Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today when you are already celebrating here the Anniversary of my Apparitions in Medjugorje, I come once again to call all of you to the perfect conversion of heart, which is the conversion of love.
Convert to love, changing your lives completely, renouncing sin and seeking always more: to love, obey and serve God.
Become converted to love, renouncing all the way of hatred, violence, rebellion against God, lack of love against the Lord and neighbor. Trying always more to open their hearts to love, goodness, innocence, which produces in their hearts the joy of virtue and peace of conscience clean and completely friendly and united with God.
Become love, praying my Rosary every day so that your hearts may be enlarged. And then, I can pour My Flame of Love into them to transform you into the great instruments and messengers of My Love for the whole world.
Become converted to love, opening your hearts ever more to My flame of love, through meditation, spiritual reading, working in the work of the Lord which are My apparitions here. So that My Flame of Love may truly grow more and more in your hearts, until it transforms you into incessant flames of love as so many saints have loved Me, among them My little Shepherds of Fatima, My Bernadette of Lourdes, Saint Teresa and also as is My little son Marcos.
Then, truly through you, I will make the beauty of My maternal face be seen by all My children and My luminous figure be finally seen by all My children in your life and works, as I have made them see in the eyes and in the life of My little son Marcos.
Yes, the sign of My luminous figure in his eyes is the sign that I give to all humanity, that I truly appear here. And not only at the time of the Apparition, but also in the life, work and works of My little son Marcos, I reflect ever more My Shining Shadow to dispel the darkness of error, evil and sin of this world and to show all My children the true path of salvation, grace and conversion that they must follow.
Be converted to love, imitating the Medjugorian people, those My children who have been obedient and faithful to Me from the beginning and have carried a heavy cross for the conversion and salvation of millions of souls.
Living in love like them, sacrificing yourselves, giving yourself, suffering for Me, for God and for the salvation of souls, praying for the world and doing everything to convert and save humanity, you will be love like the Medjugorian people is love. And then, truly my Immaculate Heart will triumph in you and through you in the whole world!
I wish in this My Marian Year to act in a new and extraordinary way to save My children. That is why I want you to give thirty of My children, thirty films of My Apparitions in Quito, Ecuador, fifteen of each: Fifteen of the Voices of Heaven sixteen and fifteen of the Voices of Heaven seventeen.
My children must know the Messages I gave to my little daughter, Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres. For times are bad, they are grave and the Messages I gave on that occasion are the powerful remedy for this generation of the 20th century, whose evils still continue to act culturally and lose souls.
So that My children may truly find in those Messages the truth and the way of salvation, which I in Quito, through My little daughter Mother Mariana, gave to the world.
I also desire that you give twenty Meditated Rosaries (number) two hundred eight and twenty Hours of My Spouse St. Joseph (number) thirty-three for My children, so that they may truly know Our Messages, love Us and finally find the way of conversion.
Why do I ask you to give and spread so many films that My little son Marcos made for Me, the Rosaries and the Hours of Prayer? Because there is no other hope for humanity! There is no other chance but through these Hours of Prayer and those Films that My little son Marcos did for Me, very obedient, very hard and dedicated.
There is no other chance and no more powerful and effective way to make the truth reach all My children, except through these Hours of Prayer Films that My little son Marcos did.
So I want you to make all of this known to all My children quickly, because now, as I said yesterday, time will run even faster because Our Lord wants to purify the world soon with the fire of His Justice, and finally make the new Heavens and the new Earth come to take the place of this dark world full of sin and dominated by Satan.
The Lord can no longer bear the iniquity of man and that is why He will purify the world with the terrible fire on the day of His Punishment, that fire that I announced in Akita, Japan.
And that is why My children no longer have much time left and many of My children who do not yet know Me and are far from Me must be saved, they can become good, pure, precious, holy and beautiful wheat in the eyes of the Lord.
So go! Take to them all these treasures that here in My apparition I give you through My little son Marcos, so that they may be saved and may be together with you and with Me on the day of My triumph, so that then you may be happy with Me forever.
I thank you for all that you have done for Me, especially the Cenacles and the spreading of My Messages. Do not be discouraged, because none of this will go unrewarded, My Son Jesus will reward you generously in Heaven, He will pay you abundantly.
Therefore, go ahead and help Me to save souls, because by saving the soul of your neighbor you will predestine that of yourselves in Heaven.
I bless you all and especially you Marcos, the most obedient and dedicated of My children. For every soul who converts with these Medjugorje Films you have made to make Me known and loved, as many will be the crowns of glory I will give to you in Heaven.
For every soul who is saved by these films, as many as the crowns of glory I will give you in Heaven and the stars of light I will put on the mantle of glory with which I will clothe you in Heaven.
Yes My son, many degrees of usual holiness you have accumulated here on earth by the conversions made by these films and many more degrees of glory you have accumulated in heaven for you because of these conversions. Keep going and don't ever get discouraged!
I also bless you My beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, my apostle who together with my little son Marcos is my knight, knight of the Immaculate, my soul hunter. Keep on carrying My messages to all My children.
You too, this month you must give My children the thirty films of Quito, and you must also give two hundred films of My apparitions in Medjugorje, varied, so that My children may know My Messages, obey Me, and in Bahia at last My Plan of love is extended and realized and My Immaculate Heart triumphs in those lands where My sheep perish because there are no good shepherds, because the shepherds have become evil, and when they do not leave their souls at the mercy of the wolves they offer them poisoned food from apostasy, communism, Protestantism, modernism and progressiveness.
I want My children to know Me and it will be through you once again that I will make My light shine in the darkness. And then My children will go out into the light, into the light of truth and be saved by the truth.
I want you to continue doing My Cenacles. Every day I love you more, and more and more my cloak fills with your name written by Me, and every time I write your name on My Cloak you receive so many other special blessings and graces from the Sacred Heart of My Son Jesus and from My Immaculate Heart.
Go ahead My Knight and My Soul Hunter! I will always be with you covering you with My Cloak of Love and Light and I will never leave you.
Here in My invincible Fortress of faith, love, and prayer that is My Shrine, I always want you because your presence here cheers My Heart and that of My little son Marcos and heals many wounds that men open in our hearts.
That is why, my son, here I always want you with me, with my Heart that is and will always be your refuge and dwelling place.
Keep praying My Rosary every day!
I bless you all with the love of Medjugorje, Montichiari and Jacareí".