Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Do you love me? Do you love my son? Then sacrifice yourselves for me, sacrifice yourselves for God.

Dear children, today I invite you all again to true love. I repeat what I said in Beauraing to the little children to whom I appeared: Do you love me? Do you love my son? Then, sacrifice yourselves for me, sacrifice yourselves for God.
Live the sacrificial love, the love that knows how to sacrifice itself, that knows how to forget itself in order to think and give itself only for God.
Live the love in pure transformation that I came here to seek my children. This love that makes you live as the saints did: burning continuously in the fire of love for God.
And the more the soul consumes, the more it annihilates, the more it suffers, the more it gives, the more it is nailed to the cross, the more it loves the Lord, the more it loves the beloved spouse of its soul. And so, in this fire of love he wants to live and die.
It is this love that I invite you to, it is this love that I ask and want from all of you. Imitate the saints, so that you may truly follow in their footsteps to heaven.
Be like my little son Marcos, who always loves the saints and tries to know them more and more, so that he can imitate love, the perfection of virtues, the spirit of prayer, sacrifice and giving of them.
They also imitate my little son Marcos, who when falling in love with the saints is not content to love them alone. And for this reason, he does everything to set fire to all the hearts around him of love also for these saints, so that everyone knows them, loves them and imitates them in their deep love, in their life of prayer, sacrifice, penance and boundless self-giving to Jesus.
I call all of you now also, to fight more intensely for the salvation of souls. There are still many other horns of the red dragon to be cut off.
Help me to cut them down with your prayers and sacrifices and also increase the cenacles everywhere.
I wish that on the 8th of each month you will make a cenacle in honor of my Immaculate Conception with my image. Take to my children the beautiful Hours of Peace, which contain my glories recorded by my little son Marcos.
Make my children listen to my glories, that they pray these Hours of Peace every 8th day, so that they can better know me and love me.
From time to time also, intersperse these cenacles with the Rosaries of my Immaculate Conception with the meditations of my life, recorded also by my little son Marcos.
The more I am known, the more the Lord will be known. The more I am loved, the more the Lord will be loved.
So go my children and fight, work hard, don't be discouraged by the secretariats of spreading my Messages, unite among yourselves, work fervently to make my messages known to more and more souls.
I count on each one of you and I expect the 'yes' from all of you. More prayer is needed now.
The bear that seemed dead will roar, and also the dragon will soon spew fire from his mouth to set the whole world on fire with the fire of war.
Help me, help my children to stop those hellish monsters who truly want to destroy humanity.
The hour that weighs on all the earth is grave! The sword of punishment is hanging from a thread and this thread is held by me my children, it is held by the prayers of all those who obey my messages.
If the prayers diminish, if the acts of love diminish, if the sacrifices diminish, if your efforts diminish, this thread will break, and the sword will fall upon the world, and woe unto it!
Help me my children! Don't be discouraged now, don't relax now in prayer, in sacrifice and in your efforts, on the contrary, like the saints, like my little son Gabriel of Sorrows, more and more: love, pray, sacrifice and give yourselves, strive for the Lord, for me and for the salvation of souls.
I count on you all and never forget: I seek the love of sacrifice, the love of giving.
When you believe my messages, when you obey them, when you do with love what I command, I will believe in you and I will begin to do miracles and thunderous works in your lives as I have done in the life of my little son Marcos.
And give the 'yes' of love, because vocation is a call of love and a response of love.
Live in love, be love, because it was love that saved the world in my 'yes', it was love that saved the world on the cross and once again it will be love that will save the world in the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
To all I bless with love now Beauraing, Banneux and Jacareí.
Give 17 films of my apparition in Beauraing to my children who do not know me. My Appearance in Beauraing is the Apparition of Love, make the love of my golden heart known, reciprocated by all my children".
(Mary Most Holy after touching and blessing the sacramentals):
"As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries, pictures and images arrives, there I will be alive carrying with me the great graces of the Lord.
To everyone again I bless, especially you my little son Marcos. With the headaches of that last night, which you offered with so much love and patience to me, 329,658 souls were saved.
And you also achieved 59 blessings for your father Carlos Thaddeus, special blessings, special graces from my Heart and the Sacred Heart of my son Jesus.
Rejoice, my son, and continue offering your sacrifices, because one punishment would come to Lebanon, another to Nigeria, another to Mexico and another to Uruguay. And with your headaches you have removed these punishments.
Yes, also, one great punishment would come to Singapore and another to Malaysia. And you with those sacrifices you pushed them away, you pushed them away.
Keep offering for so many souls who need it.
Also know that 12 souls would be punished for their sins and would have instantaneous death then falling into hell without salvation and your sacrifice served to save those souls and to get them more time for conversion, more grace, more mercy.
Continue offering for so many souls in need. You can't imagine how much good I can do for all humanity, for so many thousands of my children with these sacrifices of their pain.
Thank you also for offering the pain of your hands this week, it was I who sent that pain to you.
Thank you for offering, for supporting and even for not stopping my Gabriel's film of my Pains.
Thank you my son, for this true test of perseverance, persistence, courage, self-denial, forgetfulness of yourself and sublime love for me and for souls, who knowing the life of my son, of my Gabriel of my Sorrows, will convert, love the Lord, become passionate about me and say goodbye to the world.
Thank you for having thought more about the souls who needed that sacrifice than about yourself. It is this love that I want.
In your love I rest, I rest, I delight, I comfort and I glorify myself.
I bless you all with love now generously and above all I leave my peace.