Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Blessed Mary): Dear children, today I call you all again to holiness. The first Message I gave here was a call to Holiness. Without holiness you cannot save yourselves.
Holiness requires time as my little son Marcos told you well.
Holiness requires effort, much renunciation, mortification of oneself every day, detachment, much prayer and much asceticism. That is, effort, to rise up to God through a life of penance, of good works, of love.
And since this requires time and the time we have before the Secrets happen is very short, I invite you not to waste any more time with banal things, with worldly things and truly take my messages seriously by seeking the sanctification of each one of you.
If you knew my children, how precious the time in which you live now is, you would not waste any minute except to seek sanctity.
Understand that this time that you have now will never return, once it is over, this time of Mercy will no longer be given to the earth. Therefore, you must convert now and seek sanctification from you now.
Happy is the man who wakes at the door of the wise man and gets up early to meet him and take his teachings. If this is said of a wise man in Holy Scripture, what will not be said of me then, that I am the Seat of Wisdom itself?
Happy is he who gets up very early and meditates on my messages that are extraordinary for those who meditate on them.
Happy and blessed is the man who wakes at my door, to listen to my Maternal Advice, to truly know my Maternal Will, which is always that of the Lord. For he will be truly wise and great in the sight of God.
And his wisdom and holiness will radiate and illuminate the whole world like a radiant Sun. Yes, happy is the man who truly follows in my footsteps, listens and holds my advice around his neck like a necklace and who day and night meditates on my Maternal Advice.
For to him truly will never lack the wisdom, the light from on high that will guide him, that will help him to move forward on the path of holiness even in this time of dense darkness in which we now live.
Happy is the man who lives in Prayer, because to that God he will deny nothing. Happy is he who follows the right path of the Lord, because to him the Lord will truly give his heavenly goods.
Be of the number of these children, who truly grow every day in holiness, producing ever more good works to cheer and please God and also to give joy and consolation to my Immaculate Heart.
If you, my children, only knew how much joy a single degree of holiness gives me that you climb the earth! If you only knew how much glory and satisfaction you give to God when you practice a good work that makes you climb a single degree of holiness habitual on earth. Ah! You would do everything to be as holy as possible!
Yes, you would strive to do all the good works, to do all the good, all the Prayer that is within your reach to be as holy and pleasant as possible in God's eyes.
Yes, my children, seek Holiness, strive to obtain it.
For I tell you, what good is it for man to win over the whole world if he does not become holy and thus lose his soul?
Dedicate yourselves to being saints, dedicate yourselves every day to grow ever more in GOD's love and in the perfection of GOD's service.
Remember what the Word of the Lord says, 'Cursed be the man who does God's work in vain.
Yes, the one who does God's work without love, the one who does God's work without docility. He who does God's work without truly having the pure and unique intention of pleasing God, giving glory and praise to God, does the Lord's work in vain and will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven like the wicked.
Therefore, in everything you do do out of love and with Love.
Pray my Rosary every day, for it is the ladder of salvation that will take you to Heaven!
Be converted without delay my children, because when the WARNING comes many will feel such terrible remorse and will even hear the voices of demons accusing them of their sins. And they will enter into such despair that they will throw themselves into the flames, rivers and seas to try to escape from the truth which is GOD Himself.
Do not be of the number of these unfortunate my children, purify yourselves every day with Prayer, with Sacrifice, with Penance.
Many souls need to be purified, so continue to pray for them, continue to offer sacrifices for them. When a soul accepts the cross and offers this sacrifice to the FATHER many souls are purified.
Unfortunately, for lack of victim souls, for lack of generous souls, few souls have been purified. Be you my children, my phalanx of reparatory souls, that by accepting the sufferings and small crosses of each day and offering with me to the FATHER you can help me to reach for so many souls the grace of purification of the sins they have committed. So that they can be worthy of the Mercy of the Lord.
I need souls to help me purify the souls of sinners with their sufferings, with their sacrifices offered for Love!
Be my Mystical Red Roses of Sacrifice that help me purify souls every day.
In the month of April few souls were purified my children, few souls!
You need to pray more and sacrifice more for them so that in this month I can purify more souls. And may I give more purified souls to God, so that He may forgive them and shower His Mercy on them.
Help me! Help Me! Help me purify my souls! Help me to save the souls of my children!
And pray because new 4 punishments are coming for humanity produced and attracted by their sins. Help me to drive them away! So I ask for more Prayer and Penance.
Spread my messages on Video. You have seen the beauty of my messages given here at the beginning of the Apparitions.
Yes, every Message of mine is truly the Love Song of the Mother of God. It is the greatest proof that God is Love and that I am Love! And by giving these messages to my children I will overcome the world, I will triumph for Love!
To all of you, I bless you with love now and especially my beloved little son Marcos and my postulants who during these days have worked and worked so hard with you to make my Sights.
Yes, each new Image that you make is 10,000 thorns that you take from my Immaculate Heart. These Images will bring many graces, many blessings from me to my children.
And now that you have organized as you will. Now that you have learned from my son Marcos how to make them! So that many souls may be touched by my Grace, by my Flame of love and may truly learn to love me, to displease me more and more and so through me also love God.
I promise: That every person who receives these images made by my little son Marcos and those who help him, that I myself will be there alive carrying great graces from my Immaculate Heart and with them St. Raphael and St. Gabriel will also carry great graces from the Lord.
To you who have worked so hard and fought so hard to do this with my little son Marcos, I thank you from all my heart and I say: Keep showing that you are my favorite children and I will show you that I am your Mother.
And to you my little son Marcos, who left precious hours of rest and even sick worked so hard until dawn to solve all the problems and make my Sights.
To you whom I can always count on. You the son who never let me down. You the son who is my last hope, who is my comfort, who is truly my little Benjamin, my Angel of Love.
And also, to you my beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, you who pulled so many thorns from my Immaculate Heart with the Cenacles that you have done even far away from your city.
To you who are my joy, who are my consolation I generously bless you now of FÁTIMA, of CARAVAGIO and of JACAREÍ.
To all who work in my Shrine, who also help my son Marcos to spread my Messages, descend now to the abundant Blessing of my son JESUS!
(Marcos): "See you soon!