Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Blessed Mary): I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! Marcos, my dear angel, transmit this message to my beloved son Carlos Thaddeus:
My son, today, I come once again to tell you that I am very happy with the cenacles you have done for Me. These scenes have been the great consolation of my Immaculate Heart and my joy. Keep going forward and never look back. These cenacles are strong, but I want them to be even stronger. That is why I want you to pray with your heart at the beginning of the cenacle right after the opening songs to better dispose your hearts for prayer. Then you must tell My children about the importance of My visit through My holy image in the house where you are making My cenacle that day showing the miracle of the oil that I made come out of it. After that, you must show the sign of My figure in the eyes of My son Marcos Thaddeus and talk about the grace and the mission I gave you to be his father and together with him work to save My children and establish in hearts the kingdom of My Immaculate Heart. In the sequence, you will do the cenacle normally as you have done. After the prayer, film, etc. you will give your talk talking about My Messages, signs, the Messages I give you, the graces I have given you and when you think it is convenient you can also call someone who wants to witness the graces I have given to My children in the cenacles you have done or if you think it is convenient you can answer My children's questions about My Apparitions. Finally, you will give the 'blessing of Lourdes' that My daughter Bernadette sent you and will end as you best decide in your heart.
Starting next month you must do the cenacles also on Fridays when you will pray the Rosary of Mercy in the cenacle when then My son Jesus, Me, Saint Faustina and Saint Gertrude will come down to bless and shower graces on My children in the cenacle. The rest you will do as you have already done.
When the 7th falls on Friday you will do the cenacle in the square as usual.
My son, you are the great hope of my Immaculate Heart.
In you and in my son Marcos I have placed all my trust that you will help me to save my children of Brazil and the entire world. In you rests My blessing, Mine benevolence, my predilection, my love of preference.
Honors more and more all this and goes on with My son Marcos, doing what I told him to do, that is, passing over everything and going on like a train without stopping for anything and nobody.
The more you donate to Me, the more I will donate to you and will make thanks in you and through you.
I am proud of you. The happiness you give me makes me forget millions of sins My ungrateful children make My son Jesus and Me suffer.
Today a year ago My son Marcos asked me to give you his place in Heaven that I had given him in 1993. My son, rejoice in your heart because today is one year since you have possessed the Paradise that the saints and martyrs so desired and suffered for one day to possess. Joy your heart too because I gave you a son who loves you with all his strength with a true, deep and immeasurable love and who was able to give you the most precious good anyone can have: the preservation of the fire of hell, salvation, endless happiness, perpetual glory and eternal vision of God.
Rejoice in your heart for having a son who is My comforting angel on Earth, My most obedient and dedicated son, My unceasing flame of love, My treasure, My hope, My imperturbable warrior, the son of prophecies through whom I will lead all My children to the triumph of My Heart by fulfilling all the prophecies of La Salette, Fatima, Quito and all My apparitions until I get here.
If a queen were to give her beloved son to be the son of a subject of hers, that would be an immense honor for that subject. I did this with you giving you the son I love most and who is most precious to My Heart to be your son too. Joy your heart for this great honor I gave you, because just as Jacob was honored and magnified by the dignity and value of Joseph, so you are and will be by the Lord before future generations. Rejoice your heart because high life awaits you already here on earth and also in Heaven.
Keep praying the Rosary and the other prayers that I asked you for, because through them I will make more graces for you and my children. I bless you from Lourdes, Fatima and Jacareí".