Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Be My Soldiers of Love and Peace

Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, I invite all of you to join my army of prayer and love, now that men have turned completely away from God and we see the hatred, lack of peace, selfishness and wickedness stamped on the faces of each one, on the looks of each one.
Yes, men have turned away from God, so they have turned away from love and peace and only when they return to God will they find love and peace again.
Be my soldiers of love and peace, bringing my messages to all my children so that they can find the way that will lead them back to the God of love and peace.
Be my soldiers of love and peace by taking my prayer cenacles everywhere, carrying my messages and teaching my children to turn to God, to open their hearts to God who is love, by praying with the heart that is love.
Be my soldiers of love and peace by teaching them to pray my meditated Rosary, the Rosary of Peace and all my Rosaries everywhere. So that my children can be filled with divine love and the flame of love of my heart, which through the Rosary and only through it, I can transmit to them, transforming them into flames of love for the Lord. And so, from heart to heart my flame of love will spread to enlighten the earth, banish the darkness of evil and make the light of the Lord's grace triumph.
Be my soldiers of love, bringing my motherly love and my mercy to all my children, so that they will understand how much I love them, how many pains I suffered for them when I was on earth. And how much I still suffer for them in Heaven, seeing that every hour one more son moves away from my heart and gets lost.
And so my children return to my maternal heart that wants to love, help and save everyone leading to God. And then, finally, my heart can triumph and establish in the whole world my kingdom of love and peace bringing to all: peace, joy and finally, a time of holiness and love for God like never before in human history.
Keep praying my Rosary every day!
Go, my soldiers, go through all the cities doing my cenacles, carrying my messages. Don't stop, work hard to make my messages of love better known to everyone!
Go all the way! Try, speak to everyone, because only these cenacles can bring new souls to my Heart.
To all I bless and ask: Pray my Rosary every day, because with the Rosary wars are won and permanent peace is won.
To all I especially bless you, my little son Marcos Augusto! Congratulations for your birthday! Thank you for your 'yes' to me and for all your loving services to me and also to the privileged soul I chose.
I also bless you, my little son Marcos, especially I am grateful to you for the meditated Rosary nº 55 that you made for me so many years ago, that so many swords of pain you took from my Heart, so many thorns you took from the Heart of my son Jesus that the world was cracking at every moment with your sins.
Yes, you have acquired many merits before the Lord because of that Rosary and these merits give you many and many graces.
That is why I give you today: 14 graces, 14 special blessings. And as you asked me today all day I give to your Father Carlos Thaddeus: 32,512 graces.
Thank you also for the Rosary of Tears that you made for me today. Oh! I was there, beside you, listening and watching everything while you recorded it for me.
Thank you, my son, because through these Rosaries I will be able to transmit my flame of love to my children and they will all come to the refuge of my Heart and together with me they will become incessant flames of love that will burn the hearts of men with divine love, with the love of the Holy Spirit.
Because of this Rosary, you too have gathered, acquired many new merits today before the Lord. And these merits give you 16 special blessings today. And to your father Carlos Thaddeus, for whom you offered so much this Rosary as soon as it ended, I give at this moment: 37,812 graces, special blessings.
You will also receive thanks to those 9 people for whom you especially offered the merits of this new Rosary of Tears, among them my son Marcos Augusto.
Thank you, my son! Thank you for those Rosaries that comfort my Heart so much, dry my Tears so much. Continue to do them and make my children beyond prayer meditate my Messages of Love and give me their 'yes'.
To all I now lovingly bless Fatima, Pontmain and Jacareí".
(Mary Most Holy after touching the holy objects): "As I have already said, wherever one of these Rosaries is there I will be present taking with me the great graces of the Lord.
"I bless you all again so that you may be very happy and leave my peace".