Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
26th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Jacareí

(Divine Holy Spirit): My beloved souls! Beloved children My! I, the God of Love Holy Spirit, come today with my Immaculate Spouse to tell you: Great, great is my love for you in the Apparitions of Jacari!
In these Apparitions I brought you out of the darkness of sin into the luminous life of grace, love and holiness. I have filled you with the knowledge of Me and of My most beloved Spouse, of Jesus and of the Father, of the value of Prayer, of the value of the Rosary, of the ugliness of sin, of the beauty of life in friendship with Me and in My Grace.
Great is My Love for you in the Apparitions of Jacari, for Here I revealed myself to you as never before in human history. Although there have been other Saints and Mystics with whom I have spoken, whom I have guided, I have sanctified. Never as Here have I revealed My person so much.
Yes, Here you can know My true Face, that is, My Face of Love. You can see how much I love you, how much I want you, how much I have worked with my Immaculate Wife for your salvation. How much My Love wants to save everyone, whatever the cost.
Yes, Here I have revealed myself to you as a divine person of love, as a God in love with you who wants your heart, who wants to love you, who wants to help you, sanctify you and save you.
I miss you, I have missed you! That is why I came down from Heaven with Mary, My Temple and My Divine Wife to reveal all My Love to you Here in these Apparitions to conquer your hearts and bring them all to Me.
To no one Here I have denied My Love, to no one I deny My Grace if you ask Me with humility and trust for Mary, My Most Holy Spouse.
Great is my love for you in these Apparitions of Jacari, for here I have condemned no one, I have denied no one my help and my Grace. But to all I have come to offer My friendship, the friendship of God Love. I have come to offer the help of God Love, the mercy of God Love, I have come to offer the help of God Love.
But how many, how many rejected this Love, how many did not want this Love, how many despised this Love, how many stepped on this beautiful Love. How many could have been deeply enriched here with My Grace if they had listened to My Messages, if they had renounced worldly things, if they had not been so selfish by loving themselves more than Me, but did not want it.
You, My children! You, My souls, My holy cities, do not despise this My Love, do not renounce this My Love so that one day you will not be despised by Me, reneged by Me in the Eternal Homeland.
Open your hearts to My Love, let My Love enter and work greatly in you. I am the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. My Flames of Love in her have elevated her so much, consumed her so much to the point of making her assimilate to Me, to resemble Me as well.
She was Deified, that is, she was totally transformed into the transcendence of My Grace. And though She did not become God as I did, She was so united to Me by the work of My Grace and by Her burning Love for Me, by Her mystical union with Me, that She truly became My complement, the complement of the Father and the Son, the complement of the Trinity.
And if you, My children, if you let Me act in you, I who am the flame of Mary's Love, I will truly realize so many Graces, so many wonders, so many wonderful things in you that you too will one day be immersed in divine transcendence in Heaven and I will make known to you My Divinity, My Love and My Glory.
I seek souls who accept My Love and to whom I can reveal My Secrets of Love, friends to whom I can give My Love and My Affection, to whom I can trust My Secrets, to whom I can reveal that which makes Me suffer, that which pleases Me.
I wish for souls that all the time give Me the Love that I have searched for in so many generations for centuries and have not found. Souls of pure love, of pure fire.
Be these souls and I will enter your hearts doing wonderful things, so great that you will practically die of love at every moment without being able to die.
I will transform your life into an endless ecstasy of love with Me and Mary and your hearts will no longer live in you, but you will live in Me and Mary, your soul will no longer be in you, but it will be in Me and Mary.
And then, your life will be Mine and Mary's, your suffering will also be Mine and Her, your joy will be Mine and Her. And all My goods will be yours and Mary's goods will also be shared with you.
Yes, if you unite with Us in this way, by loving friendship I will give you all my Love, I will do wonders for you, I will reveal to you how much I have loved you, how much I have worked for you, and how much I truly desire to sanctify you and transform you into My holy cities to live and reign forever in them.
I have loved you, great is My Love for you in these Apparitions of Jacari, for Here I have come closer to you and to humanity than I have ever done before. And if you give Me your heart today I will come down to you, I will unite myself with your soul and I will give you an impressive and enchanting beauty, the beauty of My own grace and I will transform your souls into a perfect image, a perfect copy of Mary as much as possible to you.
I will give you a little of her glowing, passionate beauty. I will give you a little of her most eminent and perfect holiness. I will give you a little of Her most outstanding virtues and you will be truly pleasing to Me as She was and I will come to dwell in you and make you My temple, My eternal abode of love.
Oh My children! Give me your heart, that is what I want. I do not demand that you live always without defects, but I demand that you live always in Love, in My Love. The defects leave with Me, I will consume them one by one throughout your life. You alone: pray, love me, give me your heart and your 'yes' and the rest I will take care of.
To you, my beloved son Marcos, who 26 years ago became my temple with Mary, for Mary and in Mary. You who 26 years ago opened your heart to My Immaculate Wife, giving your innocent body, your innocent childlike soul to Her, transforming you into My holy city where I could dwell, where I could remain, where I could reign.
To you My son, who with your 'yes' you attracted not only My Most Holy Spouse with Her Graces from Heaven, but with your 'yes' you attracted Me, you attracted Me to come here to save these souls that I so love and want to sanctify.
Yes, your love drew me, conquered me, fell in love with you and I came with my Most Holy Wife to love, save and give My Grace to all.
Today I bless you and say: I am proud of you for the 'yes' given to me by Mary and with Mary, I am proud because in your works I was able to reflect my very powerful light to dispel the darkness of the life of these chosen souls, of these cities of mine.
Through your work, prayers, films, Rosaries and all that you have done for Mary, especially for the Hours that you have truly done for Me, I have been able to show and reveal to the world My Face of Love, My goodness. And so the souls knew Me, loved Me, approached Me, gave themselves to Me and banished from their hearts all fear, all fear of approaching Me.
Oh, thank you my son, today I bless you and I also bless you, my beloved son, Carlos Thaddeus, I am very happy with you for all that you have done for my Most Holy Wife Mary. Whatever you do for My Mystical Wife, you will do for Me.
Everything you say about her will result in glory and honor to Me, everything you give to Her you will give to Me. So I am very happy with you, because in the Cenacles you have done you have truly exalted My Mystical Wife and for Her I have also been exalted.
I thank you for transforming the souls of My children who go to your Cenacles into holy cities for Me. Yes, you are building, making beautiful holy cities in the souls and hearts of these My children all and in them I will come to dwell with all My grace and perform wonders.
Thank you My son, because in spite of suffering, in spite of having crosses to bear, in spite of your obligations of state you have loved Me, you have made holy cities for Me. And I can already truly glimpse many hearts that are becoming cities made of pure gold: of love, prayer, grace, conversion and holiness to please Me and I will be able to enter them and live and reign as absolute Lord of all.
And for each one of these souls, my son, you will be showered with beautiful crowns of glory that I prepare for you in heaven. And to prove a little more My gratitude I promise you: That every Monday at ten o'clock at night you will receive a special blessing from Me.
I will descend from Heaven with my Immaculate Wife, with Jesus, with many Angels and Saints, especially those most devoted to me. And I will bless you by showering upon you the fullness of my divine graces.
I love you and today once again I say to you: You are Mine and I am yours and I will always keep you and never leave you.
To you, my beloved children who have come today for the Feast of my Immaculate Wife who is also my Feast, for when you celebrate and honor Mary to me you are honoring.
To all of you I solemnly bless with Love from Nazareth, Jerusalem and Jacari.
Pray My Hour every Monday, pray the Rosary every day. There is no prayer that pleases Me more than the Rosary of Mary and there is no prayer for which I have formed more saints than the Rosary of my Immaculate Mary.
To all I give My Peace".
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children of mine, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, today you celebrate here the 26th anniversary of my apparitions to my beloved son Marcos.
It is 26 years of love, 26 years of the total giving of my Mother's Heart to you. It is 26 years of great tenderness and great mercy from my Heart to you.
My Apparitions Here are years of grace for you, so you must open your hearts to receive all these graces before the time of Mercy is over and I can no longer help you as much as now.
Open your hearts, let My flame of Love enter them and transform them completely. Do not put human obstacles, nor doubts, nor hesitations, nor selfishness, nor self-love to My Flame of Love. And then it will act powerfully in you transforming you into the holy cities that my God and Lord has just said He wants you to be.
I will transform you into these holy cities together with Him and then you will no longer live in yourself, but in God and God will live in you and you will finally be one as God wants.
My Apparitions Here are Years of Grace, so Here I have revealed My Maternal Love like never before in all humanity.
I gave you many powerful Rosaries and prayers, Holy Hours and through my little son Marcos, his work, everything he does to save you My Immaculate Heart truly realized in you the great miracle of conversion.
He made you know the true face of God, that is, His loving, merciful Face which He wants to save everyone. His just Face that will not spare from punishment those who do not want to hear the warnings and calls that He sends through Me.
You have known the kind and fatherly Heart of God who wants to save you all at all costs. Therefore My children, love this God of Love, correspond to Him, open your hearts to Him give your hearts to Him before the time of Mercy is over.
For I say to you: If it is terrible to fall into the hands of Jesus, much more terrible will it be to fall into the hands of the Eternal Father. So I tell you, do not hurt this Father anymore, do not make him angry anymore, do not disobey him anymore. But open your hearts to him, love him, obey him, do what he tells you to do through me.
And then you will truly give the Father all the honor, all the love and glory that He desires to receive from you.
My Apparitions Here in Jacareí are a time of grace like never before in human history. Here I have given you the greatest signs and the greatest graces. I have given you the most beautiful and loving messages. I also gave you the most powerful prayers to make you strong and invincible in the fight against my adversary and my enemy, and that you may be the greatest Saints the world has ever seen.
So, My little children, thank God for the many benefits He has given you through Me Here. Thank Him with your life, with works of love.
And above all, continue praying My Rosary, because through it I will transform you ever more into mystical and holy cities for Him where I too will reign as Lady, Mediatrix of all Graces, Corridor and Universal Queen.
Then, My Kingdom will be established on Earth, the Kingdom of the devil will fall and finally, a new time of Peace will come to the world. To all I look now, I cling to My Heart, I cover with My Cloak and I bless with love.
Especially to you Marcos, the most obedient and dedicated of My children, who 26 years ago gave Himself to Me in body and soul, like an innocent and pure Angel whom I carried in My arms, whom I nourished whom I formed and whom I made grow up here in the Grace and Love of God.
Yes, son, I have loved you, formed you, nourished you and made you grow to full stature and age in the grace of my son Jesus. You must feel happy because you were one of the few favorite souls in the world that I loved, formed, educated and made grow in the love for God taken by My own Hand.
Rejoice your heart and be glad you too, dear son Carlos Thaddeus, because I too have taken your hand, I have guided you, I have made you grow in the grace of My son Jesus, I have nourished you with My word with My Mother's Love and with My Grace.
And now to make you grow even more I will send you Bernadette and She will come to you every 18th of every month to give you a Message and to teach you the way of perfection, of holiness, so that you can truly give the Lord the maximum of honor and glory the satisfaction and return of all his graces like no one has ever done before.
That's why happy son your heart She will teach you the perfect way to please me as She pleased me. She was the daughter who loved Me the most and formed by her you will also love me with this same love. I bless you and thank you.
And I also thank you My beloved son Ricardo, thank you, for the beautiful Crown you have made for Me, this crown as My son Marcos said is the perfect image of the crown you have made for Me in your heart.
It is the perfect image of the mystical crown you have already made for Me in your heart: the crown of your love, your Rosaries, sacrifices and obedience.
Thank you little son for this crown that you offer to Me today, I promise you that one day I will put a crown of immortal glory on your head in eternal glory.
I will always be with you, I will never leave you and today I especially bless you with love and all My children of Fatima, Lourdes and Jacareí.
Thank you, thank you for coming, thank you my beloved son Carlos Tadeu, thank you for coming. You have been the best gift of My Appearances Anniversary this year.
Thank you also My dear son Ricardo and all My children who came from far away from all parts of Brazil, Europe, the world.
Thank you for coming and special thanks to my Portuguese, Mexican, and above all, my little daughter Veronica and my little daughter from Houston. Thank you for coming, thank you for comforting me, thank you for making me happy".