Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today when you celebrate here the Anniversary of my Apparitions to my little daughter Amalia Aguirre I come again today from Heaven to say to you: Great is the power of my Tears, these tears that I shed on Calvary and throughout my life with my son Jesus for your salvation. These tears are great before the Father, because they were shed for love of the Father, for love of the son and for love of all humanity.
My Tears were part of the price of the ransom of all humanity, they were part of the price of the salvation of the world. Therefore My Tears are very powerful before the Father and He does not deny anything to what is asked for by My Tears.
Yes, because they were Tears of Love for Him, Tears of Love for our Son Jesus Christ, my Divine Son, the Father does not deny Me anything, because My Tears were Tears of burning charity.
The merit of My Tears is all contained in the great degree of charity with which I shed them for the Father, for My son Jesus Christ and for all humanity. And it was this great charity with which I wept for the salvation of humanity, it is this great degree of love and charity that gave My Tears so many merits and that made My Tears have so much power before the Most Holy Trinity.
For this reason My children, always use the power of My Tears to obtain the virtues that you do not have, to obtain the graces of sanctification and salvation that you do not yet possess. And, above all, to achieve the greatest of all graces: My Flame of Love, to do God's will with it correctly and truly so achieve salvation for yourselves, holiness and the perfection of your souls before God.
Great is the power of My Tears because the power of My Tears is the power of Charity, of love. It was Love that made Me weep for my son Jesus Christ all my life, it was Charity and Love that made Me weep with Jesus for the salvation of humanity all my life.
And it is in this power of Love and Charity that has given so many merits to My tears, it is in this charity that resides all the secret of the power of My Tears. That is why My children always turn to My maternal Tears to ask My son for mercy and forgiveness for all humanity.
The sins of the world increase every day and only the power of My Tears can achieve the conversion of so many of my children and can also halt the advance of My enemy who desires to lead all humanity to perdition and all the world to total destruction.
That is why My children resort to the power of My Tears by praying the Rosary of My Tears in every time and place. So that truly the power of My Tears may hinder the advance of Satan's hellish plans, it may destroy his power in families, in society, in souls. And thus hasten the establishment of the kingdom of the Heart of Jesus, of the kingdom of my Immaculate Heart, throughout the world.
Here in Jacareí, where through my little son Marcos I resurrected as never before my apparitions in Campinas, making the Messages I gave to my little daughter Amalia known and loved by all, Here, through my tears I will work true wonders in the lives of my children.
Here, where the Crown, the Rosary of My Tears has been taught for 26 years by My son Marcos Tadeu, here I will do My great wonders that will lead all humanity to the great triumph of My heart. And they will finally free all humanity from the power of Satan and finally the world will know the new time of peace, happiness, grace and love.
Here in this My true Shrine of My Tears finally the sword of pain that had been stuck so many years ago, 70 years ago in My Heart with no one to take it away. The sword of denial and prohibition of spreading My Messages to My little daughter Amalia.
Here at last this sword of pain was drawn by My son Marcos Thaddeus, and that is why here I will truly realize great graces, to make more and more of My children know the power of My Tears and to take from My Tears the fruits for their souls of sanctification, salvation, and graces of all sorts.
That is why My children, continue to spread the Hour of My Tears, the Rosary of My Tears, My image of My Tears so that the world may truly know the power of My Tears, because the knowledge of these Messages and the power of My Tears, the Rosary of My Tears depend on whether or not the kingdom of My son Jesus comes to the world and the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Pray the Rosary of Tears for the world, for Russia, for Brazil, because these nations will be saved by the great power of My Tears.
I bless you all at this moment and especially you Marcos, the most obedient of My children who has comforted Me greatly by spreading the Rosary of My Tears, the Messages given to My little daughter Amalia, My Hour of Tears, My Image for so many years to so many of My children.
To you, to your spiritual Father, my beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, I bless him who has also spread the Rosary of My Tears the love for Me in My Messages, in the contemplation of My Sorrows, in the contemplation of My Tears. And he has made so many My children love Me more, comfort Me more and give Me more, consecrate their lives to be My consoling angels on Earth.
Yes, to you and him I bless you generously now. I bless you my beloved son Carlos Thaddeus who together with my little son Marcos is a true apostle of my tears to the whole world.
Yes, you too are a missionary of My Tears, an apostle of My Tears and I promise you son, the more you make My Tears known and loved the more wonders and prodigies I will do in you and through you.
I love you very much and My Cloak of Love is always upon you covering you, protecting you.
To all I bless with love from Montichiari, Campinas and Jacareí.
To all now I also give the Plenary Indulgence, to all who wear My Medal of Tears, who make My Hour of Tears every Saturday and who spread My Messages given to My little daughter Amalia.
To all I now give the Plenary Indulgence and also great graces from my Heart, among them my special and maternal blessing.
(Marcos): "Dearest Mother of Heaven, can you touch and bless these rosaries that we have made for your children?