny me anything, will forgive my sinful son, will give him the grace of conversion that will guarantee him the salvation of his soul. Yes, truly my son Jesus is the head and I am the neck of the mystical body! And just as all order, just as all command descends from the head to the members of the body, passing through the neck, so his grace passes through me, to give life, agility, vitality and strength to the whole mystical body of my son, who is the Church, which are you, my people. Yes, and just as the neck turns its head to the side it wants, just one prayer from me and my son will turn his merciful gaze to you, and even if you are the greatest sinners in the world he will forgive you for love of me, he will give you the grace of conversion and for it, of sanctification and salvation. Therefore, let no one be afraid to turn to me, because for all of you I am a mother, you are my children whom I raised at the foot of the cross with many pains. And that is why I can never abandon the fruit of my pains, the fruit of my tears that are you. So come, my children, come to me and don't delay any longer! Because my Immaculate Heart is faint with longing for you. Go! Announce my apparitions to my children! Pray my Rosary every day, pray the Rosary of Tears and the Rosary of Peace. Those who pray these Rosaries I will give all the graces of my Immaculate Heart. Above all, I ask you to pray the Rosary of Peace, many pilgrims who have come here and died and who prayed the Rosary of Peace every day are with me in Heaven! Because at the hour of death I came to them not as a judge, but as a mother, friend and merciful lawyer. Never hell has known, never the flames of hell have known a devotee of my Rosary of Peace, and never will! For those who pray it every day, I promise to give all the graces necessary for their salvation. To all of you I bless with love now and especially to you my little son Marcos, thank you so much for this wonderful Lourdes movie you made for Me and also Pellevoisin! Because of this Lourdes film #3 that you made 33 punishments that would come into the world were taken away at that time, an abundant shower of graces came down over the entire earth, and also, my Immaculate Heart so pierced by swords of pain was consoled, repaired by you. You took little child from my heart these swords and this movie that gave you so much trouble, because when you were finishing it the demon made it disappear completely, and you had to remake it totally again. By the doubled effort, your merits in Heaven also doubled in value, and because of this I give you today 512 special graces and for your favorite, your father Carlos Thaddeus I also give 622,802 graces, and for my children who are here today I give 201 special graces. All this, fruit of your effort, of your work. Forward, my son! Keep doing these works of love for me. Estelle, Estelle Faguette sends you a big hug. Yes, next Sunday she will come. Your love has attracted her and she will come with me to pour on you the graces of her merits in Heaven and to bless all my beloved children here present as well.
I bless you with love now, and especially to you my little Mexican children: Thank you! Thank you for coming! Mama, Mama loves them very much, she guards them, she covers them with the mantle! Go in the peace of the Lord, I will never abandon them, I will never leave them and I write their names now in my Immaculate Heart.
(Mary Most Holy after touching the holy objects):
"As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries and images arrives, wherever one of these Rosaries is, there I will be alive carrying great graces from the Lord with my daughter St. Rita and my daughter St. Cecilia. I bless you all again to be happy and I leave you my peace".