Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, January 7, 2019
Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace

Dear children of mine, I, Jesus, the Sacred Heart, come today with my Blessed Mother again, to tell you: My Sacred Heart will soon triumph! It will crush my enemy forever and establish my kingdom of love in the world. But until then, we must fight, we must fight against all the forces of evil. It is necessary, truly, to fight the good fight.
Fight the good fight, every day, with the weapons of faith, of love and, above all, of confident prayer. Pray, ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.
Therefore, pray for the conversion of all poor sinners, because only prayer can open the door of mercy for them and close that of perdition. Only prayer can open for them the door of salvation and close that of damnation.
Pray for the conversion of sinners. Oh! If you only knew how many sinners are converted when you pray the Rosary. Yes, a great shower of grace and salvation falls on all the earth, touching so many hearts hardened and obstinate in sin and opening them to the rays of my love and grace.
You must always pray for the conversion of sinners. You must pray continually, my children, because although many sinners are touched by my grace during the prayer of the Holy Rosary and the Rosary and Holy Hours that my mother taught you here, many sinners after some time walking in my grace, fade away; the flame of love in their hearts goes out, their hearts harden, my Holy Spirit comes out and again my enemy enters with all his darkness.
Yes, how many souls look back at Sodom and Gomorrah, look back, return to the world and despise my love again by pierced my heart and my mother's heart with the most painful sword of their ingratitude.
That is why it is necessary to pray continually for the conversion of sinners, because many turn back. Only your prayers can bring them back to my flock, to my Sacred Heart, where they will be healed and saved by my merciful love.
Therefore, pray, pray without rest for souls, so that those who have not been converted may be converted and those who have been converted, but have returned to the world, may return again to my arms.
Fight the good fight my children, every day, making sacrifices of love, offering fasting, abstinence from what you love most and, above all, the mortification of your will, renouncing it and doing my will so that you can truly grow in holiness, in true love, be saved and also save many, many souls.
Yes, fight the good fight, doing everywhere the prayer groups that my mother asked, so that my grace and my love can reach all souls and I can truly make them grow every day on the path of true holiness and true love that pleases me, my heavenly father, who gives joy to my mother.
Fight the good fight every day, making war on your defects, fighting them and seeking to pluck them all out, one by one, through effort, emulation, asceticism, sacrifice and self-denial, despising yourselves, the world and your will, in order to finally overcome yourselves, overcome the world and grow in holiness before me.
Fight the good fight now that it is time to fight! For only those who fight will be crowned. The lazy, the spiritual vagabonds, the timid, the fearful, the complacent, those who love themselves more than myself, will not receive the crown because they refused to fight for me and for my mother.
Fight the good fight as my true soldiers so that you may be worthy of the crown I prepare for you.
Soon I will come to this fight at last, to this war my children! Soon, I will come to give the prize to those who fought and fought for me. But woe to those who are like the barren fig tree where I, for so long, have sought fruit and have not found it. In truth, I will give order to my servants, they will cut it down and throw it into the fire that will no longer go out.
Do not be like this barren fig tree! Give fruit, my children, tasty fruits of conversion and sanctification in your life and in the lives of others, seeking to convert them and bring them to me.
Oh yes! He who saves a soul, predestines his own! He who saves a soul truly predestines his own to the eternal glory of Heaven!
Oh fight, fight my soldiers and do not hide yourselves. Open your heart to my flame of love which must now, through you and your heart, spread from nation to nation. Soon I will send earthquakes so strong that they will shake the earth in such a way that human beings will wish they had not been born not to see what will happen.
I say this with tears in my eyes because I do not want to punish humanity. But humanity forces me with its crimes and its daily sins that I can no longer bear: Communism, abortion, murders, injustices, wars, killings, offenses, sins over sins, adultery, betrayals, fornications. Oh no! . I will cleanse the earth and cleanse it in a way never seen before!
Lest you be struck by the holy wrath of the Lord, you must be converted! Be truly converted and make my messages and my mother's messages known to all!
Today another month of my apparition with my mother is completed here. This is a time of grace and mercy for you. Enjoy it my children, because one day, I say, you will cry tears of blood wishing that time to come back to you, but it will not come again. Woe to those who now do not do good deeds to acquire merits to be worthy to enter heaven. They will want to work to gather merits for themselves, but the hour of merits will have passed!
Then I will come and give to each one what each one deserves for their work. So work! Work for me and for my mother, for your salvation, for the salvation of your brothers; work to gather a treasure in heaven, and I say to you, where your treasure is, your heart will be there forever.
Work, open your heart to welcome my love and the love of my mother that is so great. Oh, if only you could understand the greatness of my love and my mother's love! If only you could understand what our apparitions mean here to you! What love is this that has chosen you, that has attracted you, that has predestined you and that here, accumulates you with so many blessings and so many graces. Oh if only you could understand. You would cry with joy, day and night, and you would not cease praying to thank me and to thank my mother.
Pray for the light of my Holy Spirit that you may be able to understand. And then, from your heart, a river of gratitude and love will flow to me and to my mother and your hearts will feel the need to love us much more, to console us much more, to make amends for the sins and offenses done against us much more, they will feel the need to give themselves more for us, and even to consume life for us.
Only prayer can make you love! Only when prayer comes out of your heart and lives like fire, your hearts will have the feelings and desires to love me, to love my mother, to love me, and to truly live in love for me and my mother.
Pray the Rosary every day. Whoever prays the Rosary saves himself, whoever does not pray condemns himself.
Pray the meditated Rosary of Mercy that our beloved Marcos does for you every day, because those who pray this Rosary of Mercy will not be struck by the rays of my Father's wrath due to their sins. But on them I will pour out the rays of my mercy abundantly like copious summer rain, during life and especially at the hour of death.
Truly I say that he who prays the Rosary of my Meditated Mercy will be kept by me, by my mother and by my angels, and hell will have no power over him.
Make known the apparitions of my mother to everyone. This month I wish you 19 videos of my apparition with my mother in Quito, Ecuador to my daughter, Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, to make our pains, our painful messages known to all our children. And there are also 22 videos of my mother's apparition in Pontmain to those who do not know her. Yes, I am still crucified, I am still nailed to that red cross that my mother carried in her hands in Pontmain.
This cross is the cross that men give me every day for their forgetfulness, for their ingratitude, their sins and above all their omissions, their laziness in doing good, in doing my will and the will of my mother.
Unpretend me from this cross by working for me, for my mother, and truly giving me the consolation of the balm of your ardent, fervent, constant and laborious love.
To all I bless with love now: from Pontmain, from Dozulé and from Jacareí".
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, today is the month of my apparition here with my son Jesus and all heaven. I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace and everyone who invokes me with this name will receive great graces from me.
Make, every month, together with Setena that I asked you for many years ago, a small setena praying three Hail Marys, invoking me as Queen and Messenger of Peace, taking the water from my Miraculous Fountain, or else, taking the water that should stay in contact with my Medal of Peace while praying the three Hail Marys; and I promise to grant many cures and many graces to those who do so.
I come before my son comes to tell you: convert without delay, for whoever is not white as snow, with a purified soul before my son, will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Accept the sufferings, the crosses and the daily labors and offer them as penance, as reparation and atonement for your sins, to purify your souls. In this way you will be yellow roses of penance and reparation that purify the world from sin, purifying first you, and then the souls for which you too must do penance.
Do penance my children, for the punishment is very near! The Astro Eros will come, and when he comes to earth he will influence the planet's behavior. It will cause many volcanoes to erupt, both old and new, which will arise wherever you least imagine. It will also cause the Earth to shake with earthquakes as strong as 50 earthquakes together! It will also influence the gravitational power of the Earth causing many phenomena. He will make the sky red as fire, my children, and many will die of fear, of more horrible fear! Oh yes. The moon will also move and it will influence the Earth.
Yes, there will be many phenomena. The sea will rise in many regions of the Earth. There will be hurricanes, cyclones and tornadoes in many regions that will destroy everything! In addition, there will also be a great plague of poisonous animals.
Yes. There will be many punishments. All of this will be the most terrible that has ever been seen because humanity remains deaf to the messages that I have been giving it for so many centuries.
Oh yes! Continuously humanity goes through my heart with its disobedience to my messages. How long my heart has been bleeding because my children are losing more and more of themselves each day and there is no one working to help me save them.
Oh. How many thorns rise up to my Immaculate Heart every hour for the sins committed by this humanity rebellious to God.
Oh yes. The tears that fall from my eyes are so great, they are so numerous that there is no container in the world that can contain them! Oh yes. There are so many tears, so many, that with them I could even fill dams. For how many centuries have I wept for my children, for how many centuries have I suffered for them; and they only pay the love of my Immaculate Heart with their ugly ingratitude.
How many despise me, preferring to give their love to creatures and denying their love to me, judging me unworthy of their love. For all this, my heart suffers my children, for all this, my heart bleeds and that is why my son will do justice to himself and to me and allow the most horrible punishments to humanity. Only penance and prayer can save the world. Do penance! Do penance, which is the only thing that can transform justice into mercy.
Pray my Rosary every day.
How many thousands of times have I told you this, but you don't believe me! When you pray the Rosary my children, Satan's power diminishes over you, evil and worldly things and even Satan's temptations weaken in your souls, and you, feel inside you grow the good, the desires and feelings of love for God, of loving God, of serving God, of obeying God, of living of love only for God and giving your life to God, grow in your hearts.
Pray the Rosary! Pray my Thirtieth! Pray all the Holy Hours that I gave you, but with your heart! So that truly these prayers can make you grow in true love for God.
Renounce every spirit of lukewarmness and torpor in prayer. It is the devil that makes you feel sleepy, tired, hungry and distracted in prayer. Through this he wants to dissipate you in prayer so that you do not receive the lights from my heart and the Holy Spirit that I want to give you. Renounce it! Fight against it by praying with your heart.
Without effort, no one can overcome Satan. Without effort, no one can overcome himself.
So fight! Fight like my true soldiers, and also, teach and help others to pray with their hearts and to be burned by my flame of love.
My flame must now truly ignite the whole world. Therefore, my children, transmit my flame of love to all hearts, opening those of you first of all to it, and then bringing it especially to my children farthest from me.
Burn with my flame of love, praying every day with your heart.
Burn with my flame of love, doing penance every day.
Burn with my flame of love, sacrificing yourselves, striving, doing violence against your corrupt and rebellious will every day so that you may do God's will.
Burn with my flame of love, praying ever more deeply and intensely.
Burn with my flame of love, always trying to do more for the Lord, more for me, and thus, forgetting and despising yourselves in order to live only of love for the Lord and for me.
Finally, burn with my flame of love, repeating as I unceasingly do to the Lord, "yes," do your will in me! In this way my children, my powerful flame of love will triumph in you and in the whole world, and then my son Jesus will establish in the world his kingdom of love and peace.
Go! Take my messages! Give 40 videos of my apparition here that my little son Marcos made for you, which contains my messages and my signs from the beginning, so that my children who do not know me may know my love, feel my love and surrender to my Immaculate Heart saying: yes!
To all I bless with love now: from Fatima, from Pellevoisin and from Jacareí".
Our Lady, after touching the religious objects that were presented to her:
As I said before, wherever one of these rosaries and holy objects arrives, there I will be alive carrying the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all, and especially you my beloved little son Marcos. Thank you again for the sacrifice of your headache last night. She saved 302,498 souls from agonizing, sinful and souls from purgatory who were freed and flew to eternal happiness, where they will intercede and pray eternally for you!
Thank you my reparatory soul, my atoning soul! Thank you for helping me save the souls of my children. Oh! How many punishments this sacrifice also takes away from the world, how many.
Last week, 9 punishments were prepared to fall upon 9 nations. You, my son, have cancelled these 9 punishments. You must continue to offer, because there are many punishments that have already been decreed over the guilty nations. Offer, always offer so that we can achieve the grace of forgiveness, mercy and more time for everyone to be converted. I bless you and I bless you too, my beloved little son Carlos Thaddeus. Today is the day of the month when I give you my special message:
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace to her favorite son Carlos Tadeu
"Beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, today my Immaculate Heart exults in joy and blesses you with love. Thank you little son, for the sceneries you have made for me. They console my heart so much, they console the Sacred Heart of my son Jesus.
You must continue, because these cenacles, too, give great joy and satisfaction to the Eternal Father. Because of these cenacles, he forgets a multitude of sins that his ungrateful children commit against him.
Continue to do these censuses, my son; and now, this month, speak more of my apparitions to my children. If necessary, decrease the rosaries a little and show more of my apparitions to my children.
Speak, meditate on my apparitions with them, help them understand and interpret my messages correctly so that then, filled with understanding, they can truly bear the fruits of the wisdom they are: Prudence, the fear of God, piety, temperance, justice and love.
Thus they will grow in holiness and grace before the Lord, and they will give to the Lord and to me a great glory, a great joy and a great satisfaction for the love of their hearts.
My son, read, read the second book of the Imitation of Christ, because there are great lights reserved for you. Also, read again, the second tome of my life in Mystical City of God, above all, the chapters in which I escaped to Egypt. There, there is great light for you my beloved son.
Cheer up your heart because I gave you a son who loves you immensely and who suffers for you, every day, in your place, to achieve for you the great graces that are truly difficult for those who are in the world and who unfortunately do not have so much time to pray or to consecrate himself to God.
Yes, he suffers in your place, so that you do not suffer, he suffers in your place so that you don't suffer, and feel in your flesh, that, those pains that you in the future could suffer, but, he takes them for himself, because he loves you more than himself.
So, cheer your heart, because I truly gave you this son who is willing to give his life for you and has already shown it. So you can feel my love in his love and understand how much I love you and how much I said, that in all your sufferings I would be with you, I would help you and never leave you.
Yes, through the love of my son Marcos, you can understand this and feel it, feel how much I am the painful mother who suffers with you, who suffers for you and who in my son Marcos, offers himself, sacrifices himself with him for you, to achieve for you every good and every grace.
You must therefore rejoice, my son! Yes, you must rejoice, because this is love and this is the victory and triumph of my love in your life.
Pray more during this month of January the rosary of my flame of love. Through it, I have great graces to give to you. I want to increase in you my flame of love. Above all, pray the prayer that has been given to you to increase my flame of love in your heart twice a day.
Fear not! Mama loves you and Mama is always at your side, covering you with the mantle of love, peace, grace, tenderness, protection and salvation of the Lord.
I bless you and love you forever. Now I pour out on you all the abundance of my maternal graces of love".