Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Message of Eternal Father

(Eternal Father): Dear children of mine, today I, your Father, come to you on the day of my feast to bless you and to say to you again: I love you! I love you with all my strength!
I love you with all my strength, that is why I created you, took man from nothing, called him into existence, gave him all the preternatural and natural gifts so that he would be happy eternally and inherit my kingdom by being happy at my side eternally in Paradise.
But man by his selfishness and his wickedness loved himself more than Me and preferring himself to Me betrayed My Love, denied My Love, despised all that I had done for him, and rebelled against Me.
Even though I had sinned and became a renegade son, I did not abandon him, but sent prophet after prophet to call him back to My house, to call him back to Me. But the man remained rebellious and refused to return to Me.
So finally I sent My own Son to call them back to Me, but they would not, they despised My Son, they rejected My Son, and crucified Him. There on the Cross I showed you the greatest Love that exists: the greatest Agape Love, My Love for you giving My Son in sacrifice as a ransom for your souls, as payment for the debt that man had with Me and was unable to pay.
Yes, by giving My Son to death to save you I gave you the greatest proof of My Love for all of you. Therefore, I say to you: I love you with all my strength, and it is on the Cross of my Son that you can see more clearly how great my Love is for you. For as My most beloved son Marcos Thaddeus said well: "It has never been heard that a father gave his lawful son to death to save an adopted, disobedient, ungrateful, rebellious and traitorous son.
And yet I did it with you, with the man, delivering My only son to death so that you might live. I committed My son to the cruelest sufferings to deliver you from the horrible sufferings of the fire of hell. What greater love could I have for you?
So I say to you: I love you with all my strength and what I want from you is a faithful, loyal, pure and true love like that of my servant Job. Yes, he truly loved Me, in his time there was no man like him: obedient, fearful of Me, faithful observer of My commandments, upright, just.
My enemy asked My permission to take everything from Him with the certainty that Job would rebel against Me, turn against Me, and betray Me too. I allowed it and My enemy took from him the goods, the children, the house, the wealth and finally even the health.
And while Job's wife was telling him to blaspheme Me, to insult Me, to really rebel against Me, Job answered with all patience and love: 'Even if he kills me I will trust in the Lord.
Yes, there has never been a love like that of my servant Job for me, except for my most beloved Daughter Mary and Joseph. So I say to you, imitate my servant Job in true love for me, for it is this love that I want from you.
Yes, a love that for Me bears everything, a love that expects everything believes everything. Job believed in My Word, waited for My providence and finally, when his virtues had all been tested and proved by My enemy, I then gave Job back twice as much as I had and crowned him again with glory and victory.
Because to the righteous who suffer everything for Me and who love Me above all in penury, in suffering and not betraying My Love, to this I will give not only twice as much as I gave Job, but 100 times more as a reward in the Eternal Kingdom that I prepare for those who love Me.
Imitate My children, the love of Job for Me, so that you may truly have the love I want, the pure love, the loyal love, the faithful love, the burning love, the love that suffers everything, endures everything for Me, the love that in Me waits, the love that never betrays Me.
In times of suffering when you are told, 'If God existed you would not be suffering now', you must say, 'Even if he kills me I will trust in the Lord.
Imitate Job and you will truly have faithful, loyal love, a firm and true faith that by Me in due time will be rewarded like Job with victory.
Do you not see what I do with my little son Marcos? At the beginning of the Apparitions he was so poor, so persecuted, slandered, threatened by priests, by evil people. However, he trusted in Me, he waited in Me and as Job followed faithful to Me. And now I do not blush his perseverance with the confirmation of these thunderous signs that I have produced here with my most beloved Daughter Mary on his behalf?
Am I not showing everyone the truth of my apparitions here with my Daughter Mary and all heaven and confirming the honesty, sincerity, integrity, virtue of my son Marcos?
This is how I reward the perseverance, constancy and faithfulness of My righteous.
Be like this also and in the end you will see how I will justify you, defend you and crown you with victory before all your enemies.
Go on praying the Rosary of Mary, because for the Rosary of my most beloved Daughter you will have the same love, the same trust that Job had in me.
Keep on doing My Hour, for through it I will fill your hearts with a great Flame of Love, the Flame of My Agape Love, which will truly transform you into living flames of love.
Beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, how happy you make my heart to be here these two days with my beloved Daughter Mary. I want you to know that when I told Noah that I would send the Flood into the world and Noah began to build the Ark under My orders, you will know that in the Ark I revealed to Noah your existence with your son Marcos Thaddeus.
And I said to Noah, 'Not only because of your faithfulness, not only because of the Mother of my Son who will one day be your descendant. But also because of these two most beloved sons of mine I will not exterminate the world once and for all.
But I will still grant mercy, I will cause the waters of the Flood to flow down and come out of the Ark, to populate the Earth again until in the fullness of time I send the Mother of My Son with Him to Earth to redeem humanity. And then at the end of time send these two most beloved sons of mine to finish with the Mother of my son the work of my salvation.
Therefore, my son, rejoice your heart because it was also for you and for my son Marcos Thaddeus that I did not exterminate the human race once and for all. Since you are worth so much to Me with your son, since you are so loved by Me exult of joy, live only for Me as Job and in everything and for everything loves Me as Job loved Me. And I myself will bless you in a way you cannot imagine and through you I will work wonders for the salvation of My children by filling them also with My Love and My Graces.
My beloved son Marcos, know that because of you I bless this country, I bless the crops and plantations of this country. Yes, truly, the abundance of your country's plantations is due to the fact that you are here in Brazil, that you were born here and that you love Me and My most beloved Daughter Mary.
Your obedience to Us, your faithfulness, your service, your dedication move My Heart and make Me bless this country to be so prosperous both in the plantations and in other human activities.
There are many sins here in this nation, but I did not take them into consideration as I should because of you and the sins of this nation that should ruin the crops, ruin so many things do not do this because of your obedience and faithfulness that hinder the punishment they would deserve.
My son, if this nation is so prosperous in so many things it is thanks to you, because of you I bless this nation. Because of you too, I bless this city and I bless all who come to you.
It is true that My righteous children of this time are tested like Job, but they will never lack My providence if they come to you with true love, if they know how to love Mary Queen and Messenger of Peace with pure, filial love. And if they also know how to understand how to love and help you in your mission.
So son, know that a great part of the abundance that exists here in Brazil is because of you. If you weren't here, if you weren't so dedicated to Mary and me woe to Brazil! It would be a miserable land where besides violence, misery and total chaos would prevail.
Little Son, since you are so loved by Me, continue loving Me and loving Mary as you have done with this Supernatural and full Love that you have always had for us. Love us with all the strength of your heart, the more you love us the more this love will fall upon you like a burning rain of fire that will burn your soul and all those closest to you.
I do this so that everyone knows how much I am in love with you, how much I love you and how proud I am, how happy I am to be your Father.
Go and keep announcing our messages today, tomorrow, and the day after, so that soon when I come with My Son to renew and restore all things I may crown you and declare you My Son before all Nations.
Go My little prophet, My little Moses, speak to the Nations, exalt My Name, I love you, I will always be with you and it will be I who speak to My children through you.
To everyone today, on the day of my feast I embrace and say, 'This sacred place is the last tablet of salvation, the last and ultimate mercy that I have for you. Embrace it if you do not want to sink and perish. Embrace this grace so that you may truly receive from me through the hands of Mary, my most beloved daughter, the salvation I offer you and with so much love I come here to give you.
I bless you all, especially my daughter Rafaela Bompianni and Renata Bompianni, who gave Me this immense joy today on My Feast day, confirming the sacred figure of My daughter Mary Most Holy and Her Holy Face.
By doing this they showed the world not only the truth of the Apparitions of My Daughter Mary here, but they also exalted My Name, they glorified Me because I am the one who sent Mary here, I created her and I sent her to you.
So in the truth of the Apparitions of My Daughter here I am for them, I am for you glorified. And in doing so they gave Me supreme glory. To these daughters I give my blessing, I promise my help and protection, and above all, my fatherly assistance with special solicitude.
To them and to all of you I now bless with Love and with Mary of Nazareth, of Jerusalem and of Jacari".
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today, the 13th, when you celebrate my feast here I come again from heaven to say to you: 'I am the Queen of the Rosary, pray the Rosary every day, so that I may always fill your hearts with love, with grace, with the fullness of my Flame of Love.
I am the Queen of the Rosary and to everyone who prays it with love I promise salvation and your souls will not be struck by the rays of the Wrath of God, but rather I will pour out upon that soul the abundance of the Lord's graces.
I am the Queen of the Rosary, through the Rosary I prevented the Third World War from happening in the 1980s. And it is also through the Rosary that I will save the world one last time by freeing it from Satan's domination and renewing the whole world in My Flame of Love.
Through the Rosary I will spread My Flame of Love all over the Earth, accept it, receive it, spread it, transmit it by prayer, by word, by the Cenacles I asked you to do everywhere. So that in this way, truly My flame of Love may form citadels, form fortresses of love all over the Earth that will finally surround My enemy's army and cause his kingdom to crumble as if by enchantment to the ground.
The world will be defeated by Love, My enemy will be defeated by Love, the world will be saved by My Mother's Love, God's Love, Agape and Supernatural Love. Accept this Love, transmit this Love, because it will be this Love that will finally crush Satan.
When my son died on the Cross he gave the world the greatest trial of Agape Love, the Love that is given that is sacrificed and even dies for the loved one.
There when it seemed that He was defeated it was that He beat Satan and hell. And He won by the power of Love, not by weapons, by Love! And so it is, that the world will now be saved: by Love! My Rosary is Love, it's Love that rises to Heaven, it's Love that spreads on earth, renewing hearts, converting sinners.
My Rosary is Love that rises to Heaven and returns as Love in the form of graces. So, pray My Rosary every day so that then you can finally make My Love, My Flame of Love spread on Earth, renew the Earth, and then the Triumph of My Love spread throughout the world!
I am the Queen of the Rosary and what I promised my son Dominic de Gusmão I promise you again now: He who serves Me every day by praying My Rosary will not know the flames of hell, will be placed in the midst of the Saints in Heaven and will be declared My son before God, the Angels and the Saints.
He who prays My Rosary will not have evil death, impenitent death, obstinate in sin, because I will obtain for him all the graces for a sincere conversion and thus his soul will be saved.
He who prays My Rosary will always have Motherly assistance and help in life and death and will be a luminous flower that will adorn My Throne in Heaven.
Pray My Rosary, the secret of salvation for you and for humanity is My Rosary! The more you pray it the more you will grow in true Love and in the holiness that pleases God.
Finally I say: thank you dear son Carlos Thaddeus for having come once again to console and praise me.
My son, when I was with my apostle John in Ephesus, I was suffering a lot from seeing the suffering of the Apostles preaching everywhere. I saw their persecutions, I saw the evil ones wanting to kill them.
Then, crying blood I cried to My Son Jesus that He would not allow His Work, His Church, the Holy Catholic Faith to be exterminated with the death of the Apostles. My Son Jesus immediately came down from Heaven to console Me, and then He said to Me, 'My Mother has nothing to fear; Your Tears of Blood, Your Prayers and Your Pain have moved My Heart.
Not only will my faith not be extinguished, but in the future all these sufferings of mine, yours, and my Apostles will generate great sons and daughters, great souls who will love us and help us save souls and establish our kingdom on earth, especially these two servants whom you see now.
And then My Son Jesus showed My Son Marcos and showed Me to you, you, My son Carlos Thaddeus. You cannot imagine the great consolation I felt at that hour. And then My Blood Tears became Tears of Light like translucent gold, like very bright gold. And then, My Heart was filled with joy.
My comforter go ahead carrying My Messages and saving all My children, you are the fruit of My Pains and the Sorrows of My Apostles. Go ahead and honor the Sorrows that attracted you to God, the Sorrows that made you be My knight and the Lord's knight. The Sorrow that brought you close to Heaven, to the door of salvation.
Go, My son, and proclaim My Words without fear! Continue loving Agape your son Marcos, who is the great gift of my Heart to you. And he will also continue loving you with My Flame of Love, so that in his Love you will feel My Love and how great is the Love of My Son Jesus for you. I place My hope in you.
Go son, I want you to do the Cenacle next Friday in honor of My little daughter Bernadette, so that all of My children can not only love Her more, but know Her more and imitate Her virtues. So that thus, becoming other Bernadettes in Love of Me, I may be able there, in your city, to triumph and do wonders in them as I did through My little daughter Bernadette in Lourdes.
Last Friday of this month you will rest. I want you to have a day's rest so that then, with renewed strength, you can attack. truly attack the kingdom of My hellish enemy overthrow him, recover the souls he took from Me and bring them back to My Heart.
Little son I love you so much, in the love of My son Marcos one day you will feel how great the Flame of My Love for you is. For now, keep saying all the prayers I have given you.
Today, with My Little Shepherds of Fatima present here I bless you and I bless all My children of Fatima, Lourdes and Jacareí".
(Saint Filomena): "Dear Brothers My, I, Filomena, bless you all today and I say: Be, be truly topaz, beautiful topaz that reflect for the whole world the beauty of the Lord, the beauty of Our Immaculate Queen living in true love as I have lived so that then the whole world may be enchanted by the Lord, love the Lord and truly entrust everything to the Lord.
Be topaz of love, living every day in prayer, in the spiritual meditation that forms, that makes your souls grow, that beautifies your souls. So that all of you, seeing and knowing your spiritual beauty, may fall in love with the Lord, that He may beautify you, that He may form you, that He may make you grow in love, and with love, all of you may give your hearts to the Lord and to our Immaculate Queen.
Be topaz of love, seeking every day how I live only of Love for Jesus, dedicate myself to Jesus, suffer for Jesus, love Jesus with all the strength of the heart.
By living like this, by doing so, you will truly be topaz of love like me, who with their beauty will enchant souls and make them also want to be topaz of love for the glory of the Lord.
Be topaz of love, living every day in holiness as the Lord wants. Prepare yourselves for His return, for He is at the gates, only half an hour from the Lord's Day is left for Him to come and for Him to flood the whole world with His Glory. He will purify the whole world through fire, pass all nations and every man into the fire, and he who is not pure gold will be discarded, thrown away.
Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, be the pure gold of holiness and love to God, be true topaz of love to God, so that truly on that day you may be accepted in the presence of the Lord to be declared His children.
Keep praying the Rosary every day, don't be afraid of anything, at last the Heart of Our Holy Queen will triumph!
Beloved Brother Carlos Thaddeus how much I love you!
Know, dear Brother Mine, that when I was imprisoned in those 40 days that I stayed in prison, when My Most Holy Queen appeared to Me, she also revealed to Me your existence. And she asked Me to endure firmly all the martyrdom that awaited Me and to offer it for the spread of the Catholic faith, for Her victory, for the salvation of souls and especially for you.
My Most Holy Queen declared Me that I would be her spiritual Mother and that I should take special care and protect you with special solicitude. I accepted and then My Most Holy Queen asked Me to offer especially for you the Martyrdom of the arrows.
When I was shot though I felt great pain with the arrows pierced through My organs I offered everything for you, everything for your good, for your salvation. And so that you would truly be holy, you would be filled with all the graces of the Lord and of our Immaculate Queen.
Know, dear Brother Mine, that for thousands of years I have loved you and in my martyrdom I have given you my great proof of love for you by accepting the pain of those arrows and offering them all for you.
Since now you know that you are so loved by Me you should fear nothing because I am truly your friend, your spiritual Mother, your Advocate and with Me always. you will always have protection, consolation and shelter.
Today I bless you with love and I also bless you little Joyce, yesterday Genesius revealed that he was the Holy Protector of your Uncle Leandro. Today I solemnly reveal: I am your holy protector, invoke me, love me, always recommend me and I will always help you with my graces of love.
I am also your holy protector beloved Djallys, call upon me, come to me always and I will always cover you with my mantle and your graces of love.
To all who are here and to these My Scapulars I offer so much Love I now bless Mugnano, Rome and Jacarei.
(Marcos): "Dear Heavenly Mother, would You be good enough to touch these Scapulars and Rosaries that we have made for the protection of Your children?