Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today I invite all of you once again to expand your hearts to My flame of love, so that it may enter and grow in your hearts to the fullness. So that God's plan of salvation, God's plan of sanctification for each of you can finally be fulfilled.
The time has come when My Secrets will happen and everyone who does not have My flame of love in their heart to the full. Whoever has not truly sanctified himself will not enter the New Heaven and Earth, the Kingdom of Our United Hearts that is coming for you.
Therefore, My children, now that there is little time left to expand your hearts at once, so that I may pour My flame of Love into them. So that it may truly work in you the true conversion and sanctification of you. So that you may be considered worthy of the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart and of the new time of Peace that will come upon the whole earth.
There is little time left, use the last hours of the day to truly accomplish your conversion and sanctification, before it gets dark and the hour of darkness comes that will precede the dawn of the new day of the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
Now My Secrets must be fulfilled from La Salette, Fatima, Bonate to arrive here in Jacareí. You do not know what awaits you, you do not know what God will send. When you come, it will be too late.
Unhappy are those who left to believe in My apparitions at the last minute, unhappy are those who did not want to believe, by the time they want to believe it will be too late. The great sign that I will give one day to confirm My Words will be a reward for those who believed and will be a punishment for those who did not believe, it will be too late for them.
Blessed are those who have believed. Who with pure, innocent and simple hearts welcomed My Words, vibrated and rejoiced in joy, in love with My Words. And they put My Words into practice even without having seen these Words come out of My lips.
Happy are those who rejoiced in My Signs, who rejoiced in My Words, and who were able to produce fruits from My Words. For truly for them the hour of the Sign will be an hour of rejoicing and joy, and the hour of Punishment will not frighten them.
Because they will have their consciences reassured, they will know within themselves that they have done all they can for Me. They will produce fruits from each of My Words, who have meditated on them in their hearts with love every day.
For these simple, pure, innocent and humble souls My Words are extraordinary because they meditated on them with love. But for those who have treated My Words as dust, as ashes, as a thing or a piece of junk. For those who treated My Words like dust, like ashes, like something or something, My Words will make sense, but for them it will be too late, they will no longer have the light to understand them, to live them, they will no longer have time.
For all those who judged My Messages meaningless, at that time they will make sense, but they will no longer have time to fulfill them, to live them, it will be too late.
So, My children, you who understand the meaning of My Words, you who truly understand the greatness of My Words, dilate your hearts now that it is time for this, so that My flame of love may come in and truly do wonders for you.
Be My incessant flames of love as is My little son Marcos, as is your spiritual father Carlos Thaddeus, My beloved son whom I am also forming and guiding through My little son Marcos, to be an incessant flame of love of My Immaculate Heart.
Be these flames too, expanding your hearts to My Flame of Love at once, so that at last My Plan of Love may be realized in the lives of all of you.
Marcos, My incessant flame of love, you drew a painful sword of pain that had been stuck in My Heart for more than 60 years with this film you made of My Appearance at Bonate. You made a work of incalculable merit in the eyes of God and in My eyes.
That is why I truly give you so many graces, so many blessings from My Heart. I also crown your words and your work done for love of Me with so many signs, healings and wonders. Because truly my son, you are worthy of this and of many other things still.
You took, you took a sword of deep pain from My Heart, it is true, but My Heart still bleeds as I told you yesterday. It bleeds with pain because many of My children still do not know Bonate, do not live My Messages of Bonate and do not make reparation and displease to Bonate, to Me, to My little daughter Adelaide, making these My Messages known.
It's time, it's Bonate time now! You must together with My little son Marcos stop the bleeding pain of My Heart making Bonate more known now than ever. So take this film that My little son Marcos made, to defend and propagate this My Appearance and give it to the thousands for all My children to know and love Me.
When Catholic families know the Message of Bonate and begin to pray the Rosary together, united. Finally, Satan will be defeated in the Catholic families and they will return to produce holy vocations as was the family of My son Geraldo Majella, of My Dominic Savio, as was the family of My daughter Teresinha of Lisieux and of so many other saints.
Yes, there are no more good religious vocations because prayer has disappeared from Catholic families. The flower of prayer and holiness in Catholic families has died, it has been killed by television programs, movies, magazines, dances, immoral feasts. For the culture of immorality that is spreading in these bad days, in these bad times in which you live.
And because of this, religious vocations have become scarce until they almost disappear completely, good religious vocations, because the bad, the false, the rotten vocations are now in the church.
It is necessary that families truly produce Saints again, to produce good religious vocations in children again. And this will only happen again when Catholic families pray My Rosary again, believing in My apparitions as they believed in the past in Lourdes, La Salette, Fatima, Guadalupe. In my apparitions to my Ruan Diego, to Bartololongo, in my apparitions on Sundays of Gusmão. And so, finally, the world will be freed from Satan's domination of families.
When the Rosary is loved again, becomes the center of families again, then Satan will be defeated in families, the moral destruction of youth, children and families will end.
And then, true mystical roses of love, sacrifice, penance, prayer will emerge. They will see religious life as it truly is: the most sublime life, the most extraordinary life, the happiest life, the most desirable life, the most precious life that can be on the face of the earth. That it makes souls live more like Angels than men.
Then I will truly have a great rose garden of true mystical religious souls: of prayer, sacrifice, love and penance. That will enchant the eyes of the Holy Trinity, that will enchant the Angels of Heaven with their candor, their love, their holiness of life.
And these souls, will attract to the whole world the great miracle of the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart with their prayers, with their whole life embalmed, all perfumed by the most varied virtues of holiness.
Then the infernal empire will be destroyed in the world and My Heart will reign with no chance of rivals. Therefore, My children, spread My Message of Bonate, so that families may return to produce saints of the past, holy religious vocations.
And so, may the world be saved once again by the powerful intervention of your Heavenly Mother, your Heavenly Mother who came down to Bonate to call all families to My Rosary.
And who appeared Here in Jacareí, to the person and work of My incessant flame of love, My little son Marcos, to resurrect Bonate. And finally to make the Message of Bonate reach all families to save them from all that Satan plans against them.
I am particularly grateful to all those who helped My little son Marcos by publicizing the film he made of My Apparitions in Bonate. Blessed are those souls who make this My Apparition known to the world, because they, like My little son Marcos, have a great treasure in Heaven.
Be My incessant flames of love praying My Rosary every day and all the prayers that I have given you Here, because through them I make My Flame of Love penetrate more and more and grow in your hearts to fullness.
And as for you Marcos, My unceasing flame of love, continues loving me to madness. You have only one right, the right to love Me until madness and I also have only one desire and one will always love you until madness.
And so, we both went mad in one living flame of love will produce together your love and mine, the great Miracle of the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the whole world.
You My son, with your flame of love for Me, have already conquered almost every country in the world for Me, 190 countries. You have made My Message reach all these nations. It is a great, great triumph of You and Me.
But there are still many My children left in these nations who do not yet know Me, and if not because of you, your work and all those who help you will be hopelessly lost. Therefore, My son goes on, goes on seeking these My children and bringing them to Me as I asked you in the second Apparition.
And may My good children help you to do this. And so, in this way My Heart will end up triumphing in all nations and in all souls. And so, at last, My Kingdom of Love will establish itself on Earth.
My unceasing flame of love will go with your spiritual father, my beloved son Carlos Thaddeus. And also with all those who want to offer their lives with you Here to be one flame of love with you.
Go My unceasing flame of love and keep burning all souls with this flame. Keep on lighting this flame in every heart that wants it.
Keep singing your eternal song of love to Me, a song that will never cease and that you will continue to sing it in eternity with the Angels forever, to Me.
I bless you with love and all My children now, also your spiritual father Carlos Thaddeus to whom I will send another Message on the 7th.
And to all My children, with love now from Bonate, Montichiari and Jacareí".
(Saint Rosalia): "Dear brothers My, I Rosalia, I rejoice to come today once again from Heaven, to bless you and to tell all of you: Be an incense of love for the Mother of God.
Praying with the heart every day, expanding your hearts more and more for Her with love, so that Her Flame of Love may truly enter, grow in your hearts to fullness and realize all the divine plans that the Lord and She have made for you.
Be the incense of love for the Mother of, consuming yourselves, that is, burning yourself every day like an incense on the altar of Her Immaculate Heart. Living each day more in love, depending more and more on Her love, praying more and more with love for Her, spreading Her messages more and more with love.
And above all, radiating with the word, with the example and life of each one of you, flaming Her love. Showing everyone how great this Mother's love is for all Her children, how great is Her affliction and concern for Her children who are getting lost. So that everyone may feel the flame of her love, receive this flame and let this flame grow in their hearts.
Be an incense of love for the Mother of God, truly giving your 'yes' to Her, living this 'yes' more and more and truly being continually 'yes' to Her and to God.
There is no more time to waste, dilate your hearts to Her Flame of Love so that truly She will grow in your hearts. And the first step is to abandon once and for all, the prayer that is just a cold repetition of words, to truly pray with the heart opening the soul and heart completely to Her Flame of Love.
Run away from the world, run away from Sodom and do not look back, because as Our beloved Marcos said today: He who looks back will be left behind.
There is little time left now for Her heart to truly triumph, not to lose the crown, not to lose the prize that is prepared for you. Be strong, persevering, firm until the end in obedience to Her messages and to the Lord.
And so, truly, I too will be able to receive you triumphant, victorious in the heavenly abodes to crown you with that crown that the Lord and the Mother of God prepare for you.
I, Rosalia, love you all very much, I am with each one of you and I accompany each one of you every day on your journey to Heaven.
Marcos, my unceasing flame of love, unceasing flame of love from Heaven. It continues to spread true devotion to Us, the Saints of God, which has been so damaged and destroyed by bad priests, Protestantism and all those who despise and diminish the value that the Saints have.
Continue spreading true devotion to Us. Because the more souls love us, the more they will love God, who raised us up to be models and bright stars in the midst of the darkness of the world to show the true way to Heaven.
And the more souls know and love Us the more they will understand the Gospel, because Our life is the Gospel translated into deeds, it is the word of God translated into deeds, in a way that even little children can understand.
Therefore, keep spreading Our lives, Our Messages to everyone, because the more we are known, the more God will be known and will reign in the hearts of all people.
Great, great merit is yours for having made the movies of Our Lives, for having spread Our Lives in so many ways, sceneries, Hours of Prayer and by all the means that you have been able to until today. Because of this, you have plucked many souls out of the clutches of Satan and you will keep on plucking them out.
And truly, the power of hell in the end will finally be overthrown and Heaven will triumph. It will triumph Here, in this Place, which is the true School of Holiness, home of the Saints, a luminous beacon, Sun to illuminate humanity totally dominated and overwhelmed by Satan's darkness.
Keep on flaming with love! I love you and I am with you guarding and protecting you every day.
And equally, I guard and protect everyone you love, everyone who loves you. And especially, I keep and protect your spiritual father Carlos Thaddeus, whom I love very much, and I am also one of his holy protectors.
To all I bless with Love now from Palermo, Catania and Jacari".