Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 1, 2017
New Year's Vigil

(Marcos) Yes. -Yes. I will. I will, and I thank the Lord and you for the grace of being able to serve them for another year of my life.
" - My children, I am the Mother of God, I am the Mother Dei, I am Teotokus. Today, when you celebrate me as the Mother of God, I come again to tell you: I am the true Mother of God! I gave birth to the one who is true God and true man, the savior of all humanity. I am the true generator of God because I did not only generate Jesus Christ as man, but also as God. And although He was eternal and had neither beginning nor end, He was begotten by me in time. Therefore, I am the true Mother of God.
I am the only one, the only creature who can say with the Father: I have begotten the same Son in common with the Eternal Father.
That is why, today on my feast day, I come to say to you: Have confidence in my power, in my power as Mother of God. For my Son who received flesh and blood from me, the human substance to become man in my womb, loves me! He loves me as his own glory. And for this reason, grant me also all that I want and ask of him.
I am the true Mother of God, united to Him in this mystery of love that has made me His tabernacle, His living temple. As so many Saints have said, enlightened by the grace of the Holy Spirit, God dwelt in my bosom, kept with me the identity of a nature.
And though we were two, we were one Heart in the flame of love of the Holy Spirit.
And while I gave Jesus my maternal substance and made my blood circulate in his body, he gave me ever more participation in his divinity by making his divine grace circulate through my entire soul and my entire Heart.
And while I gave Jesus my flesh and blood so that later he would sacrifice it on the cross for your salvation, Jesus gave me ever more a deep participation in his love, in his divine grace that transformed me all into him and made me truly one with him in love.
So my children, I reign in heaven over the Heart of my Son and He does not deny me anything as much as I ask of Him. So whoever wants the grace of salvation comes to me! I will ask my Son and my Son will save the one for whom I ask. Whoever wants any grace, whether spiritual or temporal, comes to me! For whatever my Son asks of me he will not deny, and many of his graces he himself has already given to me to give to whomever he pleases and as he pleases, for I am his Mother, Queen of Heaven and Earth and kingdom over the Heart and possessions of my Son.
So have confidence in me! My Immaculate Heart will triumph because I am the Mother of God and he who is the King of Heaven and Earth and who governs everything, will accomplish my triumph for the greater glory of his name, for the greater joy of my Heart, for the greater justification of the righteous and for the greater salvation of so many souls who are in danger of eternal damnation. For the salvation of humanity so that it may truly become a garden of grace and holiness of the Most Holy Trinity.
I am the Mother of God, I am Mater Dei, I am Teotokus. Therefore my children, nothing, nothing can stop my Immaculate Heart from triumphing. Believe and pray firmly! Above all my Rosary, every day. And this year you will see the great wonders of my Immaculate Heart happening in your lives.
The reason many do not see my graces in their lives is because they do not trust in my power. Where if you believe that I can do everything with the Heart of my Son, there I will make great graces. Where if I pray my Rosary with faith and trust in my power, I will make great graces from the Lord.
And pray with this trust for the conversion of humanity. Because this year my children, while I prepare great graces for you, the sins of the world are preparing many punishments for the world. These sins call for vengeance to Heaven every day. They are sins of violence, of murder, of abortion, of adultery, of impurity, of immorality, of fornication, of apostasy, of the loss of souls, of mistakes that are taught incessantly inside and outside the churches. For all this, because of the immoral life that the people have led far from God and offending God, great punishments are prepared for the world.
Pray that I may stop you and that I may pour out upon you new and abundant graces from my flame of love. To achieve this, I hope that already this month the thirteen you pray will be number nine. I want you to pray the thirteen number nine from today until the thirteenth day, and to offer this thirteen primarily so that the punishments for the sins of the people may be cancelled and that I may achieve mercy.
And the Setena that I want you to pray is number six. So, by offering a great power of prayer and intercession, you will help me to ward off so many evils that hang over the world so that I may bring you grace, mercy and peace.
I want to bring a new harvest of grace into the world. For this, I ask you to pray and not to put obstacles in the way of my flame of love to act in this new year. And then my children, truly my flame of love will work powerfully in you and through you in the rest of the world to transform it into a garden of grace and love of my Immaculate Heart.
I want you to grow more in my flame of love this year. To do this, repeat the unceasing act of love that has been taught to you here so that my flame of love may grow in you. And above all, my children, meditate this month of January on all the messages I gave you last year, especially those of my flame of love so that you can open your hearts to it and truly allow it to enter your hearts and make my work happen in them.
Get ready! For great graces are prepared for those who say yes definitively to my Heart and choose me as their treasure, their life and everything.
Continue praying my Rosary every day. Today with love I bless you from Lourdes, from Fatima, and from Jacareí".
(Marcos) "Dear Heavenly Mother, would you be so kind as to touch these rosaries that we have made for your children?
(Mary Most Holy about the Rosaries touched by Her): "My dear children, as I have said other times, wherever these Rosaries touched by Me arrive I will be alive, carrying the great graces of the Lord and of my Immaculate Heart.
Wherever these Rosaries are there my protection will be, above all, in the time of Punishment. These Rosaries will be like the blood of the Lamb at the door of the Israelites and where there was that blood the Punishment could not wound that house.
So too, the house that has these Rosaries touched by Me, this house will not be touched by the Punishments of the Wrath of God when the time of the great Punishment comes.
And the demons will not be able to enter the house where these Rosaries are to grab any of its inhabitants to carry them into the eternal flames.
This is another gift of the love of my Immaculate Heart for all my children whom I love so much.
To all again I now bless and leave My Peace. Good Morning!"