Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace

Dear children, I am the Virgin of the Golden Heart. I am the Golden House of the Lord, where the Lord placed all the treasures of His grace. Therefore, whoever wants God's grace, whoever wants any favor from the Lord, whoever wants to possess the treasures of my Son's Heart, comes to me and I will give you, I will give you these treasures.
My son Marcos accurately interpreted the meaning of my Golden Heart at my apparition in Beauraing. Yes, all the treasures of Heaven are in my Heart, in me is the life, grace and favor of the Lord and those who seek me, surely they find me.
I live close to those who love me and bless me with life.
I am close to those who tire for me, who give themselves for me, who consume themselves for me each day of their life.
Those who work for me will not sin and those who make me known will have life, eternal life!
I am close to the children who do this and there my children can find in me all the treasures and favors of the Lord.
Come and ask as much as you want and you will receive. The measure you receive will be the measure you trust, believe and turn to me with confidence. In other words: the measure of grace will be the measure of the vessel of trust with which you come to me.
Where there is faith that I am the Golden House of the Lord, that I possess all the graces and treasures of the Lord, that I can do everything before him, that I am the Queen of Heaven and Earth, there I will pour out the abundant graces of the Lord and do wonders.
Where it is neither believed nor trusted that I am the Golden House of the Lord, there I will be able to do nothing. Ask for my graces, my children, do not allow my fingers to continue to retract without releasing the rays of graces that I so desire to pour out on you and the whole world.
Ask with largesse and you will also receive with largesse.
Ask with unlimited confidence and you will receive, my children, with unlimited abundance the graces of my Heart.
Pray, pray the Rosary a lot! He who prays my Rosary every day will never be devastated by spiritual aridity, by spiritual desertification, and if one day he falls into dryness and lukewarmness, he will quickly leave that unfortunate state.
I also promise to everyone who prays my Rosary: that he will have my help in all the fights, battles and disputes of life and I will give him the victory over the wicked, over injustices and I will make him always triumph.
I also promise, to those who pray my Rosary every day that they will never be possessed by the devil, they will never have the presence of the enemy with the diabolical infestation in their homes and if there is any there, soon this infestation will end by the power of my Rosary.
I also promise to everyone who prays the Rosary of my Tears that they will receive a special blessing from me on the first Saturday of each month.
And those who pray my Rosary of Peace and the Rosary of Consecrated Persons with confidence will receive a special blessing from my Heart on the second Saturday of each month.
Do you love my Son? Do you love me? Then, sacrifice yourselves for me.
Sacrifice yourselves for me, renouncing the world, all that the world offers you and living a life of total dedication and obedience to me.
Sacrifice yourselves for me, despising yourselves and your will, doing mine and living continually in correspondence with my maternal grace, my love, my wanting each day of your lives.
Sacrifice yourselves for me, leaving aside your plans and desires in order to fulfill my plans and desires. And then, my great plan of love will be realized in the lives of you and all my children for the salvation of humanity.
Sacrifice yourselves for me, doing as my little son Marcos always did: working for me every day, tiring yourselves for me every day, consuming yourselves for me every day, for those who work for me will not err, those who make me known will have eternal life and those who live for me will find grace before the Lord.
Do this and my Immaculate Heart will rejoice and be satisfied in you and then I will finally receive from my children the true love that I have always sought, but rarely found and here I found in my little son Marcos, in an unlimited way and also, I hope to receive from all of you this unlimited love, my dear children.
Sacrifice yourselves for me by dying to the world, dying to yourselves, dying to the self and living only for me and through me to God. And then, truly, I will triumph in you and through you I will triumph all over the world.
Live my message of Beauraing, make known my apparitions in Beauraing to all my children and those who make me known and loved will have eternal life.
Pray my Rosary every day!
Pray four rosaries for Brazil this week, so that evil will not return and my Immaculate Heart will continue triumphing and freeing the Land of the Holy Cross from the forces of my enemy.
My beloved Marcos, on the Anniversary of my Appearance in Beauraing on the 29th I will give you who made my Appearance and my messages from Beauraing known to all my children, I will give you nine special blessings.
And since I know what you wish to ask of me, I will give your father Carlos Thaddeus 329 special blessings on the day of my Apparition in Beauraing and the next day I will give him another 598.
So I will pour upon him the abundance of graces that the merits of the Beauraing film you made for me gives you the right. And how do I know that you give up all the graces for him because you love him more than yourself. As I know you wish to benefit him and enrich him more than yourself and think more of his good and his happiness than of your own, then I will give him most of the graces.
So I know which heart will be satisfied, isn't it, my little angel of love? And may my children also understand how valuable any work done for love of me is. My son Jesus will never fail to reward with super abundant graces the merits of all the works of love done for love of me.
Thus the love, mercy and generosity of the Lord always triumph in this world that no longer knows what love is, what charity is, what it is more to seek the good of the other than one's own and what it is truly to give one's life for one's brother. Thus, love always triumphs!
Follow me, my children, along the path of love, because with love you will overcome everything, you will overcome the world as my son did. And then, it will be the triumph of our love over this desert world, frozen and without love and finally love will triumph, love will live.
To all I bless with love now Beauraning, Banneux and Jacareí.
(Mary Most Holy after blessing the holy objects): "As I said before, wherever one of these rosaries arrives, there I will be alive with the Angels of the Lord bearing the great graces of their love.
Last Sunday I left imprinted on the eyes of my little son Marcos during the apparition, not only my figure, my silhouette, but also that of one of the Holy Angels who came with me, to indicate to all of you, my children, that where I am always the Angels of the Lord pouring out great graces.
Pray to them, trust in their protection, surrender yourselves, consecrate yourself to them and let yourself be guided by them along the path of prayer, holiness and love.
Pray more every day!
I bless you all with love now, once again, so that you may be happy and I also give you through my Mother Face here present my blessing and the blessing of my living son Jesus".