Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Message from São Geraldo

(St. Gerard): Dear brothers, I, Gerard, rejoice in coming today on My feast day to give you My Message.
"I love you with all my heart. Never, never have I loved anyone so much as I have loved you! I protect you from all evils, I deliver you from all dangers, and every day I keep you more and more in the love of God and the Mother of God.
Be, be burning flames of love for the Mother of God, tongues of fire that truly love her with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their being and do everything to fulfill and do her will.
Be flames of love, tongues of fire that truly burn the hearts of all for the Lord and for the Mother of God as I myself did.
Be tongues of fire that wherever they go and pass by burn the hearts of all for the Rosary of the Mother of God and do everything so that all may pray the Rosary which is a sure means of salvation.
Yes, My Rosary, My Rosary could be much more than a thousand sermons. So I prayed it ardently every day, I recommended it to all sinners and people who came knocking at my door in the convent. And I didn't miss the opportunity in the missions, walking through the towns and villages, I didn't miss the opportunity to talk about it to everyone as much as I could.
I gave them all the Rosaries I could and made them all truly burn with love for the Holy Rosary and pray it fervently.
Do this too and you will see the miracle of conversion, of the transformation of so many hearts, especially in this year that belongs to Our Blessed Queen, who is consecrated to her, and who will be marked by a great and powerful presence of her and of all the Saints who have loved her Rosary most on the face of the earth.
Be flames, burning tongues of fire, that wherever they go they speak of God's love, of this Mother's love burning them and reducing them to docility, reducing them to passion, to falling in love with Her. And through her, from our Queen to the Lord, to fall in love with the Lord.
And then, truly in this time of Grace you will see how a great spiritual springtime will cover the whole face of the earth. And holy souls will emerge to give God and the Mother of God the love they so desire and seek.
In Me, the Lord and the Mother of God have found that deep, tender, filial, uninterested Love that they seek all over the world and do not find.
If you want this Love I can give it to you. Come therefore to me, give me your heart, desire this love with all your strength, beseech me ardently for this Love. And I will give it to you because this grace is the greatest will of the Father, it will be the realization of his plan of Love and the coming of his Kingdom of Love on earth.
You, whom I love so much and love more and more each day, truly I have guarded, protected and delivered from all evil. Be grateful for this great grace that the Lord and the Mother of God have given you here, giving your hearts to them and living solely to give to them: love, obedience, faithfulness.
To you Marcos, call unceasingly Love, new passerello di Dio, new madman of God's love, new bridegroom of the Immaculate, I bless you now abundantly. And I also bless you, my very dear and most beloved Carlos Thaddeus, whom I love so much, whom I have helped, guarded and protected. To whom I also have the mission to guard and deliver from all evil.
To you, dear brother, whom I always have before my eyes, whose life is always before me, whose name never leaves my lips because I pray, intercede for you and proclaim your cause in heaven night and day without ceasing.
To you, who are truly a gift, a precious gift from the Mother of God to our beloved Marcos, to be for him support, strength, companion, faithful friend. To be truly a refuge, a light for him. To be for him advice, strength and, above all, affection and love in these times of so much apostasy, of so much Satan's darkness, when the righteous suffer so much for seeing the hardness of people's hearts, to the point of almost discouraging them in battle.
Yes, you are for him all this, and Marcos will be for you truly, support, strength, company, friendship, love, affection. And above all, he will be for you a sign of the great love that the Mother of God has for you.
I bless, protect, love and I say to you, brother dearest, go ahead, never be discouraged; I am with you! Your cross per hour is heavy as mine was, but just as I triumphed in the end, you too will triumph.
You will never lack My grace, nor My love, nor My help. And as long as God is God I will never leave you, I will never abandon you. Call me in all your afflictions, in all your sufferings, and I will be there with you to love, help and console you.
You are Mine, I also have a part in you, that is, I also protect you, I keep you and you have been entrusted to me by the Mother of God to accompany you.
Fear not, therefore, if on earth I was already so powerful to help those who turned to Me, thousands and thousands of times more I am in heaven. And I say to you brother: There is no other whom I love more and desire to help more than you.
In the love of my dearest Marcos, you will also feel mine well, who will always try to love you, help you and help you. Come rest in Me always, put your head back in My Image and you will feel from Me much peace, much hope, serenity, joy and love.
And in the Cenacles speak of Me, so that the souls, above all, the young people may fall in love with Me and through Me fall in love with the One whom I loved, to whom I gave all my life, who was my sweet bride in Heaven, the Immaculate One.
Because then, in love with her they will give their lives joyfully for her, and then it will be the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart in the world. And she will finally come into the world, a time of happiness, perpetual grace and lasting peace.
To all and especially to you My dear brothers who have left everything to be all of the Immaculate as I am. To you who are the continuation of My life, to you who have been chosen to be all of Mary, Her chosen race, Her royal descendants.
You who have been called to dwell in the Queen's Palace, to enter her royal chambers and eat with Her at Her table.
To you who have been so loved, I lovingly bless and to all of you, my beloved pilgrim brothers of this Shrine that I love so much, I bless Muro Lucano, Matedomini and Jacareí.
I love my beloved Marcos and his Father Carlos Thaddeus more and more every hour. Saturday coming I will return here with Luzia and with Our Queen to give you a new Message.
Dear Brothers, remain in the Peace of the Lord".
(Marcos): "Thank you My Queen, may you also touch them? Thank you My Mother. Yes."
(Mary Most Holy): "My dear children, I have blessed these Scapulars to be placed in your homes.
The house that has them will be like the Israeli people who had the blood of the lamb at the door, where the scourge of God did not enter.
With this Scapular you will be protected by Me in times of punishment and the demons will not be able to enter your houses to do you harm.
All manner of graces will descend into the houses and places where these scapulars are".
(Marcos): "See you soon Mama, see you soon Geraldo mine".