Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Pray a lot and live in holiness. Love is holiness! Love me and love what I love

(Our Lord Jesus Christ) Dear children of mine, I, Jesus, come today on the Monthly Anniversary of my Apparitions with my Most Holy Mother to say to you: Return to me on the way of Love! It is the Love that I search in your hearts! And only when Love truly exists in you and reigns in you, will I be able to enter into your hearts and reign completely in them without anything hindering or opposing the work of My Grace in you. Return to Me for Love, for it is Love, My children, that makes you like My Sacred Heart, which is all Love! Only through Love can you please Me, please My Father and truly be temples of My Holy Spirit. Pray now more than ever, work to make Our Messages known, for the war against Our enemy is not yet over. And he keeps moving more and more souls away from Me and from My Mother every day. Yes, Our Two Hearts suffer. My Mother's Heart as Mine is pierced every day by a great sword of pain as it watches Our children turn away from Us, seduced by the new idols that this humanity has built, before whom it kneels to worship them in My place: the idols of pleasure and money. Yes! Humanity betrays My Love by committing this idolatry and by repeating the same sin of Adam and Eve: that of wanting to have the absolute, supreme power that belongs only to Me, loving themselves more than Me, your GOD. And seeking a life of idolatry, of pleasures, replacing Me with a false divinity, which is the fruit of the evil of the human being, of the human pride that even today wants to place itself above Me and decree My death. But I am alive! And I am alive and I continue to act for the Salvation of humanity. Therefore, I myself will punish the humanity that did not want to listen to My Holy Mother Aparecida in HEEDE. Yes, I will punish humanity because it did not obey the Messages of HEEDE, because it did not listen to the Appeals of Our Messages given there. That is why I will come with the fire of SODOMA and GOMORRA. The same fire I cast upon those rebellious cities, and I will reduce to nothing all the idols that humanity has built to worship in My place. And then you will see the New Humanity, the New Heaven and the New Earth appearing to you. Be warned, My children, because this TIME will not be warned and will surprise many in the darkness of sin. Pray! That you may not be in their number, for it will be terrible to be burned with fire that will never be extinguished, with a pain that will never end. And that no remedy can alleviate it. Pray! Pray hard and live in Holiness! Love is Holiness! Love Me and love that which I love, do My Will, despise yours. That is the Holiness I want from you. Pray the Rosary of Mercy every day and offer all your sufferings for the salvation of so many souls in need. Marcos, my beloved reparatory soul, I thank you for last night's Sacrifice of so much pain offered to me for the Salvation of souls. Yes, you saved 389,000 souls last night My son. Yes, many were of dying people whom I would cast into Hell if it wasn't for their Sacrifice which reached for them, at least, the fire of Purgatory. These souls are saved, you saved them! Yes, you saved them, you saved them all My son. So, continue offering the Sacrifice for so many souls in need, for the conversion of so many sinners removed from My Heart. Yes, you have made My Grace come down to earth and touch the souls of many sinners who are already beginning to see the Truth and return to Me. Offer Son, offer Sacrifice, for it is the only way to save so many of My children who are on the brink of Precipice. Continue to offer also for your Spiritual Father, who I know you love more than anything. That you love more than yourself and also for that particular soul. My Grace is being prepared and your father will reap Grace, Victory, Joy in abundance. I promise it to you. And also continue to offer for My Plans and the Plans of My Mother, because Satan really wants to prevent Our Victory in Brazil and in the world, but with your sacrifices he will not succeed! Forward! I am with you, I am your Strength, your Peace, and your Heritage, I am your Crown. To all I bless with Love, from PARAY-LE-MONIAL, from HEEDE and from JACAREÍ.
(Blessed Mary): "Dear children, today on the Monthly Anniversary of my Apparitions I tell you: I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I am the One who brings Peace to the world. Pray! Pray much for My Plans to be realized and completed, for Satan is strong and in every way wants to attack My Plans and destroy them. So pray without rest, because with the Prayer of the Rosary, of the Rosary I have asked you here, Satan can be disarmed until he becomes completely powerless. Live in Love My children! Live in true Love! So that Love can increasingly transform them into the Mystical Roses of Love that I came here to seek. Pray! So that you may have Love. And so, through Love, you can know the God of Love that I came here to bring and make you all meet Him in a loving embrace. Only when you live in Love, will you live in Holiness. Holiness is Love in works. Therefore My children, open your hearts to Love, so that your life may be a ceaseless act of Love that teaches the world filled with sin, hatred and evil, to finally live in Divine Love, in Pure Transformation Love, in God's Love! Pray the Rosary every day! Pray for My Plans and now My children intensify your prayers. Make a Cenacle every 17th of each month to increase the power of prayer and intercession for the Salvation of humanity. May you pray the Rosary of my Flame of Love in this Cenacle. So that My children may feel even more My Love and understand the Affliction of My Immaculate Heart for the loss of so many of My children and for the destiny of humanity. Here in Jacareí I gave the wonderful Signs on November 7, 1994, but unfortunately hearts have not changed. That is why My Son will send a great Punishment to all humanity, because it remains unbelieving, obstinate in sin, obstinate in rebellion against the Lord. Still today they repeat the same sin of Adam and Eve: that they loved each other more than God and wanted to take God's place, being themselves the gods of themselves. The humanity that continues to walk the paths of destruction, of perdition, is taking great steps towards the Abyss. And now prayers and sacrifices must be increased so that souls can be saved. That is why My children: pray! Pray without rest!
-17 Give also, 28 records of My Messages n° 19 that My little son Marcos made, so that My children may know as soon as possible My Maternal Appeals and also know how much the Mother of Heaven loves them and wants to save them all by taking them all to Heaven. Pray, My children. Give 9 records of the Rosary of Tears Meditated n° 21 to My children. May they know My Sorrows, may they comfort My Immaculate Heart. And give to all, to all My children, still this month, 13 Medals of Peace. That I may thus bring My Miraculous Grace, My Mother's Loving Grace, to My children, and thus diminish in them the influence of Satan and bring down upon them the Dew of Grace, of the Lord's Love and Salvation. To all I bless with Love now of FATIMA, HEEDE and JACAREI".
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear little son Carlos Thaddeus, today is the day when I give you a special Message. Here it is: My Little Daughter: Fear not! Mama is with you. I am very happy, with your prayers and your sacrifices, but you must moderate your sacrifices a little, because I need you to carry out great Plans of my Heart and to save more souls. My Son, in this month of November onwards, explaining to My children the Consecration to My Immaculate Heart, what it is to be truly consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. And I also want you to speak to all My children of My Messages given in TRE FONTANE, I want you to speak to all My children of the Love I have for them, of the desire I have to save them all, of the value and importance of the HOLY ROSARY. I also want you to talk a lot about My Little Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres and the Messages I gave her in QUITO. So that My children, knowing even more deeply the Sorrows and the Love of My Immaculate Heart, may unite with Me and with the whole Heavenly Court to fight for the Salvation of humanity and of so many souls in need. I wish, my dear little son, that you too may meditate on the Love of God with a special, particular meditation that my little son Marcos will give you, taken from the writings of my little son Francisco de Sales. This meditation will help you to grow in true Love for the Lord, for Me, and also for all humanity. I wish you the last two Fridays of this month to rest and to stay in intimate and profound prayer with Me. I have much Peace, I have much Grace, I have many Lights to communicate to you. I also wish, little son of mine, that you in the cenacles of this entire month of November give My children the MYLAGROSE MEDAL, speak of it, and explain to My beloved children how much I love those who wear the Medal I gave to My little daughter Saint Catherine. And how much I truly show in it all My Power by stepping on the head of the Infernal Serpent. And may My children learn from My little daughter Saint Catherine the perfect way to love and serve the Lord and My Immaculate Heart. I also wish that in this month of November, you will give 23 Rosaries of Tears to My children and teach them to pray it, because through it they will receive great Graces from Me and many Blessings will be shed to the people who receive the Rosaries from their hands.
I want you to know also my little son: - That when I was in Egypt, some soldiers once suspected that I was not from there, for My appearance and the ways of dressing Me, trying to follow Me. They saw the house where I lived with Joseph and my son Jesus. They looked for information about us and found that we were not really from there. Then My enemy stirred them up to find out what country we were from. When they found out we were from Palestine, they decided to inform King Herod that there were his countrymen living in Egypt, hiding, in secret. I began to fear for the life of my baby Jesus, but when the Lord asked me for this sacrifice, he asked me to offer it for you, for your intentions, I offered it with all the Love of my Immaculate Heart. And then, when the messenger who was on his way to the Holy Land, Palestine, to warn Herod where We were, was surrounded by St. Michael. And this man, touching the man's head, made him completely forget everything he knew, and even gave him the message he was supposed to deliver, to communicate to King Herod. This messenger went back to Egypt, without knowing or understanding anything else. St. Michael, too, went to the authorities in the place where we were, and with the touch of His Hand erased in their minds everything they knew about Us. In this way, we were able to stay in Egypt for some more time, but my Heart suffered a lot in those days when those authorities decided to reveal to Herod where we were, above all, my Heart suffered a lot in those days when the messenger was on his way to the Holy Land. All this I offered for you, My son, so: Fear not! I who have always loved you will never abandon you. I bless you and I bless all my beloved children now and over all, once again, and over you I extend my Cloak of Light, Love and Peace.