Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today when you celebrate here the First Apparition of Garabandal I come to tell you: I am the Lady of Carmo of Garabandal.
I came to Garabandal to ask for penance, conversion and a return to God. Convert and return to the God of Love for love!
Return to the God of Love through love, seeking to love God every day with a pure heart, with prayers of love, with works of love, with sacrifices of love and dedicating your lives to God with love.
Return to the God of Love through love, renouncing worldly things, your will to do God's will and say every day like St. Gerard: I want what God wants and I do not want what God does not want. And here the will of God is done as he wants, when he wants and even when he wants.
Go back to the God of Love through love, trying to truly love God with all your strength, giving Him a pure love, without any mixture of interests and your "I" so that truly God can feel your love and thus rejoice, be content and be satisfied in you.
Return to the God of Love through love, doing everything with love for God, seeking only to give pleasure to Him and to do His holy will. So, truly, you will return to God through love and then, living in love you will live in God and God will live in you, for love is God and He seeks only the souls who have love for Him to unite with them and to live and reign in them.
I want you to pray the Rosary every day and work to make My apparitions known to My children around the world in Garabandal. While My son Marcos does not make his film about My Appearance in Garabandal, which I hope with great anxiety and joy. For I know that it will be wonderful and that it will draw many swords of pain from My Heart, I want you to spread this one that he presented to you today.
He will take My Messages to My children, and also give them the CDs with the story of Garabandal that My son Marcos recorded and made for you. On these albums there is great light, there is great grace that can save many of My children. Go and bring them this light!
Give this Garabandal movie to 10 people and also the Garabandal records to 5 people each.
Then you will truly be doing something effective, effective and truly powerful to make My Message of Garabandal more known to all My children.
Keep praying My Rosary every day, because through it I will always make you return to the God of Love through love.
Convert quickly and work tirelessly to convert My children, because time is short and soon all that I have prophesied in Garabandal will happen. The Warning is very near, the Punishment will be terrible My children!
Many people will prefer to be burned alive, to have their bodies burned alive than to go through the Warning. It will be terrible to see life itself with God's eyes in the burning flames of truth of the Holy Spirit.
God's gaze examining one's soul and showing one's sins will be so terrible that many will die of dread.
Yes, and close to the Great Punishment men will walk the streets with yellow faces, sad as if they were about to die. As if they were a sick man who already knows he is condemned to death, who has no cure and only waits patiently for death to come.
As they listen to the earthquakes in various parts, as they hear the roar of the sea, as they hear and see amazing things in heaven, signs that the great Punishment is near and that the return of My son is imminent, men will walk with yellowish and emaciated faces, beating their chests and weeping in despair, beating their heads over the walls and cursing their life without God.
They will want to turn to God, but it is already late, they will not find anyone to guide them, to instruct and guide them, because in the time that I could guide them and I was here to guide them they did not want to be led by Me. They did not want to be guided and formed by Me. Then in that hour God will abandon them to their darkness, to their despair and it will be terrible My children, terrible!
Many will even see the demons coming to meet them, it will be horrible! They will scream, but there will be no one else to help them.
Do not be of the number of these unfortunate ones, convert without delay now, so that then you can truly be holy and perfect in God's presence when He comes with His Holy Spirit to examine and purify the entire earth.
Pray, pray my Rosary a lot, because whoever prays it will always desire the virtues, will always achieve them, will always have the strength to practice them. And by practicing the virtues you will have the purity and innocence necessary to escape from all these Punishments.
Keep coming here so that I can continue your conversion. Continue helping My little son Marcos in the works of My Shrine, because helping him is helping Me and My son Jesus who sent Me.
Continue helping My son Marcos to make My radio known and heard, because to listen to it is to listen to Myself and to listen to the Lord who sent Me here to save all Our children.
To all I lovingly bless Marcos, my apostle from Garabandal who has been making My Messages known for so many years.
I bless My beloved children and also My most beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, to whom I gave the great grace of being the father of the most obedient and dedicated Seer to Me, the son whom I love most, the son of My prophecies, through whom all My Messages and Secrets will be fulfilled and My Heart will triumph!
To you My son Carlos Thaddeus, whom I have given the grace to be the father of the most beloved son of My Heart and to be united with him in this great work of salvation of humanity, I bless with the Love of Fatima, Garabandal and Jacareí".
(Saint Bernadette): "Beloved brother Carlos Tadeu, today I come once again to bless you and to tell you:
Beloved brother Meu I am with you at all times and I never leave you, I never abandon you. I take your hand and guide you ever more along the path of perfection every day.
Go forward dear Brother Mine and never look back at anything, follow the path that the Mother of God has indicated to you continuing imperturbably together with your son Marcos, Our heavenly blessing on the path of perfection and holiness.
I wish you next July to spread more the Rosary of Blood Tears, so that more and more souls may know this rich treasure that are the Tears of the Mother of God. You must give them the Rosary of Tears, you must teach more souls to pray, you must give the Meditated Rosary of Tears, number 22 to all people. You must distribute them in your own cenacles.
That's why you should give 50 of these rosaries there and tell people to gather their neighbors and pray, thus forming small prayer groups to be the basis and strong spiritual support of the great cenacles you do.
In this way the army of the Mother of God in your city will become stronger and stronger and the enemy will not be able to hinder the Lady's work there, because the bases will be heavily guarded and protected.
I also want you next month to give all my brothers the Lourdes 4 Film that our beloved Marcos made. So that all may know the wonders of the Mother of God in Lourdes and firmly believe that She is the mediator of all graces, that She is the health of the sick, the consoler of the afflicted and the Queen of Heaven and Earth who reigns over the Heart of Jesus as She said here, in Beauraing and elsewhere.
And that all that she desires and asks of Jesus, Jesus answers and nothing denies her.
In this way souls will learn to love, respect and trust the Mother of God more and all kinds of Protestant poisons will no longer penetrate their hearts. Thus a strong barrier against apostasy will form in the souls and the enemy will not be able to make them fall into this fatal trap.
I also wish, dear brother, that you read from time to time in the Cenacles an excerpt from the Imitation of Christ and Imitation of Mary, even for 5 minutes. So that souls may truly strengthen themselves and grow ever more in true imitation of the virtues of Christ, of His Most Holy Mother and thus become holy, perfect and pleasing in the eyes of the Father.
I, Bernadette, love you very much and I am with you! I pray for you every day and at every moment.
You cannot imagine, my dear brother, how many graces every day, how many blessings I shower and reach for you. Yes, from the Shrine of Lourdes, from the Grotto of Massabielle where I am always spiritually present together with the Immaculate One, also from my incorrupt body in Nevers, I send great blessings to you every day. So you should fear nothing, I am always by your side and will never leave you.
Sometimes God allows some thorns to hurt you, to hurt your heart, but even from this He takes a greater good. Because then you will detach yourself more and more from the world and its creatures to finally unite yourself always and better to the Immaculate One, who looked at you with a much greater love than billions of men and granted you, gave you graces much more abundant than many kingdoms and entire generations of the past.
Yes, she loved you with a love of preference, so she loves the one who preferred you, prefers the one who preferred you with a greater love. She prefers the one who preferred you and who chose you with such love to be her most beloved son, her captain of her army on your earth, and to show her children through you her wonders, her love and her maternal grace.
Prefer the one who preferred you and who gave you the great grace of being the father of the most obedient, dedicated and loved Seer of Her, who with His life will end all of Her Plans begun in Salette.
And finally, He will lead all souls to perfect love for Her Heart, which will enable Her Heart to finally radiate His Mystical Flame of Love. And so, transform the whole world into Her Kingdom of Love and finally make Her Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus triumph.
Prefer the one who preferred You, writing Her name in Her Immaculate Heart, Her Cloak, Her Book of Life and giving You so many graces from Her Heart.
Prefer the one who preferred you and never hesitate to suffer everything for Her, to do everything for Her and lose everything for Her. For those who lose something for Her in this life, those who lose their life for Jesus and for Her here will gain it in eternal life.
Prefer the one who preferred you by always putting her first in your heart and in your life and living always more in true and perfect love for her. Prefer the one who preferred you and every day raise to her the hymn of true love, because truly she has preferred you millions of men and has truly given you the confidence, the affection, the love, the predilection of her heart as she has rarely done in the history of humanity.
Therefore, dear brother, may your heart always be filled with joy and never let sadness dominate your heart, because truly, you have a great award in Heaven waiting for you and your crowns of eternal life will be truly glorious and luminous.
Your parents send their hugs to you and tell me they are happy with you, they are proud of you and they want you to continue serving the Immaculate One. For every Cenacle you do, every work of love you do for Her increases their accidental enjoyment here in Heaven, and they pray unceasingly for you at the Throne of the Immaculate and the Throne of the Lord.
I am always with you, I want you to take my image that our beloved Marcos, your son, sent for you from Lourdes.
I want My brothers to know Me, love Me and imitate Me more. Because by imitating my courageous obedience to Our Lady they will always know how to prefer her to all things and never, never betray Her love as I myself never did.
For this reason, dear brother, I who am a model of obedience and fidelity to the Mother of God will form strong souls in her cenacles who will be faithful to Our Holy Queen until the end. And then, truly your city will be, its cenacle will be an extension of the invincible fortress of love and prayer, of faith that is this shrine.
And one day you will be crowned together with your son as the knight of the Immaculate One and as captain of the armies of the Woman dressed in the Sun.
Keep praying the Rosary every day, because through it I will always act more and do wonders through you.
Pray My Rosary every day if you can or if you cannot at least once a week. Because I wish my dear brother through him always more to make you rise to great holiness.
I want you to read chapter 3 of the Third Book of the Mystical City of God, there the Mother of God also has lights for you.
And that you read also Book nº 14 of the Messages from here in Jacareí, there you will also understand better who is your son and the father that you should be for someone who has truly conquered the devil and has conquered the enemy in the lives of so many of the children of the Mother of God.
I bless you with the love of Lourdes, Nevers and Jacareí.
One flame of love living in two bodies, that is what you must be loved brother Carlos Tadeu with his son Marcos. Live of love, be love!"
(Marcos): "Dear Mama from Heaven, would you be good enough to touch these Rosaries and paintings that we made for your children?
See you soon. See you soon, Mama".