Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I call all of you once again to expand your hearts to My flame of Love. Expanding your heart to My Flame of Love means you truly withdraw from everything that can cool it or prevent it from burning in your hearts.
It is not possible for a soul to have My Flame of Love and at the same time surrender to the mundane and sinful things of the world.
It is necessary for it to move away from that which freezes its soul so that My Flame of Love can truly burn in it and produce in it the great transformation that God desires: from sinners to saints.
The more you seek prayer, meditation, silence and sweet intimacy with God and with Me in prayer, the more my Flame of Love will grow in you. The more you exercise yourselves every day in renouncing your will to accept My will and fulfill it, the more My Flame of Love will grow in you.
And the more every day you do something more, something new for the Lord, for Me, and for the salvation of souls, the more my Flame of Love will grow and burn powerfully in you.
When the soul is completely in love with God, it thinks of Him all the time, speaks of Him all the time, seeks to be with Him as much as possible. Her joy, her contentment and her joy is to be always close to Him continually looking at Him, that is, contemplating Him in her prayer, adoring Him in her deep prayer, comforting Him with many acts of love, of reparation, of displeasure, of adoration.
And in everything and for everything the soul seeks to dedicate itself more and more to God and all its joy is to be all of God, to live for God is to serve God in every moment and place. And that is why the soul moves away from worldly things that can truly move them away from the supreme good that is God, from his good that is God.
That is why the soul in love with God always spends more time with Him than with creatures, more with me in prayer than with the people and things of the world. This is the clear sign of who truly is in love with God, with Me and truly loves Us.
Therefore, little children, open your hearts to this Love, fall in love with God and with Me. The more you know God and Me in prayer and meditation, the more you will fall in love with Us. And then, your hearts will no longer be yourselves, but ours and we will come to you with our Flame of Love and we will burn you completely with this Love.
Continue praying My Rosary every day and all the prayers that I have given you Here, because through them I fall ever more in love with the hearts of all who pray with their hearts for the Lord and for Me.
You marvel at the great merits of My little son Marcos, through him I make so many graces for so many of My children. But did not My son Jesus say that he who grows in Him, who would follow him, would do great works? Well, these graces and healings are nothing more than the fulfillment of My Son's word.
He who is united with Him, with God, as a branch to the vine produces much fruit. In the merits of My little son Marcos Thaddeus I reflect My light, My maternal love, and through them I will accomplish many graces for those people to whom He applies these merits, on whom He spiritually imposes these merits. Yes, I will do wonders and through them I will also manifest the greatness of my maternal power.
To all I bless with love Pellevoisin, Lourdes and Jacareí".
(Marcos): "Dear Mama of Heaven, will you please bless these scapulars that we have made for the protection of your children?