Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I invite all of you once again to expand your hearts to My Flame of Love, this flame still seeks souls who want it and who want to have it in fullness.
"If my Immaculate Heart, if I find these souls who want my Flame of Love, who want this flame in fullness, I will give them this flame with all the power. And then, My Flame of Love will do wonders in the world through these burning hearts of My Flame of Love.
The reason most souls do not have My Flame of Love is because they do not want it, they do not want it with all the strength of their souls and their will. And some who want it just to enjoy it, feel its benefits, have special powers or gifts. But they don't want My Flame of Love to fight more for Me, to fight more for Me, to tire more for Me, to work and fight even more intensely for the salvation of souls.
This is why My Flame of Love does not produce so much fruit in the souls that have it. And that is why many souls have never possessed it and will not possess it either, because the intention with which they ask for My Flame of Love is wrong and to these souls I cannot give My Flame of Love.
Therefore, My children, desire My Flame of Love with all your strength, but desire with the right intention to give Me love, to console Me, to fight more for Me, to tire more for Me, to give more to Me and to give more for the salvation of humanity.
Then yes, then, I will give My Flame of Love with all Its power to you and then I will transform you into true incessant flames of love that will burn all humanity.
Today, when you are still celebrating the Feast of My little daughter Bernadette here, I want you to imitate her in Her burning love for the Lord and for Me. She was truly a flame of unceasing love for Me. She was also a great apostle, although her apostolate was the apostolate of suffering.
Yes, by accepting the illnesses and crosses of life, one can also be an apostle, one can also save souls even if they are trapped in the bed of pain and suffering. That is why, my children, I want you to imitate her in this detail: When God allows you sickness or pain, do not blaspheme or complain. On the contrary, carry the cross patiently and like my little daughter Bernadette, help me to save many souls by offering suffering as a sacrifice, so that then, I can save many, many souls for God.
I wish that you also imitate her in the great flame of love that she had for me in prayer. My little daughter Bernadette's life was almost total: prayer, prayer, prayer!
She was a living rose of My great Mystical Rosary formed of mystical souls of prayer, love, sacrifice. And if you imitate her in her life of prayer, you will also become mystical white roses: of love, of prayer that will form a great universal living Rosary that will envelop the whole world as a stream of salvation saving many, many souls.
They imitate My little daughter Bernadette in her great love for God, she could not travel the whole world like the great missionary saints, even in Lourdes they did not let her speak of Me. But she was great in holiness, because she knew how to do the little acts of each day: the prayers, the duties of state, her obligations, the little sacrifices with great love.
That is why she became the daughter who loved Me most on earth and who loves Me most intensely in heaven, because she knew how to do everything on earth for love of Me. It is a new way of holiness that I taught the world through her. When great things cannot be done for Me, then do the little things with great love for Me. And then you will be great saints in the Kingdom of Heaven and you will give great joy and glory to my Immaculate Heart.
Here, in My Little Lourdes of Brazil I have done wonders of love of My Heart through these Cenacles that My son Marcos does for you, these wonderful films that he made of My Apparitions. Above all, this one of Lourdes that converted thousands of My children around the world by burning them with love for Me and making them know Me in a way never before seen.
Yes, those who fell in love with Me, gave Me their 'yes', gave Me their lives, their hearts and even their bodies thanks to this film that My son Marcos made of Lourdes. And many more souls will do this, because even when he is no longer here on Earth, this film will continue, will continue to do the work of My son Marcos.
Yes, he will keep on burning the hearts of souls all over the world through all these movies, Rosaries and Hours of Prayer he made for Me. In this way he will save souls praying there from Heaven and he will continue saving souls here on earth through all this he did for Me, which will not be lost, which will not end with his death. Yes, truly this my son will keep on saving souls until the end of the world in Heaven and on Earth.
And he will truly make the dwellings that the evil Angels left empty be finally filled until the last of the elect, of those predestined to occupy it. And then, My son Jesus will come to put an end to this world full of evil and sin and bring to all humanity a new Heaven on Earth.
Yes, My children, all this will be done and here, My flame of Love through these videos, Rosaries and Hours of Prayer of My son Marcos, My Flame of Love will continue working to form until the end of the world the great saints that God wants.
And then, truly will be complete My crown of glory, a crown made of holy children, made of the pure flame of love of My heart, a crown made of living stones, of living flames of love that will shine in My head for centuries on end.
I wish you to imitate my little daughter Bernadette in her love for the Holy Rosary. I promise you all to imitate My daughter Bernadette and pray My Rosary every day that I will take you along the same path of holiness for which I took her. Road that is unknown to the world and even to the Church and I will take these souls for a holiness known to God, wonderful, hidden in My Heart and that will generate fruits of holiness for centuries to come.
To all I bless with love from Lourdes, Fatima and Jacareí".