Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Message of God the Father and of Our Lady the Queen and Messenger of Peace to the Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira - Feast of God the Father and of Our Lady's Nativity

(God the Father): My children, I am your Father and I come today with Mary, my most beloved daughter, Mother of my divine Son Jesus Christ, to tell you all:
I am the Father of you all! I love you all!
I created you, I brought you out of nothing, I gave you existence, I preserved the life of all of you until today, I did not punish you according to your sins. I have always treated you with mercy, kindness and goodness. And though I was pierced many, many times by your sins my love always forgave you, always sought to lift you from sin and draw you back to me.
I have not abandoned anyone.
To no one have I denied my grace.
To no one have I denied my Love.
And my Apparitions here with my Son Jesus, with the Mother of my Son and all my Angels and Saints are the greatest sign and the greatest proof of how much I love each one of you and how valuable each one of you is to me.
Yes, each one of you is worth more than all this world. And to save you, I sent my son into the world so that by shedding his blood on the cross he could free you from the slavery of sin, pay the debt that all of humanity had, that each of you had with my Justice, and thus reconcile each of you and all of humanity with me.
My Love is so great that after almost two thousand years of my Son's death, my only son to save you, I sent the Mother of my Son here to speak to all of you about my love, my great desire to save you, how much I suffer for losing so many of my children to sin and how truly my heart of loving Father wanted to embrace, forgive, and save each one of you.
Yes, I sent my daughter Mary here so that she with words full of love could reveal to all of you how great my love is for each one of you.
Yes, for each of you I would be able to create not only a new world, but even a thousand worlds if it were necessary. Yes, my love for you, my children, is so great... it is so great, that if it were necessary I would send my Son into the world to die for you once again. But that is not possible! My Son's death two thousand years ago is enough to save not only this world, but all the worlds.
Therefore, my love has been proven once and for all for all for all humanity. Yes, the redemption worked by my Son and my daughter Mary in union with him (Corridor) is enough, it is definitive and it is the proof of my Love for you definitive and after which no one can doubt my great love for the whole of humanity and for each one.
So I say to you, my children: Open your hearts to my great love, so that I can pour out my grace into your hearts and it will truly transform you into the holy children, the holy people whom I came here to seek.
I have no need for a nation of sinners and no need for useless children! So open your hearts to receive in them my grace, so that you can give the fruit of holiness that I desire, so that this nation, this generation, all of humanity becomes the holy nation, the holy children that I desire for my glory.
Open your hearts and accept the Messages of my daughter Mary, my Messages of love. And then, truly, a river of living water, of holiness, of grace and of love will flow from the hearts of all of you and fill the whole world with my Love.
I cannot give my son to the world once again, so open your hearts to my Son Jesus, accept his words, accept his Commandments, accept his love. and then you will truly be love as I am Love.
I am Love, Eternal Love and everyone who loves me hears my voice and lives in me, lives in love and my love lives and reigns in him. Therefore, children, open your hearts to this love, let it flow, grow in your hearts and transform them into the image and likeness of myself
Yes, I loved my people so much, I brought them out of slavery in Egypt and led them to the promised land. Now I come again to lead my people through my pillar of light and fire, which is Mary. Who goes before my children in her apparitions leading my people to me, to the Promised Land, the New Heaven and the New Earth that are coming to all of you.
Follow the luminous column that I have placed before you in recent times that is my daughter Mary. Listen to her, listen to her messages and just as I in the Old Testament guided my people to the Promised Land and they arrived there, you too will arrive at the new world that I am preparing for you and that will be inaugurated in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of my daughter Mary.
This triumph will coincide with the triumph of my fatherly love, with the triumph of my mercy and grace and then all of humanity will finally be my people, will finally be my kingdom of love and everyone will worship me and praise me!
Go! Spread my Hour to all my children, so that they will love me and know me, so that they will create in their hearts the friendly love, the filial love that I desire from all my children.
Give my Hour #2 to 10 of my children who do not know me so that they can finally know me and love me as I want and desire.
These Hours of Prayer that my little son Marcos, the most obedient and dedicated of my children did for me, touches. touches my heart, touches my inmost self to the depths and truly, pulls out of me every grace including forgiveness for sinners, peace for nations, prosperity in the fields, crops, cities. The prosperity in the affairs of those who pray this Hour with love and although they have trials and sufferings, my grace is always present in the lives of my children who pray this Hour and the last word in their trials and difficulties will always be mine. From all suffering I will always take a greater good forward.
Yes! This Hour of Prayer has the power to take from me, to achieve mercy for sinners and guilty nations and to achieve peace for the whole world.
So, pray it, spread it, so that everyone may know it and do it. And thus all humanity will become my kingdom of love, holiness, beauty and peace.
Also, make known to all my children the Apparition of my daughter Mary in Castelpetroso, so that, understanding how she is the Corridor of humanity, my children may feel the desire to love her, to obey her messages and to live a life of love for her, who suffered so much with my Son Jesus to reconcile you all to me.
Then she will triumph in love and through love! All humanity will recognize her as a runner and the runner will bless the world with peace and I will also give the world my divine peace, putting an end to all wars and disorders of humanity and finally my enemy will be crushed under our feet.
Pray the Rosary every day! If everyone prayed the Rosary it would be the end of Satan, because he cannot bear the power that I myself put in the angelic greeting that was the greeting that I, through my messenger Gabriel, addressed to Mary. They were words sent by me, through Gabriel to her. That is why the angelic greeting has so much power, because you greet Mary with the very words of the Father, the Eternal Father!
If everyone prayed the Rosary, it would be Satan's end. So pray the Rosary. Every Hail Mary you pray is truly a very painful blow that you violate Satan and all demons.
Yes, pray. Pray the Hail Mary, pray the Rosary and my grace will always be present doing wonders in the lives of all of you.
Be converted without delay! Don't hurt my father's heart that loves you so much anymore.
I bless you all with love now: from Jerusalem, Sinai and Jacari".
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, I am the Corridor of humanity! For this reason, I appeared at Castelpetroso as Painful to tell you all my children:
I am the Corridor that united the sufferings with those of the Son Jesus to reconcile you all to the Father!
Go and give to 15 of my children who do not know this Apparition of mine, this beautiful film that my son Marcos made with so much love, tiredness, work, dedication and effort to make my children finally understand my role as a Corridor, feel in their hearts the duty of gratitude that they must have for me, that I suffered so much with Jesus to save them. And so, feel the desire to love me, to console me and to live a life of union, of love with me.
Today, when you celebrate here the birth of our heavenly Mother, I also want to say to you: I am the great sign that God has placed in the fullness of time in the heaven of humanity. It is a sign that already heralded the dawn of the salvation of the world.
I am the great sign sent by God before the coming of the Son. Yes, the Lady of all peoples who at the beginning was Mary of Nazareth came first. She came as a sign to prepare the way of her son and the Lady began to suffer first, before her son, to prepare the way of the Redeemer.
And with her anticipated sufferings, she truly began from her conception to collaborate in the work of redemption for all humanity.
Yes, all the sufferings of the Son the Lady of all peoples, the Mother of Heaven also suffered and began to suffer before the Son as the Redeemer's Corredemer, as the Savior's Co-salvator.
Then, my children, all my children will be able to understand through this beautiful film that my son Marcos played my role as Corredemptor. And so, understand that my sufferings were willed by the father, loved by the Father and necessary for the salvation of all humanity together with my son Jesus.
When this truth is recognized I will triumph, and then the Lady of all Nations who in the beginning was Mary of Anne and Joachim, will give the blessing to the world and the world will finally have peace, Satan will be definitively overcome and then the world will know a new time of holiness like never before on earth.
So go, my children, and make this great truth known to my children through this beautiful film that my son Marcos made and, above all, also through my Hours of Peace.
Give my children eight Hours of Peace #76 so that they can meditate on my glories, on my motherly love, on my person, on my sufferings and so that they can understand how much they must love me, so that by accepting me in their lives I can act in them, I can convert them and transform them into mystical roses of love and lead them all to Heaven, into the arms of the Father.
Convert, my children, the third message I gave in Akita - Japan to my little daughter Agnes Sassagawa has not yet happened and if humanity does not convert the fire will come from heaven and destroy most of humanity.
Only a great force of prayer can produce the volume of conversions necessary to appease the anger of the heavenly Father, pierced every day by the sins of humanity and who wants to put an end to so many disorders, so much evil.
Therefore, my children, help me with prayers, with sacrifices to get more conversions, then the converted will pray more and their prayers will produce new conversions. And so, in an ever-increasing cycle, I will obtain the number of souls that is necessary to attain from the Father the great miracle of the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
I love you all and will never, never leave you! When you are suffering I suffer with you and I am closer to you than ever!
Hurry up your conversion, my children, because Gog and Magog are not sleeping. Pray for the conversion of sinners, for only this can stop so much evil and everything that is prepared to exterminate not only you, but also this planet on which you live, for Satan wants the total destruction of everything... He is hate, total hatred and loves no one and nothing and does not want to leave a living being who is on this earth.
Help me stop him with prayers and sacrifices!
Here, where I am truly loved, consoled and glorified by my little son Marcos who has done so many beautiful works of love for me with the Rosaries, Hours of Prayer, the movies of my Apparitions, the lives of the Saints who make me known and loved so much, I will triumph!
After all the trials and sufferings my Immaculate Heart will triumph! Therefore, my children, persevere in prayer, persevere in the cenacles, because only the cenacles of prayer can save the world.
Help my son Marcos, help the just to make my word and my maternal love reach all my children, and in this way, may I keep them all in the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart.
To all I bless with love now: from Castelpetroso, Fatima and Jacareí".