Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I invite you all to love My Rosary more.
Times are bad and My enemy is more and more plotting an infallible plan to overthrow you in some sin and make you lose your salvation and turn away from Me.
It's easy to defeat Satan, with the Rosary it's easy to defeat his snares. That's why, pray My Rosary every day My children, so that, day after day, Satan will lose more and more power and influence in your life and his snares will fall one by one on the ground.
Even with the sins you have never stop praying My Rosary, because the Rosary is the only thread that still links the sinner to Me.
As long as the Rosary is prayed no sinner is lost and I promise to achieve all the graces, so that any sinner, even the worst, will be converted, free of all his sins, do penance and die in God's friendship.
Pray My Rosary this is one of the greatest truths and one of the most important Messages that I came here to Jacareí to give to all of you My children.
Love, pray, spread My Rosary which is a sure way of salvation. The Rosary is the golden chain that binds Me to you and binds you to Me. A chain that My enemy cannot break, nor cut and that only you can interrupt with laziness, bad will and contempt, the abandonment to the prayer of My Rosary.
Pray My Rosary little children, and then you will see how My Flame of Love will work powerfully in you and in your life changing and renewing everything.
Pray the Rosary with your heart and in your life, in the family of each one of you one day my Immaculate Heart will triumph.
To all I bless with love from Lourdes, Fatima and Jacareí".
(St. Lucy): "Dear brothers My, I, Lucia, Lucy of Syracuse rejoice in being with you once again Here.
"Love the Rosary of the Mother of God, spread it to Him and never stop praying it. Satan's greatest victory is when the sinner after sin begins to doubt whether the prayer of his Rosary still has value before God and the Mother of God.
Then he enters the spiral of doubt, he begins to sink into despair, into the despair of salvation, then he begins to weaken, he begins to look at the world, at his vices. And if you turn to them and seek them, then Satan, finally finished winning everything, finished winning that soul.
Always after a sin the first thing you have to do is to take the Rosary, to pray the Rosary, asking for all the graces of God and the Mother of God so that you will stand up, walk again on the road of holiness always forward without looking back.
If you do this, then you will overcome Satan and humiliate him with the prayer of the Rosary trusting in the Mother of God and turning to the Mother of God who is the terror of demons and Satan's greatest enemy.
The Rosary is the prayer the devil fears, the devil hates the Rosary and cannot stand the power of the Rosary. That is why the sinner who prays it can be sure that he will rise, recover lost grace and find God's mercy through his Mother.
Dilate your hearts even more to receive the Flame of Love from the Mother of God with fervent prayers, continuous acts of love. And, above all, seeking more and more each day to renounce something to which you are attached or which you are still enslaved.
Above all, my dear brothers, renounce worldly feasts, worldly programs and dedicate more time to prayer, meditation so that your hearts are filled with the grace that God only grants to those who pray.
The person who does not pray, the soul who does not pray is like an empty, uninhabited house. It is like a house made under the soft earth. The rains of trials and temptations come, the floods of suffering, of crosses, of sins, of temptations. And soon that house collapsed because its foundation was made under the sand and it was also empty, there was no one to guard it, nor to reinforce its walls.
So guard your house, that is, your soul, the true faith, the Catholic faith in your soul. With many prayers, acts of love, meditations and praying at least three hours a day, singing with the heart and with joy so that Satan will not prevail over you.
Hurry up your conversion, because on a cold night for the Northern Hemisphere and a warm night for the Southern Hemisphere, the great Punishment will begin, a great darkness will cover all the Earth, the Sun will not rise and the demons will howl out of hell and come to fetch all those who do not want to hear Our Calls.
Have with you always the Blessed Rosary or touched by the Mother of God Here, the blessed candles, the water from Her Source. Because all this, all these sacramentals on the day of punishment will be your greatest defense, the greatest shield that the Mother of God will put on you.
And so, as She appeared covering Our beloved Marcos, Our incessant Flame of Love and His beloved father Carlos Thaddeus, Our precious jewel from Heaven with His Cloak.
In the same way, She will cover with the same Cloak of Light all those who have these sacramentals and who pray Her Rosary with Love every day,
These will be covered by the Cloak of the Mother of God and Satan will not even be able to see them, much less touch them.
That is why dear brothers: Pray, pray, pray until prayer becomes your life and your life becomes prayer.
I bless you all with love from Catania, Syracuse and Jacari".