Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Marcos): Yes. Yes, I will. Yes. Yes, I will. Yes, Mama, I will. And when do you want these two? I will. And when do you want them? Yes, I will. And what years should the next books of Messages be? Yes, yes, I will.
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today I invite you all once again to grow in true love. To grow in true love you must strive and exercise yourself every day in the growth of love through many fervent prayers.
Also by renouncing what you desire so that you die to yourself. And so, may you open yourselves to the will of the Father and fulfill His loving desire in your lives.
My Flame of Love wants to enter your hearts, to accomplish great things in them. This flame will give you strength in your sufferings, it will give you magnanimity so that you may undertake great and hard things for God.
This flame will also give you wisdom so that you understand what God wants and fulfill this will in the best way possible.
This flame will give you all the virtues that will make you truly accurate, quick and ready to fulfill God's will.
My Flame of Love seeks hearts that are completely detached from the earth, free from all ties that bind the soul with worldly things and with creatures. In these souls My Flame of Love finds no obstacle in the soul, it finds nothing to stop it, nothing to hold it in the growth of Love for God and the flight of perfect love for God.
These souls are free from all ties with earthly things that My Flame of Love prefers. When she finds such a soul, free, completely free from everything that binds her and ties her to worldly things and creatures, My Flame of Love enters, does great things in the soul, fills her with an immense love for God, burns her with desires to serve and love God, to love Me and serve Me with all her heart.
And give this soul all the strength and all the courage it needs to fulfill God's Plan, His Will, to fulfill My Mother's Plan, and to do whatever is necessary for Me, even to tire for Me, to tire for Me and even to die for Me.
So when this flame finds a soul like this, free, it really accomplishes wonders in it. In some saints My flame of Love has found hearts like this, so it has been able to act powerfully in them and do things that other men could never do.
Who gave them this strength, this energy, was My flame of Love. It was like this with my Afonso de Ligório, with my João Bosco, with my Antônio Maria Claret, with my Luiz de Montfort and so many Saints.
Yes, My Flame of Love was the one who gave the Martyrs the courage they needed to die in defense of Holy Catholic Faith and rather lose their lives than lose Heaven, God's love and salvation.
It is My Flame of Love that must in these last times stir up the great and powerful apostles who will help Me prepare the world for the Second Coming of My Son Jesus who is closer than ever.
So open your hearts to My Flame of Love and let it in this new time that is given to you to work wonders in the hearts of all of you.
Pray, pray intensely because only those who pray a lot can feel possessed and have in their hearts the fullness of My Flame of Love.
In the soul that prays little My Flame of Love does not enter, does not act, not because I do not want to, but because the soul is closed to Me, its soul has a dead, indolent, pusillanimous attitude before My Flame of Love. And although My flame tries to enter her heart to revive it, to open it cannot, because the heart of this soul, of this person is full of earthly things.
And so, just as in a vessel full of earth you cannot pour out water, you cannot fill it, so too, in the heart that is bound to worldly things, My Flame of Love cannot enter, it cannot fill the heart of this person to its fullness.
So empty your hearts and I will fill them with My Flame of Love that will work within all of you great, powerful and copious wonders.
Continue praying My Rosary every day, continue doing My Thirtieth every month. Through them I can fill your hearts more and more with My flame of Love and make this flame more intense every day until it reaches its fullness.
Announce everywhere that the time has come, and now truly everyone must decide: to lose or win, to save or condemn themselves!
Now is the time for decision, the time has come and time matures, the fight now will go to the final stage and those who are not with me will be confused, will lose faith and salvation and will fall into the eternal flames.
Everyone must decide for Me, everyone must give their 'yes' definitively and break with everything that weakens My Flame of Love in their souls, everything that drives them away from Me and holds them back, that stops them on the path to holiness.
Now is the time when My enemy will truly attack the world more forcefully seeking to create all kinds of confusion, disorder and disturbances in humanity. The demons of hell will fight with him and I will fight with St. Michael, the faithful Angels and My faithful apostles on earth.
The fight will be hard My children and the demon will now do everything to deceive you, to drive you away from My Messages and to throw you into great confusion.
The temptations, the deceptive snares of Satan will increase, but those who are firmly, solidly grounded in Me will not be lost.
There will be people, traitorous Judas, who will announce to you great changes in the church, great changes in what the faithful must believe.
There will be great confusion, many will accept what is said as truth proclaimed by God and will take advantage of My son's silence and My silence to make others believe that their changes are desired and are even commanded by God.
But make no mistake! Remain firmly in Me, praying the Rosary, solidly in Me, praying the Rosary, living My Messages. And, above all, believing in the Dogmas that are immutable.
So My children, you will remain faithful and thanks to you, to your faithfulness to the truth of the Catholic Faith, that I keep here always intact, always pure, always protected from every mistake. I will be able to give My son Jesus a holy people in His return, and My son will still find the true Faith on earth when He returns.
Stay firmly united to Me, keep praying all the prayers I have given you Here, because those who pray them will never be confused and will never lose faith.
Pray My Rosary which is the invincible weapon of salvation that I have given you. The devil, hell cannot destroy My Rosary and that is why those who are firmly attached to My Rosary, praying it with love will be saved by Me.
Here, in this holy place where My Immaculate Heart is deeply consoled by My little son Marcos, who during all these years made for Me the most beautiful Meditated Rosaries, the Meditated Rosaries that I most love him, who made for Me the Hours of Prayer and also the videos of My Apparitions and the lives of the Saints to make all My Messages and the Saints more known and loved. Here I have an invincible spiritual fortress against which Satan can do nothing.
And all the souls who stay here, inside this spiritual fortress praying these prayers, these Meditated Rosaries, meditating on these Messages of My Apparitions that My son Marcos records and gives to you, will not be lost.
Therefore, My children, stand solidly in all this and make it known to My children, so that they too may stand solidly in Me and thus be able to withstand all the trials and all that Satan wants to do to throw everyone into confusion and make everyone lose their faith.
Truly I say: There is nothing that I love more than the Meditated Rosaries that My little son Marcos records for Me and gives to you, so that you may pray, feed your souls and be saved.
There is nothing that I love more than the prayers of this place that My son Marcos does. That is why My Heart is so comforted here and truly has an invincible, unshakable fortitude of faith, prayer and love for Me.
Come and be solidly united to this spiritual fortress and to the warrior that I chose and raised up to take you through the desert of the great apostasy of this time like the new Moses and together with my little Aaron, my little son Carlos Thaddeus who united with my little son Marcos to pray for you. And to help my son Marcos to lead your souls in this great desert to the promised land of the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
Then My children, one day you will see how much I have truly loved, cared for and protected your souls by preserving them from the contamination of today's apostasy. And how truly for all of you I was Mother, teacher of Love and refuge.
To all I now bless with love Lourdes, La Salette and Jacareí".
(Marcos): "Dear Heavenly Mother, would you be so kind as to touch those rosaries we have made for your beloved children?
(Mary Most Holy on the Rosaries she touched): "Dear children, as I have already said: Wherever one of these Rosaries arrives there I will be alive carrying the great graces of the Lord and of my Heart.
Above all, at the time of the great Punishment the houses where these Rosaries are as well as the people who take them with them will be protected by Me, the demons will not be able to enter these houses, nor will they be able to grab those who bring these Rosaries to take them with them into the eternal flames.
All this is the work of my great maternal love for all of you, keep these Rosaries with love and veneration, pray with them and you will receive great graces from my Heart.
Spread my apparitions more in Casanova and also in Fatima, these two apparitions like La Codosera, Ezquioga and Bonate cry out to Heaven for reparation and also revenge, because humanity did not obey what I said in Fatima, nor in Casanova. And that's why the great Punishments are about to fall upon all humanity.
For the next month I wish you to make Thirteen nº 10 and Setena nº 5, I wish you to pray more and make these My Prayers known to the whole world.
I wish that this month you pray Rosary 288 for 10 days in a row. And that you make this Rosary known to all My children so that they all pray this Rosary and fulfill the Messages that I gave and that are in it recorded by My little son Marcos.
To all I bless you now with love again, and I leave my peace. Good afternoon".