Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I invite all of you to be transfigured into new souls reborn in God's love for love.
Transfigure yourselves into living flames of love by opening your hearts to God's love through prayer, meditation, spiritual reading, sacrifice and, above all, conformity of your will to God's will.
Transform yourselves into living flames of love by leaving the life of sin, embracing the life of grace, holiness and supernatural love by renouncing love, the love of pleasures, the love of sin that is in your heart. So that the Holy Spirit, My Flame of Love, can enter into place and transform all of you into flames of love.
Transform yourselves into living flames of love by opening your hearts unlimitedly to My love, dilate your hearts by many prayers, sacrifices, efforts, by the daily exercise of giving yourselves more and more to God and to Me.
And also by seeking an ever more intense life of union with God, of prayer, so that truly in your hearts between My Flame of Love and transfigure you into burning flames of living love for God.
Transfigure yourselves into living flames of love, dying to the world and living for God.
Continue praying My Rosary every day, those who pray My Rosary with their hearts will be truly transformed into living flames of love, because My Rosary has come out of My Flame of Love. I gave it to my son Domingos as an invincible weapon to burn the whole world with my Flame of Love.
So, pray My Rosary and you will be burnt by it and transformed into My burning flames of love that will finally turn the world into a furnace of love for God, so that He will finally and soon be adored, praised, served and glorified again.
I bless you all and especially my beloved son Marcos and also my beloved son Carlos Thaddeus.
Thank you My beloved and dear son for the homage you paid to Me yesterday in your city of Ibitira, celebrating and celebrating the Day of My Birth. You drew 27 thousand thorns that were nailed into my Immaculate Heart, you also drew 278 swords that were nailed into my Heart mainly by souls consecrated to the Lord who became traitorous Judas souls.
Thank you, my son, for the great consolation you have given me. Thank you also My beloved son Marcos, when you made these wonderful films of My Apparitions you drew many swords of Pain from My Heart, many thorns that My wicked and ungrateful children dug into it.
And every time these films are watched here, or My children in their homes always 73,000 thorns are drawn from My heart each time, and 629 swords of Pain pierced by Judas priests, by consecrated Judas souls are also drawn from My Heart.
Continue to give these My films to My children, continue to pass them on thousands of times so that more and more thorns are drawn from My Heart and the swords of sorrow of consecrated Judas souls are also drawn from My Heart and My wounds are closed.
I wish that My children give 10 films of My daughter Gemma Galgani's life to My children. And also 10 films Voices from Heaven 12 that you have seen today, so that My children may know the life of My daughter Gemma which was a true hymn of love and a continuous act of expiation to God, of consolation and reparation to My Heart and a ceaseless flame of love.
And so that My children may also know My urgent and painful Messages of Medjugorje and thus give me the 'yes' of their hearts that will close the wounds of My Heart and hasten its victory throughout the world.
To all I bless with love Medjugorje, Barral and Jacareí".
(St. William): "Dear brothers, I, William, rejoice in coming here with the Mother of God to give you this Message:
"Love the Flame of Love of the Mother of God by opening your hearts wide to her so that she may enter and bring about in all of you the great transformation, the great transfiguration of your souls from a swamp of sin into a garden of beauty and grace for the greater glory of the Lord.
Love the Flame of Love of the Mother of God by renouncing the love Eros that makes you selfishly seek the satisfaction of all your pleasures and desires even if this leads you to despise God's love. So that this intense flame of love of the Mother of God transfigures your souls, from leprous souls of sin, transformed by selfish love into beautiful and beautiful souls full of beautiful supernatural love.
Love the flame of the Mother of God by renouncing your obstinate will and accepting hers and the Lord's as She said yesterday: The soul that obstinates in its own will to the point of despising the Lord's does not need demons to take it to hell. Her own will is the demon that will lead her to damnation.
Renounce, therefore, your will, so that you can truly transfigure yourself into beautiful creatures, into beautiful souls that reflect as in very clean mirrors: the light, grace and love of God.
The sign of the figure of the Mother of God reflected in the eyes of our beloved Marcos is for you a call to purify your souls from all the inordinate love of creatures, from all the love Eros and so that you can open your souls and have in them the AGAPE LOVE, the SOBRENATURAL LOVE, so that in your person the beauty, the presence, the love, the sanctity, the beauty of the Mother of God can also be perceived and felt by everyone. And everyone wants to know her, love her and serve her too.
I, William, love you very much, I have prayed for you for a long time now at the Throne of the Lord and I especially love you Marcos, my very dear friend and brother. You do not know me, you did not know me, but I have known you since you were in your Mother's womb and I have protected you ever since.
You have never, never been alone because I have always been at your side, call me, call me always in your prayers, sufferings and tribulations, and I will come from heaven as lightning to console you.
I also love your spiritual Father Carlos Thaddeus very much, I also protect him from the moment the mother of God revealed to me that he would be your spiritual father and from the moment he accepted to be your father I truly became his personal guardian.
I am at his side 24 hours a day and there is no time when I am not carefully watching over him and covering him with My Cloak. I keep away from him all evils and all demons, so that he is always at peace and always guarded and protected by the Lord.
Yes, I love you dear brother Carlos Thaddeus and you can't imagine how many times I helped you without even knowing it. I love you very much, I was by your side always, and now more than ever I will be your faithful guard and protector.
Call me also in your tribulations and sufferings and I will come immediately to help you, to comfort you and give you strength. I love you and I am always with you, you should fear nothing because every day I present my merits to the Lord impetuating graces for you and since they are very great you can expect great graces for yourself too.
I bless you and I bless you all My beloved brethren and I say to you all: Do not be afraid, We the Saints are with you and we are much more numerous than the demons of hell. Only we do not protect the soul that is not recommended is not entrusted to us and does not have true devotion for Us.
Therefore, cultivate true devotion to Us by praying to Our Hour every Wednesday and calling upon Us at all times. Increase in yourself the love for God by praying this brief Act of Love: "My Jesus, I love you! I want to love you more and more and only for you of love to die".
In this way, love will grow in you to fullness and you will truly be transfigured into burning flames of love for the Lord.
I bless you all with love and especially you, dear brother and friend Vinícius, I am also your special protector, I am your patron saint, call upon me and I will always help you.
I bless you all with love now and upon you I pour out my peace!"