Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace

(Marcos Tadeu): Yes, I will, Mama.
(Marcos Tadeu): "Yes, I will. Yes. As the Lady wills, I will."
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, today I call you all once again to prayer from the heart. Without prayer God's grace cannot rain on your lives.
How necessary prayer is now! In these bad times, when the world has become a great cold desert, without God and his grace, only prayer can make God's grace rain again on so many souls who have already become as arid and cold as a desert.
Youth has finished turning away from God and hardening their hearts for the Lord; families have finished turning away from God and sinking into materialism, hedonism, adultery, atheism and so many things that transform families, which were once true gardens of saints, into a barren desert where nothing lives. Nothing lives for God!
The Church has just been obscured by the smoke of Satan who introduced the errors of communism, Protestantism and ecumenism into it, transforming the Church, my beloved daughter, into a leper.
Humanity has ended up sinking in the swamp of sin, of rebellion against God, of hatred of his law and now lies like dead on the ground not knowing where to go and what to do to save itself. That is why everything is needed, my children, that you multiply the Cenacles of prayer everywhere to make my children pray, because just as the breath is the sign that your body is alive, so prayer and devotion to me, the Rosary, is the sign that your soul still lives in God's grace! It is alive for the grace of the Lord!
So go! Do the Cenacles everywhere! Make my children pray the Rosary! So that the air of grace may return to their souls and they may truly live for God in a new life of love with God.
I have multiplied my extraordinary apparitions all over the earth to make this dead humanity live again! And I offered her the sure and quick means to bring her back to life: prayer, especially the Rosary; penance, sacrifice, the practice of my messages that brings the soul out of death and back to life in a short time.
Go, my children! Go and bring my messages to all my children. Do not be discouraged in the face of hard hearts! I said this to my son Marcos this week and I repeat: The ground of this nation is very dry and hard. That's why my son Marcos suffered, suffers and will suffer a lot to make my messages bear fruit here and become like Medjugorje, like Lourdes, like Lichen. But, one day he will succeed and so will you who fight with him!
So be perseverant! You will be required, as my little son Marcos was required to be, a great value, a great inner strength, a great courage and a FERREA perseverance to achieve this. But if you have it, you will achieve it.
Ask also for the grace of resilience for yourselves, my children, that grace that my little son Marcos has and that if you also have it, you will overcome all the vicissitudes and setbacks of life. And you will know how to overcome everything and move forward in spite of everything. You will truly adapt to difficult situations and will know how to find a way to go forward. Therefore, ask for the grace of resilience for yourselves, little children, and also ask for the grace of final perseverance without which no one can save themselves.
I am with you and this war, which has been going on for so long between me and my enemy, where you are continually attacked by him who wants to destroy you, your families and even the world in which you live, this war is about to end. Keep praying. Be patient! They are the last fights now and you cannot retreat nor abandon your weapons. because, otherwise, you will be easily defeated by my enemy and everything you have conquered so far will be lost.
So go ahead, my children! Forward! Forward in this great battle! The Woman Dressed in the Sun who plotted her infallible plan against the enemy knows the last maneuvers she must make to win the war.
Forward! Go and give five films of my Appearance in Medjugorje, that film Voices from Heaven 12, that my son Marcos made for me and that touches my heart and consoles me so much, for five of my children.
Also, I ask you to give five Rosaries of Mercy number 108 and also, five Hours of Peace number 47 for my children. May they pray, my children. May they pray! Only these Hours of Prayer can save these my children who have already hardened their hearts so much that if it is not a great and intense prayer, it will not be possible to pull them out of the darkness where they are.
Go and give all of this to my children so that they can finally get out of Satan's clutches and back into my loving motherly arms that awaits them all with love. here. to bless them, save them, and give them to God like a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Go, my children, and give two thirds touched, blessed by me, to two unknown people. I want to save sinners, I want to convert them and through these rosaries free them from all the influence of Satan.
To all I bless you with love and say: The war has already advanced a few more seconds and in this half of this year it will advance more! Satan's attacks will increase. But they will also increase my graces to defend and support all those who trust and fight for me.
Fight for me and I will fight for you!
I bless you all with love and especially you, my dear little son Marcos. Thank you very much for the 30 thousand records you recorded for me of my messages, apparitions all over the world. my Rosary, the Rosary of Mercy, the Hour of Peace at last, all these Hours of Prayer that I love so much. To each record you made, which you recorded for me, a soul was saved and a gold coin was added to your mystical treasure in Heaven.
Rejoice, my little son, because with this you have also obtained 30,000 graces that you will be able to receive throughout this year, and you will also be able to make them receive all the people for whom you ask.
And I already know. I know what is in your heart. As I already knew what you would ask of me, that soul you love most in this world, the father I gave you, will also receive a good part of these graces and blessings. I have given 12,000 blessings to your father, my son, and all the others if you also want to offer for him, it is up to you.
Help the souls of Purgatory! Help the dying and sinners with all these graces. It is in your power to help them! Help, above all, my servants who suffer so many persecutions, humiliations and injustices throughout the world because they spread my messages and are not afraid to proclaim me in public. Help my children and I, my son, I tell you that in Heaven you will not only have a treasure in gold coins, but also in thousands of souls that together with you will sing forever the glories and thanksgiving to the Lord!
I bless you with love now, my servant, the most obedient of my children, the most dedicated and hard working of my servants in whom my heart always finds: consolation, faithfulness, loyalty, dedication and love. And I bless all my children here: from Lourdes. de Medjugorje. de Lichen. e de Jacareí".
Mary Most Holy after touching the religious objects presented to her:
"As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries and images arrives, I will be alive there carrying with me the great graces of the Lord. Go in peace, my children! Read the entire book of proverbs and also read all the messages that I gave in 2005 in this place. Pray! I will always be with you and I will never leave you.
Peace! Go in the peace of the Lord!"