Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 2, 2018
I Count on You, My Children, to Help Me Save More Souls!

(Blessed Mary): "Dear children, today I call you all again to fight with me for the salvation of humanity.
The war between Me and My adversary is advancing, the evil ones commit all their strength together with Satan to destroy Brazil and the world.
I count on you My Apostles, to help Me save the Land of the Holy Cross and the world with more Prayer and Sacrifices.
Do the Cenacles with renewed ardor, bringing My Messages to all My children as soon as possible, so that they too may join Us in My great Army of Prayer and help Me to save the world.
I wish you to give 30 Films of My Appearance in La Salette No. 1 to My children who do not know Me. And also 28 of the records of My Appearance in Umbe, which My son Marcos made so that My children may know that My Appearance is so important. And so, convert yourselves, dry My Tears and draw My swords of Pain with your prayers and your holy life.
I count on you, My children, to help Me save more souls.
Go! This month for this great state of São Paulo that I love so much, that is so dear to my Immaculate Heart.
Go to the cities that have not yet heard My Messages. Spread them, do the Cenacles there to bring all My children to My Immaculate Heart.
Pray 4 Rosaries of my Immaculate Conception for Brazil, and pray 6 Rosaries of the Holy Spirit for the conversion of sinners and for my plans.
Continue praying the Rosary every day. With the Rosary I will save the world, I will save Brazil.
Live My children the Virtue of Fortaleza, being strong in trials, doing great and arduous things for God and enduring with courage, with heroic courage the illness, suffering and trial.
Live also the Virtue of Charity, doing everything with Love and being Love.
Create in yourselves a pure heart, that is, a heart that has nothing of worldly things and is full of heavenly things and riches. So that all may see the purity of their hearts. And seeing the beauty of purity they also want to have in their souls this supernatural beauty, conferred by the Virtue of Purity.
To all I bless with Love now from LA SALETTE, from PELLEVOISIN and from JACAREÍ".
(St. Jude Thaddeus): "Most beloved brother Carlos Thaddeus, today I come to give you My Message which normally is on the 28th, but I wanted to give it extraordinarily today, so that you may hear it well bearing in mind how much I love you.
Yes, I love you dear brother, I love with all my strength, I have always loved and will always love.
It is easier for the sea to dry completely and turn into a dry desert than my love to disappear for you.
Know that when I was preaching, the wicked Alan, not giving up his plans to take My life, seeing that he had not succeeded with the four winds machine and also with the raisin machine, invented a new way to take My life.
Accompanied by other men as evil as he and priests of the pagan gods who were threatened by My Preaching. Together they plotted to take My life.
One day when I was preaching in a village and had finished announcing the Word of the Lord, they arrested Me in one of the streets of the city, tied Me to an anchor and threw Me into a river of great current so that I would drown there.
The Lord sent St. Michael the Archangel to help me once again. He cut the rope and the anchor got stuck at the bottom of the river, while I was led by St. Michael to the river bank, having even my winds dried miraculously.
The people not yet converted, seeing that miracle immediately converted and believed in My Preaching, giving their 'YES' to the Lord JESUS and His Holy Mother.
Alan, even more inflamed with hatred against Me, once again imprisoned Me with his followers and sought to end My life, to put an end to My existence. This time, tying My feet and My hands on different horses and ordering them to go on a foolish career, tearing and shattering My limbs.
The horses began to run, the pain I felt in My limbs was simply mortal, so great that I cannot describe in words the pain I felt.
But once again My Most Holy Queen sent St. Michael the Archangel who cut the ropes and the horses ran away in a foolish career. I fell to the ground feeling great pain. St. Michael placed His Heavenly Cloak over Me and it completely healed the pains of My limbs.
I stood up perfectly healed and the people not yet converted, seeing this miracle they finally converted to Holy Catholic Faith and believed in Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Those who had already been converted were further strengthened in their faith. I offered all this for you, dear brother.
Yes, when I was at the bottom of the river drowning Me, I offered for you that martyrdom. And when I was tied to the horses, I felt the great pain in My limbs for being pulled by them, I also offered for you those stabbing pains that even made Me reach the threshold of death.
I have always loved you, and I will always love you!
And he who suffered so much and offered so much for you will never abandon you. He will never leave you, he will never deny you any favor that you want, that you ask. Everything that is according to the Holy Will of the Lord will be granted to you.
If you ask Me for these My pains that I have offered for you. And truly, whatever you ask of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary in the name of my martyrdom and suffering, everything will be granted to you if it is the Will of the Lord and the good of souls.
I, Judas Thaddeus, love you!
I was able to endure being thrown into a river for love of you. I endured the pain of being pulled by horses and having My limbs disjoined for Love of you.
I was able to suffer so much for you. I just am not able to stop loving you.
So trust my love always more, pray my Rosary always, for it I will grant you great Graces.
Continue praying the Most Holy Rosary of Our Holy Queen every day. For it, always more, you will receive infinite graces from the Sacred Heart of Jesus and from our Blessed Queen.
Bring always with you, dear brother, the touched Rosaries, at least one of them, because you will receive great influxes of graces through them wherever you are. And always try to be with me in the intimacy of deep prayer, there, I will comfort you and I will accumulate my graces of love.
Next October you will speak with renewed love of the Blessed Rosary of the Mother of God. Speak also of My Life, of the pains that I have revealed to you.
And above all, speak also deeply of the life of St. Camillus de Lellis, so that all knowing the life of Him, who loved the Lord so much, may also imitate Him in His Angelic Charity that raised Him to such a great height of Grace and Love from the Lord.
I bless you with Love now generously and upon you and all these My beloved brethren, I pour out My Great Blessings of NAZARÉ, JERUSALÉM and JACAREÍ".
(Mary Most Holy): "As I said before, wherever one of these Rosaries arrives, there I will be alive carrying the great Graces of the Lord.
To all again I bless and leave my peace".