Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Message from São Celso

(St. Celsius): Dear brothers, I, Celsius, servant of the Lord and of the Mother of God, rejoice in coming with her today!
I love you, I love you very much, I protect you, I am also a defender of this place, of our beloved Marcos Thaddeus, of his spiritual father Carlos Thaddeus and of all those who spread and obey the Messages of the Mother of God.
I love you and I come from Heaven to tell you: Love, love more the Sacred Heart of Mary by giving her your love, your obedience, your perfect correspondence to all that she asks of you in her Messages here.
Love the Sacred Heart of Mary more by doing everything to give this heart joy, satisfaction, contentment, seeking to dedicate yourself more and more to Her service with love.
Love the Sacred Heart of Mary more by renouncing your lukewarmness, which hurts the Heart of Mary so much, because lukewarmness is a form of contempt for God's love.
The soul is loved by God, it is loved by the Mother of God, it is cumulated with graces for them, it is cumulated even with spiritual cuddles, it is cumulated with blessings and treasures. And the soul corresponds only with coldness, with indifference, with warmth doing everything without love, without enthusiasm, without zeal, without ardor for God.
This contempt hurts both the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Sacred Heart of Mary. Therefore, renounce lukewarmness which is a very serious offense to God's love.
Fight against lukewarmness by praying more, doing something more for the Lord and for the Mother of God every day, thus expanding your heart so that it burns more in flames of love for Jesus and Mary. In this way, you will truly preserve your heart from lukewarmness, which if not fought at the beginning becomes like a cancer and by the time the soul tries to remove this cancer from itself it will be too late.
The lukewarmness will have already led the soul to fall into some mortal sin and then it will be too late.
Lukewarmness leads to obstinacy and this leads to final impenitence. So be careful, fight against lukewarmness and make new efforts every day to be more ardent in the love of God and of Our Holy Queen.
Love the Sacred Heart of Mary more, doing everything to correspond to the very high grace and mission that she came here to give you and reveal to you.
Yes, the grace of being here is truly the greatest of all after the Word became flesh, never has the Mother of God shed so many graces as here. And how can you be so cold, so indifferent and remain in such spiritual poverty even though you are here in the greatest source of grace for humanity?
Ah, dear brothers, this cannot be! Therefore banish from your heart lukewarmness, laxity, indifference, laziness, pride and pride and all those defects that prevent you from living this grace, from corresponding to this grace and giving the fruits of this great grace.
Love the Sacred Heart of Mary more, accepting the mission that she gives you here: to fight with her to save many souls and establish her kingdom in the world. And so, then, Christ will also reign in all hearts.
If you do this, truly the Sacred Heart of Mary will triumph and then her love united to your love will renew the face of the whole earth, transforming it into a great mystical furnace of love for the Lord.
Renounce all distraction in prayer, renounce all pride, acknowledge your faults, humble yourselves before God and then He will forgive you.
Read every day an extract from the life of a Saint. Do not set the sun before you have prayed the Rosary and read the chapter of a Saint's life.
For if you do not do this in a short time the light of faith and grace will begin to weaken and disappear in you. And then the darkness of apostasy and all kinds of evil will enter your souls.
Try every day to cultivate and increase true love for the Sacred Heart of Mary in you, doing the exercise of renouncing your will and doing hers, dying for yourselves so that you may live, fight and love only her.
Then the flame of true love for her will grow in you and also for the Lord. Convert quickly, for time now truly goes to its last marks. There is no more time to waste now that you are in the last half hour of the great day before the Lord's return.
You must convert quickly and help your brothers to do the same. Propagate everywhere the Messages of the Mother of God doing the Cenacles and Prayer Groups that she asked and give to all the Meditated Rosaries, Hours of Prayer and Movies of this place.
I wish you to give these words of the Mother of God to all of our brothers and sisters. That is why I want you to give to 9 people this film of La Codosera and Ezquioga ( Voices from Heaven #22) that Our beloved Marcos gave you here, made for you here. Which the Mother of Heaven has asked you so many times, but which you have not obeyed so many times.
I wish that you also give to 9 people the Film Voices from Heaven 7. People must know more Pontmain and live the Message that the Mother of God gave there: more prayer to touch the heart of Jesus, so that then the punishments and wars will end and the world will know a new time of peace.
I also wish that you give 8 people the Meditated Rosary 229 and 299, 9 (nine) of each. So that Our brothers and sisters may pray these Rosaries, know and meditate on the Messages contained in them and thus hasten their conversion.
You must also give Hour of Saints no. 18 so that truly all Our brothers and sisters may know these Hours, pray them and thus truly give to the Lord and the Mother of God the fruits of the Messages contained in this Hour of Saints that I have asked of you.
In this way you will be the true apostles of the Mother of God and you will truly love the Sacred Heart of Mary with a lively, intense, active, hard-working, working love. And so, truly many souls will be converted and will triumph over the Sacred Heart of Mary throughout the world.
Pray the Rosary every day, because with it you will be great saints like me in Heaven and then there I will embrace you and place on your heads a beautiful crown of imperishable glory formed by all the Rosaries and Hail Marys you have prayed on earth.
Yes, pray the Rosary, because as Our beloved Marcos said very well: Whoever does not pray the Rosary throws himself into hell without the help of demons.
Pray, pray a lot!
I, Celso, now bless you with the Mother of God of Montichiari, Lourdes and Jacareí".